A delegation from the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) met for an hour on April 14 with Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Assistant Secretary/Federal Housing Commissioner Carol Galante and newly-arrived HUD Manufactured Housing Program Administrator Pamela Danner, and other HUD officials, to push for full implementation of the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000. The points stressed by MHARR included the importance of recognizing manufactured housing (MH) as “housing” and not as “trailers;” implementation and functionality of the Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee and the urgent need for an administering organization (AO); an open and authoritative HUD forum for MH stakeholders in regard to Subpart I modifications; implementation of new energy standards while remaining vigilant to the cost-effectiveness and justification under the 2000 reform law; implementation of label fee increases; and MHARR’s insistent opposition to any mandated or “voluntary” fire sprinkler standard. MHProNews.com understands MHARR’s overall thrust is for the MH industry to be included in all federal housing programs administered by HUD, not just as a regulatory program. ##