In a follow-up to a story we published Nov. 30, MontgomeryAdvertiser reports from Alabama some state probate officials continue to impede registration of manufactured homes belonging to undocumented aliens despite a federal court issuing a temporary restraining order through Dec.7 blocking that part of the Alabama law. Section 30 of House Bill 56 forbids any state transactions with illegal immigrants, which also means the state could not accept fines imposed for failure to register a manufactured home. The Southern Poverty Law Center said nine people in six counties had been denied MH registration decals since the order. The initial deadline was Nov. 30, but Revenue Commissioner Julie Magee has extended the deadline for registration to Dec. 31, beyond the Dec. 7 restraining order. She has issued a memorandum to all county officials that states: “Under no circumstances is a State or county official or employee to make a determination as to whether an alien is lawfully present in the United States.”