mlive tells MHProNews the Swartz Creek Meadows MHC in Lennon, Michigan has until Aug. 31 before the Clayton Township Board of Trustees initiates legal action for unpaid water, sewage, and property taxes totaling $167,697.73. Swartz Creek owner MHPI Inc., does not deny it owed the township, but a misunderstanding at a meeting in October, 2012 led MHPI to believe part of the money in arrears had been forgiven when in fact it was not. Clayton Township Treasurer Clayton Gehringer says the township has the right to cut water and sewer service to the community, but that presents a moral dilemma because the MHC residents have likely paid their bill to MHPI, but that money has not been passed on to the township. In addition, the township government is required to collect these monies by law and on behalf of other citizens who do pay.
(Photo credit: Ron MacArthur/Cape-Gazette)