Roumaya says he is targeting millennials and has already received responses from a Craigslist ad for the $880 a month rentals that will include kitchenettes and skyline views as well as a dog-friendly space, laundromat, outdoor grilles, bicycle parking and available storage units. He is now taking reservations for the first 24 modular units out of a possible top end of 100.
He says in the ad, “If you love travel, understand minimalist and spare (non-material) living, if you are DONE with the mortgage and the nightmare of housing upkeep, then bring it. Millenials – you get it, spread the word, because you have it right! Or, you could go to uptown and pay $1800 – 2500 per month in some huge 400 unit apartment complex, and may you not lose your soul.”
The first residents could move in as early as December. ##
(Image credit: huffingtonpost/zigloo–stacked modular units)