MHI Sets Record Straight on Energy Standards

MHI has learned that earlier this week a statement was made addressing the industry’s position on the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 which transferred authority for energy standards for manufactured homes from HUD to the Department of Energy.

MHI was vigorously opposed to this transfer of energy jurisdiction from HUD to DOE.

In fact, leading up to floor consideration in the House and Senate, MHI sent an action alert requesting all members contact their Members of Congress and urged them to vote NO on the legislation. Additionally, MHI staff worked with industry friend, Congressman Steve Buyer (R-IN) who offered an amendment stripping the above mentioned provision in the energy bill. The Buyer amendment was similar to an amendment strongly supported by MHI that was offered by the Congressman during the subcommittee mark up of the House energy bill (H.R. 3221) earlier in the year. Unfortunately the amendment did not pass.

Since the legislation passed, MHI has met with the DOE to learn more about their intent in the development of the standards, has engaged in discussions with both HUD and DOE about how the standards will be enforced and incorporated into the HUD standards. MHI is also continuing to seek a legislative solution to clarify that DOE must take into account affordability when developing these standards.

If you have any questions on this issue- or MHI’s position on any other issue- please don’t hesitate to contact Thayer Long at (703) 558-0678 or

Source: MHI Week in Review

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