– are in the process of moving our web site to a more powerful ‘liquid cloud’ server, in order to accommodate our increasing web site traffic. This server move will be followed by our planned new format that will be available later next month. While attempting this server move last weekend, the company that provides our web site registration experienced a major outage. This resulted in technical difficulties in site access, so we reverted our web site to our current server to resume service. Our current server is being retained for a period of time as a standby in the event of any other unforeseen circumstances like the one last weekend. We apologize for any issues you experience while this work is being done. This week, after testing to insure that our registrar’s DNS services were stable, we plan to resume our move starting this evening at 11PM Central time. Our IT department estimates that we will be back in service at about noon Central time Saturday, October 1. Updates will be posted if this estimate should change. Thank you for your patience with the cyber dust, we believe it will be worth your wait when this process is finished.