In a July 10, 2023 press release by the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) to MHProNews and others in manufactured housing trade and mainstream media, MHARR recounts the toplines of their meeting with HUD Assistant Secretary and Federal Housing Commissioner, Julia Gordon. Per MHARR, their meeting covered zoning and the still unenforced enhanced federal preemption issue, the need for competitive financing on HUD Code manufactured homes, and the looming Department of Energy (DOE) energy rule among other issues detailed below.
- Part I of this article will include the entire MHARR press release, including related hotlinks not found in their email.
- Part II of this report with analysis will include a look at how others in manufactured housing trade media have dealt with, or not, this MHARR press release.
- Part III will provide additional information with more MHProNews analysis and commentary in brief.
- Part IV will be the Daily Business News on MHProNews’ signature left-right ‘market moving’ headlines recap, and the actual data on manufactured housing connected stocks, real estate investment trusts (REITs), and publicly traded equities.
Part I
JULY 10, 2023
MHARR Washington officials, on June 29, 2023, met with HUD Assistant Secretary and Federal Housing Commissioner, Julia Gordon. Ms. Gordon is the HUD appointed official with direct supervisory authority over both the federal manufactured housing program and Federal Housing Administration (FHA)-supported lending for manufactured home consumer loans. In a wide-ranging discussion, MHARR addressed a number of significant industry concerns with the Assistant Secretary.
At the outset, MHARR reiterated its view that production and sales of inherently affordable HUD Code manufactured homes are being artificially and significantly suppressed by three main factors – discriminatory zoning exclusion; a nearly complete lack of federal support for manufactured home consumer chattel lending; and looming excessive and high-cost federal energy regulation. In turn, MHARR addressed each of these major pending issues (and more) with Assistant Secretary/Commissioner Gordon.
- Renewed Attack on Discriminatory and Exclusionary Zoning Laws Targeting Manufactured Housing and Manufactured Housing Consumers
MHARR stressed that HUD, in the wake of the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 and its enhanced federal preemption, does, in fact, have the legal authority and power to prevent localities from discriminatorily excluding HUD Code manufactured homes. That authority was expressly confirmed by key congressional proponents of the 2000 Reform Law in a 2003 communication to then-HUD Secretary Mel Martinez, emphasizing that enhanced preemption was designed and intended to allow HUD to negate the discriminatory exclusion of both manufactured homes and manufactured homeowners from American communities.
Given the fact that no state or local government would dare discriminate against homeowners based on race, religion, nationality, or a host of other prohibited factors, and given the fact that today’s modern, affordable and energy-efficient manufactured homes are otherwise equal to – or better than – other homes in terms of quality and cost-effective performance, zoning discrimination targeting federally-regulated manufactured housing must inevitably revolve around one factor. And that factor is that manufactured homes are constructed in accordance with a cost-saving (and fully-enforced) federal code, versus the International Residential Code and International Building Code (and variants thereof) enforced against site-built and other types of factory-built housing at the state and local level.
Given this undeniable reality, MHARR officials emphasized to the Assistant Secretary that HUD not only has an obligation, but an affirmative duty to stand up for its own federal code and the manufactured homes that are built to that code.
In accordance with this duty and both the express language of the enhanced preemption provision of the 2000 Reform Law and the legislative history of that provision, MHARR urged HUD to revisit its position on zoning preemption and take strong action to prevent such extremely damaging discrimination from continuing. Such action can and should – if necessary – include legal action (and resort to the highest federal court(s) necessary) in order to stop baseless zoning discrimination against manufactured housing consumers.
- Improving Availability and Competition in Manufactured Home Consumer Financing
MHARR officials next addressed consumer financing and the baseless absence of federal support for manufactured home personal property (chattel) lending. While Assistant Secretary Gordon does not have authority over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac which still — after 15 years — have failed to implement the Duty to Serve (DTS) mandate with respect to manufactured home chattel loans, she does have authority over the FHA Title I program for federally-supported manufactured home chattel consumer loans. That program, however, as acknowledged in 2022 by Ginnie Mae (the independent Title I guarantor), has withered away to negligible levels of lending activity, due to Ginnie Mae’s excessive and unnecessary “10-10” rule, which has needlessly discouraged smaller, independent lenders from participating in the Title I program.
Ginnie Mae, however, in 2022, issued a Request for Input (RFI) concerning Title I and steps that could be taken to revitalize that program, including possible changes to the 10-10 rule. MHARR, at that time, reiterated its longstanding call for either the elimination or substantial modification of the “10-10” rule. In response to inquiries by MHARR, the Commissioner indicated that Ginnie Mae could take further action in this area by the end of 2023. MHARR strongly encouraged such steps by Ginnie Mae and FHA to revitalize the Title I program, to help increase competition and lower interest rates paid by chattel loan consumers.
- Scrapping the Devastating DOE Energy Rule
Beyond zoning and consumer financing matters, MHARR addressed the destructive impact that impending U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) energy standards are having on the manufactured housing market and both the production and availability of affordable manufactured homes for American consumers of affordable housing. Among other things, MHARR emphasized that since the announcement of the final DOE energy rule, manufactured home production and sales had collapsed by nearly one-third, and continue at levels that are far below those seen in recent years.
MHARR stressed that the DOE standards, by law, were required to have been developed fully in conjunction with both HUD and the Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee (MHCC), but were not. Accordingly, MHARR has always maintained that the DOE “final” standards are illegitimate, in violation of multiple provisions of applicable law, and should be withdrawn while both HUD and DOE go “back to the drawing board,” to develop standards that are both cost-effective and appropriate for affordable manufactured housing. In response, Assistant Secretary Gordon indicated that HUD anticipated publishing a proposed energy rule of its own (presumably based on 2022 recommendations by the MHCC), along with regulatory compliance and enforcement criteria, by the end of 2023. Regardless of any such action by HUD, however, MHARR continues to maintain that the current DOE final energy standards must be withdrawn before they destroy the essential and fundamental affordability of HUD Code manufactured homes.
When that proposed rule is published, it will be carefully scrutinized by MHARR, which will file and comments and, if necessary, take other steps to ensure that any manufactured housing energy standards – published by HUD or any other federal agency – are cost-effective and fully in compliance with all applicable law.
- Chassis Removal in Sen. Tim Scott’s Draft “ROAD to Housing” Act
Finally, MHARR apprised the Assistant Secretary of its serious concerns with the draft “ROAD to Housing Act” released recently by South Carolina Senator (and 2024 presidential candidate) Tim Scott. While MHARR has begun an in-depth review and analysis of this draft, a recent report by industry journal MHProNews, has raised serious questions about the potential minefields that could be opened by consideration of the draft bill during the legislative process and thereafter, during the related regulatory process. And while MHARR’s preliminary findings are consistent with these areas of concern, the Association will nevertheless support the removal of the ”built on a permanent chassis” requirement only – i.e., the removal of those five words from the statutory (and corresponding regulatory) definition only, with no other changes of either addition, deletion, or modification.
Given such serious concerns and the minefields that could be opened by this legislative “draft,” MHARR asked the Assistant Secretary if HUD had a position on the draft, particularly in light of HUD’s strenuous opposition (both legislatively and legally) to a similar attempt to remove the same clause prior to the enactment of the comprehensive reforms of the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000. While the Assistant Secretary indicated that HUD would be unlikely to take a position on “draft” legislation that has not yet been introduced, MHARR nevertheless stressed the importance of ensuring that any removal of the “permanent chassis” provision is accompanied by legislative and regulatory guarantees to ensure that no other element(s) of the statutory or regulatory definition are changed.
MHARR will continue to carefully monitor these and other upcoming developments affecting the federal regulation of manufactured housing and related costs, going forward.
cc: Other Interested HUD Code Manufactured Housing Industry Members
Part II – How Others in Manufactured Housing Trade Media Reported, or Not, the MHARR Press Release Above
As of 6 PM ET, had no mention of the MHARR press release, posted above. More on that further below in 1.
As of 6 PM ET,’s MHInsider has no mention of the MHARR press release, posted above. More on that further below in 2.
As of 6 PM ET, George Allen’s blog has no mention of the MHARR press release of 7.10.2023. More on that further below too in 3.
Others will be noted too.
In several respects, the case could be made that had as its primary early clients members of the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR). When manufactured housing production and shipments were rising in 2022, cited MHARR’s production reports. So they obviously understand that MHARR makes their content available to others in industry trade media. Here is how MHARR’s offer to reprint their content is stated by MHARR in a recent emails.
- a) The “MHARR Washington Update” is available for re-publication in whole or in part without further permission and with proper attribution to MHARR.
- b) “MHARR-Issues and Perspectives” is available for re-publication in full (i.e., without alteration or substantive modification) without further permission and with proper attribution. had previously used MHARR reported data when production was rising, for instance, in 2022. So, they clearly know about MHARR’s offer and conditions, because they have availed themselves of MHARR-supplied content.
But when manufactured housing production began to nosedive, apparently stopped providing MHARR production reports.
In particular, it is noteworthy that has no mention of MHARR’s June report of April 2023 data.
Perhaps as or more troubling for a source that claims to be “definitive” in their reporting, they also failed to publicize MHARR’s latest press release. But in stark contrast to skipping mention of MHARR-raised news issues, does mention the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI), in several 2023 reports, including recent ones. This despite the fact that MHI member producers were supposedly Johnny come Lately’s to What’s up with those guys? Where is Brad Nelm’s and loyalty to MHARR and its members?
Somewhat distinct from apparently sly MHI-member blogger George Allen, doesn’t directly attack MHARR and its themes.
But when it comes to apparently deftly choosing sides on issues where there is a divide between MHI and MHARR there is an evidence-based case to be made that comes down on the side of MHI routinely.
Is it any wonder, then, that MHI has given one of their ‘Excellence‘ awards in Manufactured Housing for 2023?
When members of their team were asked to respond to content related concerns that included why there is no mention of MHARR’s reports on falling production (see that inquiry in the report linked here) Brad Nelms and others at were silent. No response. By contrast, when Triad President Mike Tolbert, another MHI member, was asked to respond to allegations involving his firm’s parent company, Tolbert replied to those on a Sunday morning. boasts the ex-MHI Vice President and general counsel Rick Robinson as part of its team. They also appear to have an ex-Clayton team member, Chris Nicely, per the screen shot below.
The principals involved at MHI and know the substance of their mutual ‘deal.’
But what is increasingly apparent is that the two are working together at some level(s), because MHI would be unlikely to ‘award’ anything if they were openly and routinely carrying all of MHARR’s content.
Since sources deemed reliable tell MHProNews that, and others among the digital trade publishers in MHVille, are among the readers of MHProNews, they can hardly be ignorant of the distinctive differences between MHI and MHARR on key issues facing the industry. Once more for emphasis, clearly keep up with both MHARR and MHI content. They seem to favor MHI.
Indeed, the primary claim to fame that has pressed, their purported SEO and marketing prowess, have clearly been demonstrated to be like a northern summer mist that vanishes as the day’s heat increases. While they may be adept at getting a good ranking on certain topics, they are entirely absent on key issues that help explain manufactured housing underperformance in the 21st century. To the point of their claims to fame, if is so good, then why is manufactured housing sales and production cratering in 2023? More on should be expected in a planned exclusive report and analysis. Stay tuned. But until then, it should be noted that MHARR members appear to be paying while they are cozying up to MHI. Knowing how some MHI member producers reportedly use field reps to gain ‘intelligence’ of their competitors, MHARR members are arguably feeding the hands that bite their own interests because clearly seem to favor MHI.
Let’s see if any of that changes in the wake of this report.
2. MHVillage’s MHInsider
MHVillage has been owned by prominent MHI member Equity Lifestyle Properties (ELS) for well over a year now. There is only two known instances when MHARR was mentioned by MHInsider, and one is by the apparently slippery MHI member blogger George F. Allen. Here is what Allen wrote for MHInsider with respect to MHARR.
“In 1985, as the term manufactured housing became increasingly commonplace, the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) was birthed by a former executive and members of the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI).” Several points could be made about that brief 32-word statement.
In no particular order of importance are the following.
A) Allen failed to mention by name that former MHI executive. It is Danny Ghorbani. On this date a search of the MHInsider website produces ZERO results for Ghorbani’s name. More on that below.
B) Allen is correct on the year that MHARR was formed, but he is incorrect on the name that it was formed under. The original name for MHARR was the Association for Regulatory Reform (ARR), per MHARR’s own website. So, in a mere 32 words by Allen, there are multiple errors and omissions.
C) Allen, who MHInsider touts in his mini-bio after his post is: “George Allen has owned and fee-managed land-lease communities since 1978. He’s a former MHI Person of the Year and a member of the RV/MH Hall of Fame.” On his own blog, Allen claims there are two business models in manufactured housing: “affordable factory-built housing! And land lease communities (a.k.a. manufactured home communities & ‘mobile home parks’) comprise the investment real estate component of manufactured housing!” Naming his own blog, Allen then says that he: “alone is the online advocate, historian, trend tracker, and txt resource for these two business models!” No lack of modesty there? But nor is there a consistent accuracy either as “historian,” “trend trackers,” or text (“txt”) resource for those two sectors of the manufactured home industry.
As MHProNews has noted previously a former client of Allen’s explained a key to understanding the man. ‘With George, it is AAA. All About Allen.’ Hubris and chutzpah are standard fare, along with problematic ‘coverage’ of the facts in his ‘analysis.’ That’s an apt segue into what Allen’s blog has said about MHARR’s July 10 media release.
3. Magician, Sleight of Hand Artist, Purported “Deception and Misdirection” pro-MHI blogger George F. Allen
Allen’s own claims about himself in terms of manufactured housing editorializing are cited in 2 C above. As was noted above, there is no mention by Allen of the MHARR media release, cited above. In fairness, Allen’s publishing timetable is not particularly consistent. He may yet blog about it, but has not as of the date and time shown.
When Allen was asked by MHProNews about recent errors in his blog – factually inaccurate remarks and related – Allen handily contradicted his own post in his emailed remarks. See his statement in the postscript to the report linked here for those details. After two sequential posts by Allen on the draft ROAD to Housing Act topic covered in depth by MHProNews in article that MHARR reprinted with permission on their website, Allen slammed MHProNews, and by implication, MHARR too. But when asked directly by MHProNews about his commentary and claims, Allen replied in part: “Probably a real issue or issues here…” again, see that in the postscript linked here.
There are several possible takeaways. Among them, Allen is apparently trying to deliberately deceive his own followers. He is doing so in a fashion that benefits MHI and routinely tries to harm MHARR. If that sounds like a possible parallel to MHI on certain topics, if the shoe fits, let those who practice “deception and misdirection” wear it.
As a planned report will reveal in greater detail, Allen is arguably a con artist who has managed to stay out of legal trouble despite his apparent role in controversies including, but not limited to SECO and ‘lease option’ ‘chattel lending’ financing of manufactured homes. As an MHI member attorney told MHProNews, what Allen and his colleague were advocating was “illegal.” More on that in the linked reports.

It is an open question if Allen started out legitimately and sincerely, or if he was using sly forms of deception from early on in his manufactured housing publishing and self-promotion career. But what is certain is that even after Cavco Industries executive and former MHI chairman, Joseph “Joe” Stegmayer’s legal woes became know, Allen provided him with a stage at an event he was obviously associated with (see photo and report linked below).
Joe Stegmayer, George F. Allen, Manufactured Housing Institute Slogans, Slump, Slurs, Solutions
Others in MHVille Blogging or Publishing
“Frank and Dave” – Frank Rolfe and Dave Reynolds – have for a while been publishing a periodic mainstream news roundup with their commentary. Kurt Kelley publishes a quarterly publication. Those two sources have apparently not yet tackled the topics raised in the MHARR press release, per a Google search on 7.11.2023.
Rolfe and Reynolds are arguably primarily about self-promotion. Unlike Allen, who was never particularly big in the community sector, Rolfe and Reynolds claim to have a half-billion-dollar portfolio ($500 million) of manufactured home communities (MHCs) that the prefer to call mobile home parks (MHPs).
Rolfe and Reynolds have long been a source of controversy. Yet they are nevertheless welcomed by MHI as members. Indeed, Rolfe has been given stage time at more than one MHI/National Community Council (NCC) events.

As was noted in the 7.10.2023 report below, Rolfe and Reynolds may have to some degree inspired “the Queen of Mobile Homes” Chimene Van Gundy. Van Gundy and some of her colleagues have been charged with fraud by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
While per known reports they have only had ‘slap on the wrist’ level of legal consequences to date, there may be reasons to believe that the proverbial clock is ticking on Rolfe and Reynolds.
Dozens of Mainstream Publications
A Google search on 7.11.2023 reveals that dozens of mainstream media have picked up the MHARR release. Another online source informs MHProNews of an even greater number of sites that have picked up on MHARR’s news release than Google revealed. So, MHARR’s efforts to keep both the industry and broader public informed are ongoing.
But meanwhile, MHI and MHI-aligned or linked sources are apparently involved in distraction tactics.
This survey above in Part II of MHI linked bloggers and publications underscores the sobering reality that beyond MHProNews and/or our MHLivingNews sister site, the industry’s members could easily lack the type of information and insights needed to properly navigate their business interests and/or their careers.

If not for MHARR, MHProNews, and MHLivingNews reports, some of the purported schemes to accelerate the consolidation of manufactured housing into the hands of a relatively few members of MHI may well have progressed further than it has. The spotlight value that MHARR and our reports with analysis alone may have significantly benefited scores of industry businesses, and thousands of industry employees. Regardless of one’s politics, as even the Biden White House Fact Sheet on Competition has aptly noted, consolidation is contrary to the interests of employees. Consolidations also harms small businesses, taxpayers, and consumers. Note that the Biden White House Fact Sheet specifically mentions “construction” as one of the areas that workers wages are harmed. Quoting:
Evidence and Common-Sense Based Takeaways
MHARR is clear in their mission. They are an independent producers’ trade group. They – MHARR – have long called for a new post-production trade group that they could work with to more effectively get existing laws favorable to manufactured housing to be fully and properly enforced.
If not for MHARR, many of the purported machinations of MHI, for example, on the DOE energy rule issue, may not be known. But through FOIAs, research, and other means, MHARR has consistently exposed the sobering realities of how MHI is apparently working for the industry’s consolidators rather than for industry growth. MHARR is also engaged on the issues, noted in their media release above, that if they were properly resolved could cause record levels of sales and production for manufactured housing.
MHProNews has noted editorially several times that not all MHI members are black hats brands or use black hat tactics. There are arguably white hat brands among MHI members. But that only begs the question. Why haven’t all independent producers joined MHARR? Even if a producer’s goal is to eventually sell out, it should be apparent from MHProNews reports that MHARR members are among those that MHI’s ‘big three’ have targeted for acquisition.
The need for a post-production association is apparent, despite the duplicity and arguable self-contradictory behavior people like Allen. Allen has literally been on both sides of the fence with respect to a new post-production trade group. Allen and Rishel, years ago, asked MHProNews to give our media’s support to such an effort. Not yet grasping the purported nature of those individuals, MHProNews did give such support because the need for a new post-production trade group was apparent. When the post-production National Assocation of Manufactured Home Community Owners (NAHMCO) launched, perhaps no one gave them as much coverage as MHProNews.

MHProNews continues to support the creation and support for an authentic, well planned and executed post-production trade group which could bring manufactured housing professionals a wealth of new opportunities.
Because nature abhors a vacuum, it would not be surprising if outsiders looking into manufactured housing launched not only start a new enterprise(s), but may also start a new post-production trade group to compliment that effort. Given that MHProNews has evidence of foreign and well as domestic capital looking into manufactured housing as a possible place to invest, it would not be shocking to see a relatively well-heeled and unintimated organization to enter the business and leave dozens of industry firms behind, including potentially the big three MHI producers. Should that come to pass, remember that you read it here first.
It is also obvious to those with the eyes to see reality through the MHI connected smokescreens that there are potential legal issues that could hit several MHI member firms.

The reports and analysis by various attorneys looking into the industry point directly and obliquely at MHI as part of the root issue for the industry’s underperformance. It defies logic that manufactured housing should be slumping when conventional housing is picking up steam during the same timeframe.
The fact that some smaller producers than MHI’s big three are able to defy the odds ought to be evidence enough that others could do so too.

The research by several attorneys looking into manufactured housing are arguably significant and useful as direct or indirect support for reports issued by MHARR.
‘Circle Fest in a Hot Tub’
Popular award-winning ex-CNN reporter Chris Plante has turned into a syndicated morning talk radio show pundit who uses satire and humor in healthy doses in his commentary on news events. Plante talks at times about “a circle fest in a hot tub” to describe the circular favors that are traded by “Democrats” and their allies in media, the bureaucracy, some corporate interests, etc. Plante is arguably describing the Iron Triangle using different terms.
That colorful notion of a ‘circle fest in a hot tub’ is a metaphor that seemingly fits those in the MHI orbit. MHI is ‘ruled’ by specific insider brands. MHI puts out their talking points. MHI claims to benefit work for “all segments” of manufactured housing. but when carefully examined, their behavior is often contrary to the interests of independent businesses, consumers, and numbers of industry employees, among others. MHI friendly sources either ignore or attempt to obscure MHARR’s efforts, or they attack MHARR. The outcome of this ‘circle fest’ of MHI amen corner crooners is that the position of consolidators are to some degree masked or obscured. If that was the position of this publication alone, then it might easily be dismissed. But others have said similarly, as the brief survey that follows reveals. Which begs the question. Why doesn’t MHInsider, Allen, or reveal that problematic pattern?

So, the concerns raised by MHARR and/or MHProNews/MHLivingNews – while distinct in some ways – dovetail on the matter that these tactics are causing industry underperformance. The question might be debated if MHI staff are that incompetent, or if they are deliberately behaving in a way that apparently benefits consolidators.

Put bluntly, the evidence is quite stark in favor of the notion that the market is being manipulated and part of the manipulation is apparently a kind of ‘information’ (meaning, misinformation) corporate warfare.
If someone relied solely upon only MHI, MHInsider, Allen’s blog, and, they would have a skewed view of the realities of manufactured housing. If someone read only MHInsider, they may not even know that MHARR exists. If they read, they may be under the impression that MHI is the better of the two trade groups, which would certainly benefits consolidators. If someone reads Allen’s blog, they may think Allen is trying to be balanced, but as MHInsider noted, MHI has made Allen a “person of the year” and has given him a unique “MHI member emeritus” status. MHI does not hand those out to those who are acting contrary to the party line. Thus, the Manufactured Housing’s Rorschach Test.
Notice: the graphic below can be expanded to a larger size.
See the instructions below the graphic below or click the image and follow the prompts.

This apparent MHVille ‘circle fest in a hot tub’ that de facto or openly side with MHI are part of the problem rather than part of the solution to manufactured housing industry’s underperformance. There are insiders and their surrogates. As Vladimir Lenin once observed, the best way to deal with the opposition is to lead it themselves. That’s how Allen and could be seen, because they may appear to be ‘balanced’ but in fact are obviously pro-MHI.
When stock analyst Greg Palm raised the concerns pointedly made by MHARR and MHProNews, that despite the industry’s great potential that the industry is woefully underperforming, it is absolutely time to lean into what’s increasingly obvious. The smokescreen machine some generate is a device that operates on behalf of MHI member consolidators.
Until MHI and/or their corporate leaders are willing to publicly take a stage – virtual or live in an auditorium – and publicly explain and defend their problematic 21st century track record, the industry will remain stuck in low gear.
Notice: the graphic below can be expanded to a larger size.
See the instructions below the graphic below or click the image and follow the prompts.

Or as an MHI-linked source soberingly told MHProNews a few months ago, the industry may never recover in our lifetime. When Minneapolis Federal Reserve researchers have specifically named manufactured housing as an industry where ‘sabotaging monopolies’ must be fought, that is a topic that should cause some to lean in. Not until the roadblocks that include, but are not limited to MHI linked ones, are removed. See the related reports to learn more.

Note that at the June Innovative Housing Showcase, MHI’s own video gives no evidence that they used that face time with HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge to press the same topics that MHARR reportedly did with HUD Ast. Secretary and FHA Commissioner Gordon. By now, MHI’s staff ought to know that we look carefully at what they say, do, and what they fail to say and do.

The good news?
MHProNews apparently remains the runaway #1 most read source of “Industry News, Tips, and Views Pros Can Use.” © But the fact that MHInsider, for instance, has apparently been used as part of the pitch to investors means that their audience size is less important to them than their specifically targeted groups. See the examples, linked below, and dig deeply into linked related reports to learn more.
Notice: the graphic below can be expanded to a larger size.
See the instructions below the graphic below or click the image and follow the prompts.

Part III. Daily Business News on MHProNews Markets and Headline News Segment
Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business – from the evening of 7.11.2023
- ‘An existential threat’
- PGA Tour officials tell Senators that they had no choice but to reach deal with the Saudis
- Exclusive: ‘Shameful and unethical.’ Heineken, Unilever and Oreo maker Mondelez accused of breaking promises to leave Russia
- Thousands of Taylor Swift fans left hanging as Ticketmaster suddenly suspends ticket sales
- Bank of America accused of opening fake accounts and charging illegal junk fees
- Microsoft can close its Activision merger, federal judge rules
- Renault and China’s Geely will invest up to $7.7 billion to build hybrid and gas engines
- Fran Drescher criticized for Dolce & Gabbana Italy trip as actors strike deadline approaches
- The number of small firms raising prices fell to the lowest level since March 2021
- Elizabeth Holmes could be released from prison two years earlier than expected
- ai bot interactive HP
- Bot or not? How to tell when you’re reading something written by AI
- Why Amazon’s Prime Day is in July
- Sweltering Americans have fewer protections against power shutoffs this summer
- Britain is banking on this $3 trillion cash cow to revive its economy
- McDonald’s is getting rid of these sweet menu items
- Meta cut election teams months before Threads launch, raising concerns for 2024
- Will inflation come down this year? We’re about to get a big clue
- China extends some policies to support its troubled property market
- ‘Too much’: Burger King’s new offering in Thailand has no meat and 20 slices of cheese
- Foxconn pulls out of $19 billion chipmaking project in India
- Another major insurance company limits new homeowners insurance in California
- The New York Times will shut down its sports desk and shift coverage to The Athletic
- Elon Musk is the gift that keeps on giving to Mark Zuckerberg
- Silicon Valley Bank failed because of regulators’ sluggishness, Fed’s Mary Daly says
Headlines from right-of-center Newsmax 7.11.2023
- Biden Closing Up Multiple Gaps in Trump Border Wall
- Asylum seekers hold their phones through a section of the border wall with Mexico in California this past May, pleading with the volunteers to choose their phone next to be charged. (AP)
- Despite President Joe Biden’s campaign against the idea of a border wall, his administration is filling in small gaps along the southern wall, the Washington Examiner reported. Workers are halfway through filling in 129 gaps in border wall projects, the Examiner said. [Full Story]
- Ron Johnson: PGA Hearing Premature
- Journalist Ateba: WH Trying to ‘Assassinate My Character’
- Blaine Holt: Biden Will Put ‘Best Shine’ on NATO, Ukraine | video
- Mark Meadows: WH Cocaine Smuggler Likely on Staff | video
- Johnson: DOJ, FBI ‘Insulated Themselves’ From Biden Probe Scrutiny | video
- Hoeven: We Need to Get ‘Tough’ on China | video
- Cline: ‘Fireworks’ When Wray Testifies | video
- Alex Acosta: Recession ‘Likely’ Due to Spending | video
- Newsfront
- Judge Delays First Hearing in Trump Documents Case
- The first hearing in former President Donald Trump’s criminal case involving classified documents has been pushed to July 18…. [Full Story] | video
- S&P 500, Dow Rise Ahead of Monthly Inflation Data
- Stocks closed higher on Wall Street as investors wait for updates on [Full Story]
- Elizabeth Holmes on Track for Early Release in 9 Years
- Disgraced Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes has apparently behaved well [Full Story]
- Zelenskyy: ‘Absurd’ NATO Hasn’t Set Timeframe
- Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Tuesday it would be [Full Story]
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- Madonna has spoken out for the first time since she was hospitalized [Full Story]
- Protests Grip Israel as Judicial Reform Bill Advances
- Demonstrators protesting the judicial reforms blocked roads across [Full Story]
- BofA to Pay $250M in Junk Fees, Fines
- Bank of America on Tuesday agreed to pay $250 million in fines and [Full Story]
- How Extreme Heat Takes a Toll on the Body and Mind
- The Southwestern U.S. is bracing for another week of blistering [Full Story]
- Ozzy Osbourne Pulls Out of Festival: ‘Not Ready Yet’
- Ozzy Osbourne has announced that he will no longer be performing at [Full Story]
- AI Could Make 27@ of World’s Jobs Obsolete: OECD
- More than a quarter of jobs in the world’s developed nations rely on [Full Story]
- Study: Bladder Cancer Drug Extends Survival
- Bristol Myers Squibb Co said on Tuesday its blockbuster cancer [Full Story]
- Musk, Rogan Mock MSNBC Writer’s ‘Far Right’ Exercise Claim
- Tech billionaire Elon Musk and podcaster Joe Rogan skewered an MSNBC [Full Story] | video
- NATO Says No Timetable For Ukraine Entry; Zelenskyy Upset
- NATO leaders said Tuesday that they would allow Ukraine to join the [Full Story]
- GOP Senators Call For Probe Into Chinese Spying in US
- There must be an immediate inquiry into Chinese surveillance in the [Full Story]
- Musk Not Attending Corporate Titans Conference
- Twitter owner Elon Musk is sitting out this year’s gathering of [Full Story]
- 6 Michigan Congressmen Join Trump’s Leadership Team
- All six Republican U.S. House legislators from Michigan joined former [Full Story]
- Gallup: Confidence in Higher Education Falls to 36%
- According to a Gallup survey of institutions, Americans’confidence in [Full Story]
- Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor’s Staff Pushed Sales of Her Books
- For colleges and libraries seeking a boldfaced name for a guest [Full Story]
- NYU Hosted Whites-Only ‘Anti-Racism’ Workshop
- New York University hosted an “anti-racism” workshop for white [Full Story]
- Judge Greenlights Microsoft’s $69B Activision Blizzard Deal
- A federal judge has handed Microsoft a major victory by declining to [Full Story]
- Ears Ringing? if You Have Tinnitus, Do This Immediately!
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- Kamala Harris Unveils Rule to Cut US Childcare Costs
- S. Vice President Kamala Harris Tuesday announced new steps to lower the cost of childcare for American families with a proposal that would cap co-payments under a block grant program that serves 1.5 million children and their families each month… [Full Story]
- Michael Regan: Red States: Make Yourself So Red That Blue Voters Stay Put
- Amazon Union ex-Members Sue for New Election
- Fed’s Williams: Central Bank Not Done With Rate Rises
- State Rep. Lord: Bidenomics Benefit No One
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- Health
- Eat These 6 Foods to Boost Your Heart Health
- Certain foods are key to reducing heart disease risk, so it’s important to eat them to stay healthy. A globally focused study looked at foods commonly considered to be healthy to better understand this. Consuming fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, fish and whole-fat dairy…… [Full Story]
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