In the SantaMariaTimes, Ron Faas, lobbyist for the Northern Santa Barbara County Manufactured Homeowners Team, says Santa Barbara (CA) County’s long-planning division has drafted a manufactured-home park closure conversion ordinance that the Board of Supervisors had requested. Noting the importance of local ordinances to assure the availability of low cost housing in MHCs, while trying to assess proposed development by the land owner, the division came up with what they are calling a “balanced approach”. One component will determine the number of households displaced, where replacement is available, and how much the land owner will help in relocation costs. State law allows local jurisdictions to add more stringent ordinances. Faas says the state closure conversion code provides that …”… the legislative body, or its delegated advisory agency … may require, as a condition of the change, the person or entity to take steps to mitigate any adverse impact of the conversion, closure, or cessation of use on the ability of displaced mobile home park residents to find adequate housing in a mobile home park.”