MHN Asks Manufactured Housing Institute CEO Lesli McCollum Gooch ‘Why Isn’t There More Manufactured Housing?’ Industry Pros Upset by Gooch Statements – Quotes-Facts-Analysis P1; plus MHMarkets
According to prominent Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) member Cavco Industries (CVCO), there is a need for 6 million affordable housing units in the U.S. More recently, Representative Ilhan Omar (MN-D) proposed a plan for the U.S. government to help fund construction of 12 million affordable housing units. Those are two of several possible examples that illustrate that successfully dealing with the affordable housing crisis will require millions of new units. That may explain why Multi-Housing News (MHN) writer Laura Calugar interviewed MHI CEO Lesli McCollum Gooch, Ph.D., for an article entitled “MHN Asks: Why Isn’t There More Manufactured Housing?” That subject is obviously timely. But an outcry by industry professionals that read Calugar’s interview of Gooch claim it is riddled with errors, half-truths, and contradicts some MHI, Gooch, Cavco statements, and current federal law among other concerns. MHProNews reached out Calugar at Multi-Housing News, and then to senior editorial staff at MHN. An emailed reply from MHN’s Executive Editor Therese Fitzgerald is provided in this report, fact check, and analysis that follows in Part I.
According to the Yardi website, Multi Housing News (MHN) is part of “Yardi Companies & Affiliates.”
Their About Us page on this date states in part: “MHN delivers timely, in-depth and authoritative analysis of industry news, as well as access to thought leaders’ best practice strategies and proven business solutions.” Words have meaning. As Part I and II of this article will explore, “timely, in-depth and authoritative analysis of industry news” does not properly reflect the character or quality of the content as published by MHN and attributed to MHI CEO Gooch.
Thank you, Tony. I see your point and the damage not-educated opinions can bring if taken further.
In this particular case and with the information you’ve sent, I’d like to remove the current insights from the article and you and Mark [Weiss, President and CEO of MHARR] (Hi Mark) would be kind enough to help us replace them with your insights.
As for the article itself, I’ll have our corporate editor go through it with me and see what updates are in order to make sure we only refer to the growing interest as initially intended. We saw this as a positive outlook on the niche and I’d like to keep this feel.
Without these changes, my only option would be to take down the article completely, but I’d prefer to save the effort the team has put into this with, I can assure you, the best of intentions.
Roxana Popita’s message arguably was in several respects in keeping with the SPJ ethical standards quoted above. More on how MHN has responded to the MHProNews outreach on this controversial and arguably misleading interview are provided in Part II.
Manufactured Housing Institute CEO Leslie Gooch on barriers to new supply.
Manufactured housing has long been recognized as a vital source of affordable housing, though barriers to wider adoption remain.
“Millions of individuals and families have chosen to live in land-lease manufactured home communities, and demand is growing,” noted Lesli Gooch, CEO of the Manufactured Housing Institute.
The trade organization has been working alongside policymakers to advocate for increased support for this asset class, which serves housing needs in a wide range of communities–from rural to high-cost metropolitan areas.
Gooch: Like other forms of housing, one of the largest barriers to developing more manufactured housing communities is zoning. Across the country, there are countless examples of state and local zoning, planning and development restrictions that either severely limit or outright prohibit the placement of a manufactured home. …”
Screen capture of MHN Interview with Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) CEO Lesli Gooch, Ph.D. published on 9.11 and as shown the morning of 9.12.2024. Note that depending on your device or browser, this image can be opened to a larger size. To do so, click the image and follow the prompts.
MHI is working to expand policymaker awareness of manufactured housing and manufactured housing communities so they change land use policies to meet the affordable housing needs in their jurisdictions. There is no question that increased access to manufactured housing will result in more communities being developed as the demand exists for brand new homes that have today’s design features, modern amenities and energy efficiencies at attainable price points located within amenity-rich communities.
It is not a lack of demand for manufactured housing that is the major hindrance, but rather a need to expand access. About 30 percent of the manufactured homes produced today are placed in a manufactured housing community. The demand for living in manufactured housing communities is strong, which is why occupancy rates continue to be very high. Given the financial and lifestyle benefits of owning a manufactured home versus the limitations that come with other affordable housing options, millions of individuals, families and retirees have chosen to live in land-lease manufactured housing communities.
Why is there such a slow pace in zoning changes if affordable housing demand is so high?
Gooch: Zoning and land planning ordinances have a profound impact on housing patterns. Restrictive ordinances can take many forms: some direct like outright bans and zoning barriers, others more subtle like home age or lot size restrictions. Increased conversation about housing supply has raised awareness of these restrictions, leading to both local and national policymakers working toward changes.
MHI is partnering with HUD on research to assess the specific zoning barriers to manufactured housing. We plan to develop a manufactured housing regulatory index that identifies and evaluates barriers to the placement of manufactured housing. Challenges remain, but by showing policymakers the quality that today’s manufactured homes offer and with the continued engagement of policymakers at all levels of government to address housing supply and affordability challenges we think we are making progress. …”
Screen capture of MHN Interview with Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) CEO Lesli Gooch, Ph.D. published on 9.11 and as shown the morning of 9.12.2024. Note that depending on your device or browser, this image can be opened to a larger size. To do so, click the image and follow the prompts.
Part II – Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary
1) In no particular order of importance are the following related items.
L. A. “Tony” Kovach for
Laura Calugar @
Sep 11, 2024, 3:06 PM
Laura, media outreach about your interview with Lesli Gooch published today.
Pardon me for being direct, but as the largest and most-read manufactured housing professional trade media, we have years of experience with Ms. Gooch and the Manufactured Housing Institute, which I was elected by industry peers some years ago to serve on one of their boards.
We plan to do a fact check and analysis on that article. Before we publish, I want to give you an opportunity to explain the genesis of that interview. Did Lesli Gooch submit both questions and answers for publication? Or did you give her each of those questions on your own/and or an editor’s at your publication’s initiative?
Did MHI provide a payment or incentive of any kind for that article?
Did you fact check Gooch’s responses to see if her information was accurate?
Please email your responses and/or that of an editor of your publication for our mutual accuracy for our planned report.
Thank you,
L. A. “Tony”
L. A. “Tony” Kovach
Managing Member
LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC
Media outreach: Suzann D. Silverman, Jessica Fiur, Paul Rosta, Therese Fitzgerald re: Fwd: Laura, media outreach about your interview with Lesli Gooch published today.
Suzann D. Silverman, Jessica Fiur, Paul Rosta, Therese Fitzgerald,
We publish the largest and most read manufactured housing industry focused trade media, MHProNews. Since my email to your colleague Laura Calugar (see FWD), I’ve taken a call from an industry pro that is shocked by what was published in the article below.
Per that source, which depending on the backstory, I might largely agree with, there is one of two possibilities. Either Ms. Gooch is ignorant of her own industry or she has used your publication to push a factually misleading agenda. That party thinks this article is so riddled with errors that your publication should withdraw it and issue an apology to your readers.
Without fisking it at this time, I can tell you that in my expert view, Gooch’s remarks contradict statements made by her own trade group, herself, and some of her own publicly traded members. Gooch’s remarks also arguably contradict key aspects of the public record.
We do plan on reporting, but I’d like to give you and your publication an opportunity to respond to the concerns. My teenage son raised issues Gooch failed to mention and linked the sources that Gooch obviously missed.
Before closing, I’d also like to ask. Are you or your parent company a member of the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) and or an MHI linked state association?
Please email your response(s) for our mutual accuracy.
See forward that follows and thank you.
L. A. “Tony” Kovach
Therese Fitzgerald-Biskup@>
L. A. “Tony” Kovach @ MHProNews, Suzann Silverman @, Jessica Fiur @, Paul Rosta @
Sep 11, 2024, 4:06 PM
RE: Media outreach: Suzann D. Silverman, Jessica Fiur, Paul Rosta, Therese Fitzgerald re: Fwd: Laura, media outreach about your interview with Lesli Gooch published today.
Wow! Did you check out his site? Seems like a lot of what they do. They review other people’s content to see if it agrees/disagrees with their perspective.
Maybe Laura can get some insights from her source.
4) A follow up yesterday by MHProNews to Suzann D. Silverman, Jessica Fiur, Paul Rosta, Therese Fitzgerald, has not as of 10:02 AM ET had an apparent reply.
5) To illustrate some of the concerns with Gooch’s article, the following pieces of evidence are useful.
The Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 (MHIA) is piece of legislation that passed Congress by a widely bipartisan margin and was signed into law by then President William Jefferson “Bill” Clinton (D). It included a provision that is commonly referred to as “enhanced preemption.” Among those who have stressed to HUD and others in written communications the significance of federal preemption in overcoming zoning barriers is Lesli Gooch on behalf of MHI. But federal lawmakers in both the U.S. Senate and the House debated and discussed the importance of federal enhanced preemption as the report linked here details. The quotes illustration below are a partial list of such relevant comments. The below also mentions the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that Gooch mentioned in the interview with MHN and also in prior written comments. Note that the third source for federal preemption is Cavco, previously cited in the preface above in the illustration linked here. William “Bill” Boor was MHI’s vice chairman when those remarks were made by him to Congress last year but is now the Chairman of MHI. Among the takeaways is that it is virtually inconceivable that Gooch is not aware of these statements and facts. The last two items in this illustration/quote graphic are from the Equity LifeStyle Properties (ELS) investor relations (IR) pitch deck and from the Sun Communities (SUI) investor presentation. MHProNews has asked Gooch, several MHI leaders, and their outside attorney David Goch to respond to these items and related concerns. Sources deemed reliable confirm that Gooch and MHI leaders received those inquiries without responding.
6) For those who grasp the significance of the federal law, federal preemption was enhanced by the 2000 Reform Law precisely to overcome the zoning and placement barriers that Gooch claims in her interview with MHN that MHI is working to overcome. The illustration above about Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) shows the dramatic impact the preemption has had at the state level in CA and other jurisdictions.
9) In the preface to this article, MHProNews provided the above which is re-shared below for the convenience of our readers.
Roxana Popita @ wrote:
Thank you, Tony. I see your point and the damage not-educated opinions can bring if taken further.
That same principle by Yardi’s Popita, buttressed by the SPJ standards for ethical conduct, ought to be applied to this posted interview.
10) MHI has members, past and present, that believe that the trade group has been thwarting efforts to get HUD to enforce enhanced preemption which is designed precisely to overcome the zoning barriers that Gooch claimed to MHN that they want to achieve with their supposed ‘engagement’ with public officials. Let’s stress that there is no question that MHI is engaged with those officials, there is evidence for that claim. But what is lacking is evidence that MHI is pressing for enhanced preemption enforcement. See the report linked below for an example of what left-leaning Bing’s AI powered Copilot said about MHI’s behavior on this topic.
Copilot said: “If MHI is genuinely committed to advancing the industry, consistent advocacy for existing laws should be a priority.” Copilot also said: “Prioritizing enforcement of existing laws can have a more immediate impact on affordability and access to manufactured housing.” The context for those remarks by Copilot are found in the deeper dive report with analysis linked here.
11) But let’s illustrate how bizarre MHI’s behavior has been on these issues. On the one hand, they claimed to MHN that they want to overcome zoning barriers. But some of MHI’s own members have said that matters are getting worse, not better.
Ironically, MHI’s members only zoning tool helps document the association’s failures to achieve what they claim is one of their priorities. For more details, see links here and here. For more on Gaiski, see the report linked here.
MHI told MHN that they are “partnering” with HUD. Really? If so, then why did prior HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge specifically decline enforcing the enhanced preemption provision of the MHIA? That was captured on CSPAN. The video and transcript are provided below, so it is difficult to realistically dispute.
As MHProNews has repeatedly documented, MHProNews mentioned to MHN’s interview author Laura Calugar (see above), and our publications have repeatedly documented. Not only has MHProNews, MHARR, and MHLivingNews dotted the i’s and crossed the t’s, but outside researchers looking in have too. Samuel “Sam” Strommen for Knudson Law alleged in a 17-page research report that MHI is engaged in an antitrust violating scheme. See those and related in the links below that quote illustration.
12) In the interview with MHN, Gooch fails to mention that multiple MHI member firms and/or members of MHI linked state association stand credibly accused of behavior that violates MHI’s code of ethical conduct. That failure to be candid and clear is on Gooch and MHI. But there is arguably a responsibility, that Yardi’s Popita and the SPJ Code of Ethical Conduct both point to, that MHN ought to exercise. Right now, the interview with Gooch is more like posturing, paltering, and propaganda than it is a genuine interview that presents news which supposedly meets MHN standards.
13) Mainstream media, The Patch recently published the item shown below about MHI member Frank Rolfe that said in part that he blames MHI and that there is no serious desire to address the affordable housing crisis.
MHProNews Notice: that this writer for MHProNews plans to do at least two follow ups to this article. There will either be a post on the Patch and/or a media release that highlights this issue and how MHI and MHN deal with the concerns raised. There will also be a follow up that will provide any follow ups from MHN, MHI, et al, and will review the balance of the problematic content in the MHN-Gooch interview.
14) The takeaways and concerns that this “interview” raise are many. But some of them, in no particular order of importance, are as follows.
a) There is apparent evidence that Gooch is using MHN. Perhaps they are okay with being so used, perhaps not. But at this point what is clear is that information that contradicts many of Gooch’s claims are readily available.
b) A simple Google search by Laura Calugar and/or her editor(s) on an iPhone would have revealed the following about Gooch. There are apparently favorable items about Gooch, that MHI has apparently made efforts to get promoted on Google, Safari and other browsers search tools. But there are also several concerning articles that if Calugar has simply looked at for a few minutes may have caused them not to interview Gooch at all. Meaning, one of the most basic items from the vantagepoint of the SPJ code of ethical conduct were either not exercised or the results were ignored. About half of the items that follow (orange boxes added by MHProNews for emphasis) illustrate possible items that should have attracted a journalist’s and/or an editor’s interest.
c) The Timetoast item linked above includes this picture. This should have been flagged by MHI’s leaders when they considered Gooch for possible work at MHI. But it should also have been considered by MHN about what sort of person they were interviewing.
e) Someone doesn’t have to do too much searching of manufactured home industry news feeds to discover the there are dozens and dozens of mainstream news articles about concerns raised about living in manufactured home communities (MHCs). Those concerns are totally ignored by MHN. Why? It is understandable that Gooch would not want to discuss that, but then that makes MHN a possible vehicle for Gooch/MHI misinformation. For example. Several MHI members have been sued in national class action antitrust suits.
f) The affordable housing crisis could be solved by simply enforcing existing laws. Ironically, Gooch alluded to part of that, but failed to lay out in more details the facts on the Housing and Economic Recovery Act (HERA) and MHI’s role – per MHARR, Doug Ryan, and others – in insuring that DTS and enhanced preemption have been allowed to languish.
g) Congress held hearings on the lack of enforcement of the MHIA. Then vice chair, but now chairman Bill Boor spoke to Congress in July 2023 about getting enhanced preemption enforced. How could Gooch fail to mention these facts? MHI participated in all of those events and more like them. How could MHN fail to check with MHARR, the other national association, which features that enhanced preemption topic numerous times on their website? But if the goal of MHN was to provide fluff for MHI, they accomplished that purpose.
h) MHN has now stumbled upon genuine news for mainstream media. Others in media have shed a light on this via op-eds, but will they do a groundbreaking report? The question now is, will they look the other way?
Solutions must be inherently affordable. Decades of subsidies for costly housing have never solved the affordability crisis and never will. | By L. A. “Tony” Kovach
Or will MHN put a notice that a revision is planned for their interview with Gooch, check with sources like MHARR, others, dig into the evidence from the reports linked, and then produce a report that also seeks the views of disgruntled residents, troubled professionals, and gives MHI and their attorneys a chance to respond to the evidence like is outlined in this report?
15) As noted, MHProNews plans a follow up and will plan to do a timely press release and/or a post on the Patch that deals with this evidence. Stay tuned for the follow up. The MHVille market report is ahead in Part III.
Our Daily Business News on MHProNews stock market recap which features our business-daily at-a-glance update of over 2 dozen manufactured housing industry stocks.
This segment of the Daily Business News on MHProNews is the recap of yesterday evening’s market report at the closing bell, so that investors can see-at-glance the type of topics may have influenced other investors. Our format includes our signature left (CNN Business) and right (Newsmax) ‘market moving’ headlines for a more balanced report.
The macro market moves graphics below provide context and comparisons for those invested in or tracking manufactured housing connected equities. Meaning, you can see ‘at a glance’ how manufactured housing connected firms do compared to other segments of the broader equities market.
In minutes a day, readers can get a good sense of significant or major events while keeping up with the trends that may be impacting manufactured housing connected investing.
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Notice: MHProNews invites the firms or organizations named in these reports to respond to any concerns about possibly inaccurate information via email that identifies the concern and offers evidence that sheds a different light on the topic discussed. That said, until 5.9.2024, neither MHI nor most MHI publicly traded ‘insider brands’ have done so. They’ve been repeatedly invited to do so, including but not limited to an outreach on Dec 7, 2o23 and Feb 25, 2024. In the case of that response linked above, no apparent reply was given to follow up inquires by MHProNews.