“News articles are written to inform and educate readers on current affairs/events. They are used to provide readers with information they need/want to know about the world around them.” So says Hull University. “Most media messages serve at least one of three purposes—to educate, to entertain, or to persuade — and some fulfill all three at once. A blog post, for example, may entertain its readers but also share some news or promote a cause or product.” That statement is per Thoughtful Learning. “News is that part of communication that keeps us informed of the changing events, issues, and characters in the world outside.” That is according to a July 23, 2023 post on the American Press Institute (API) website. API’s “The Purpose of Journalism” explains: “Though it may be interesting or even entertaining, the foremost value of news is as a utility to empower the informed. The purpose of journalism is thus to provide citizens with the information they need to make the best possible decisions about their lives, their communities, their societies, and their governments.”
On each of those notions above, editorially MHProNews largely agrees. Note that this and other content of this kind reflect the research and views of MHProNews, and may not represent the views of our sponsors. That said, when news fails to authentically inform readers of the nuances and macro issues that impact virtually everyone in America, that is arguably a big miss. Thus, the aim for MHProNews is to routinely weave in information that once grasped can make a positive difference in the lives of others. That’s “news” – or as API put it: “the foremost value of news is as a utility to empower the informed. The purpose of journalism is thus to provide citizens with the information they need to make the best possible decisions about their lives, their communities, their societies, and their governments.”
Part I – Understanding and Correcting What’s Gone Wrong
An evidence-based case can be made that much of the news media and big tech has been corrupted and serves the political and financial interests of giant corporations and their mega-millions or billionaire backers and sponsors.
It is worth noting that members of both major parties have been saying for years that “the system is rigged.” As believers in free enterprise, there is a distinction to be made between free enterprise and crony and corrupt capitalism. The later has increasingly taken hold in the U.S. in recent decades. Who says? Warren Buffett, in remarks cited in the graphical quotations linked here. Buffett who holds significant sway over the manufactured housing industry. Recall too that Buffett stressed the importance and value of reading, which he says he spends the majority of his worktime doing.
There is also an apparent distinction to be made between socialism and other forms of government and what America is supposed to be under its Constitutional charter. But years of muddled education and less than ideal journalism has left millions believing that socialism is the answer to what has gone wrong in the U.S. Never forget that author George Orwell was a disillusioned socialist. His book famous dystopian novel 1984 (“Nineteen Eighty-Four”) is often referred to by thinkers on the left and right.
In the United States, the First Amendment in a very real sense protects specific careers, because of their importance to a functioning Republic (a form of government distinct from a political party). Among them is journalism.
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” That’s the First Amendment, per congress.gov or other sources. It’s part of what became known as the Bill of Rights, which various states wanted to before they ratified (affirmed, passed) what became the U.S. Constitution. Note that beyond a de facto support for journalism (“…of the press”) is an implied defense for teaching “religion” and “the free exercise thereof.” Many of the great reform movements in this country were lead by preachers, including the abolition and civil rights movements. If America is to recover, a case can be made that believers in truth and justice may well lead the way in pulpits and digital or other honest news outlets.
The Constitution is the highest law of the land in the U.S. But the Declaration of Independence and the First Amendment de facto acknowledges God, the Creator of all things and people. MHProNews has provided evidence for the belief in God, which is quite simple to demonstrate. To ignore God is to ignore reality. The founders of America knew that to be true.
Because news has often become so polarizing and millions have been effectively propagandized into certain positions and beliefs, it is easier for the powerful to divide and rule.
While MHProNews’ co-founders and management has political preferences, we are and have been political independents for years. It has been over a decade since one of us was a registered member of a political party. The other co-founder of MHProNews has always been a political independent.
Events in the U.S., and in other nations too, have reached a point that ‘business as usual’ news and views reporting is arguably insufficient. We recently posted a report on CBDCs. It has been quite popular, as MHProNews reported in the facts and evidence based snapshots linked here. The Federal Reserve and other sources are cited in the report linked below. CBDCs could easily be used to effectively take away the financial rights of everyday Americans. As such it is a key issue.
Events in our industry have reached a crossroads too. Who says? How about William “Bill” Boor, who is currently the vice chairman of the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI). Boor told Congress that the industry is at a crossroads. Boor said he will be MHI’s next chairman, and he is Cavco Industries (CVCO) president and CEO. Since current MHI Chairman Leo Poggione of Craftsman Homes is effectively a subsidiary of Cavco’s, per that company’s own Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings, Boor’s remarks are significant.
Will MHI and MHARR Close the Gap?
Someone in the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) orbit have said to MHProNews that they think Boor may bring positive change to MHI after he becomes chairman. That source speculated that they see evidence that Boor could bring a measure of genuine rapprochement between the two trade groups. While that would be welcomed by MHProNews, and with all due respect to that MHARR industry colleague, editorially we would be pleasantly surprised if such a change occurred when Boor becomes MHI chair.
That noted, it is fair to say that there are those in both the MHI and MHARR camps in manufactured housing that would welcome an authentic vs. a faux meeting of the minds that would genuinely advance manufactured housing. MHARR has made the clear repeatedly in their remarks.
The American Way?
MHProNews has long believed that the American system is perhaps the best in the world, despite its shortcomings. Unlike most others in MHVille trade journalism, MHProNews believes in the importance of shedding historical light on a subject, because whether you agree with Buffett’s politics or business ethics or not, he has a point on the importance of reading, understanding, and the potentially powerful – and yes, potentially profitable and pragmatic – lessons of history.
MHProNews initiated our Daily Business News left-right headline news summary during the Obama Administration. That portion of this report is found further below. While that segment of our reporting has evolved, it has always aimed to give people as balanced a view of the world as possible by presenting insights from ‘both sides’ of the left-right divide in the U.S.A. It is one of several ground-breaking features that made and kept us the runaway #1 in manufactured housing trade news.
Each of these elements are significant when it comes to what matters most to you and your career, future, and that of our profession and nation. When powerful forces, reported by left and right leaning American media, have said that “business as usual” is over or “dead,” believe it.
Warren Buffett Said It
When Buffett says that his class has been waging class warfare in America and that his class won, that may be somewhat exaggerated, but nevertheless, he regrettably has a point. In a rigged system, the wealthy have a strong hand. But thankfully, the majority of Americans can still influence events at the ballot box. The stunning decline of Bud Light and other ‘woke’ efforts in a consumer backlash (essentially a broad boycott), is a reminder that Americans very much have a say that has been described by the Job Creators Network (JCN) as our “2nd Vote.”
When Buffett says that the rearview mirror is important, he is talking about ‘history.’ On that point, Buffett and we editorially agree, even if we see many things differently.
When influential Democratic Congressman James “Jim” Clyburn (SC-D) said that history tells us how we got here and is therefore important, believe that even if you don’t agree with Clyburn’s politics.
The Miracle On Main Street
That is all an introduction to what follows about the Miracle on Mainstreet by author F. Tupper Saussy. It has been years since I first purchased this book, which I found useful at the time as an easy-to-read introduction for others to several topics. When this writer recently stumbled across this e-volume in recent research, without endorsing every nuance or everything that the author may have done or said, it is fair to say there is more wheat than chaff in the Miracle on Main Street.
The fact that the Miracle on Main Street went through multiple editions due to its popularity speaks for itself. That said, some reviews and pull quotes are warranted.
Among the book reviews on Amazon of this book is the following: “F. Tupper Saussy was a man with a deep understanding of monetary truth. This book is easy to read and understand while expositing the fundamental realities of currency and the true rightful purpose and function of government and civil authority.”
Among the critiques of this book from that same Amazon page: “Throughout the rest of the book he mentions God and quotes from the Bible.” “As a conservative, evangelical Christian of the Baptist variety, I am unsure where Saussy is coming from spiritually.” He said Saussy: “states that he believes in clairvoyance, ESP, telekinesis, etc.” “He appears to be mixing the Bible and New Age thought. Overall this book was interesting…” but apparently due to that mix of Biblical and seemingly ‘New Age’ thought, he didn’t think the book was “great.” Regarding that review, it will simply be noted that some might believe in “clairvoyance, ESP, etc.” and still believe in God and issues of faith revealed in the Bible. That said, the critique is fair.
Saussy said in the volume linked below: “Where do these ideas come from? From those who profit by people’s not using their natural abilities, where else?”
“The reality of this book is: IF YOU DON’T LIKE WHAT’S HAPPENING IN YOUR LIFE, YOU CAN FIX IT.” – Tupper Saussy.
“We don’t need to restore the American Dream; we need to wake up from it.” – Tupper Saussy.
“Distinguished economics experts, Nobel prize winners, and White House advisors notwithstanding, THE MIRACLE ON MAIN STREET contains the only lawful and workable solution there can ever be to our worsening financial woes, public and private. Amazingly, this solution is already with us, built into the mechanics of our government.” James A. Woods, P.E. said that in his Forward to the Miracle on Main Street, which added.
Tupper Saussy goes right to the Supreme Law of the Land to reveal that solution to us. Then, he shows step by step how the solution will be achieved. As each individual uses the United States Constitution to preserve the value of his own fortune, our decaying federal economic, political, and social conditions will begin healing themselves literally over-night. This truly is the stuff of which miracles are made.”
On Page 4 is the following pull-quotes.
—Dr. Tobias H. Brocher, Director, Center for Applied Behavioral Sciences, Menninger Foundation, Topeka, Kansas in National Enquirer, January 2, 1979
Also on page 4.
“The culprit is the person whose eyes scan these words, and whose hands—at this moment—hold this book.’” — William J. Lederer, A Nation of Sheep, 1961.
To the points raised in the quotes above, MHProNews has previously noted for some years that paltering and propaganda methods have been used on Americans and others for centuries. When Lederer speaks of half-truths, he may have been thinking about paltering. MHProNews has also informed our readers of the research and reports about the power of Google and Facebook in fashioning the views of millions, evidenced by Dr. Robert Epstein and others. Warren Buffett has said that the habits of people can become chains that may keep people from making changes. One possible takeaway is that concerns raised in internet era has its precursors in the pre-internet era of American history too.
The Internet Archives provided MHProNews with the embed code for F. Tupper Saussy’s The Miracle on Main Street, posted below.
Some will find navigating the PDF of the thought-provoking The Miracle on Main Street is linked below. Click the link below to open or follow the prompts to download.
Looking Back, Looking Ahead
For decades there have been ‘patriots’ who have raised issues concerns about the U.S. drifting from its constitutional moorings. Among them has been attorney John Whitehead, head of the Rutherford Institute. Much of the Whiteheads’ and the Rutherford Institute’s efforts are tied to are examples of how America has slipped its constitutional moorings and ‘fighting back’ to restore the full force of the Constitution.
It is MHProNews’ intention to refer back to this topic of various efforts to restore the Constitutional order. So as your time permits, please dig into this ‘free to you’ e-version of Saussy’s thought provoking and popular book. Written feedback, on or off the record, on this topic is welcomed.
Given the push for CBDCs, and the understandably widespread concerns about “inflation” in the last few years, it seemed like an appropriate time to share the thoughts of Saussy and his Miracle on Main Street.
At a minimum, it should make people rethink what they ‘know’ about the U.S. financial system and more about your constitutionally protected rights.
To emphasize and as an additional disclaimer, MHProNews does not agree with all that Saussy said or did. But much that he wrote is nevertheless relevant. He was living at a time when ‘high inflation’ was an issue, and it is again today. One line that suggested that voting may be a waste of time, while understandable, is in this writer’s view incorrect.
On MHLivingNews, we published the following report.

That document in the report linked above has certain similarities to notions Saussy’s book promoted. Saussy was making a case for a peaceful, and in his view, lawful challenge to the status quo. The case could be made that the above content in the report linked above is superior to Saussy’s, BUT. For some, Saussy’s may be more ‘readable.’
As was previously noted, in this author’s view, Saussy’s book readability was an appealing feature. Once someone starts thinking in terms of Constitutional law, a whole new world of ideas is opened up.
Did this writer do what Saussy suggested? No. Then why share it? In part, for discussion purposes. To make people think and re-think what they believe that they know.
The current “polycrisis” in America is an appropriate time to re-examine what people have been taught to think and believe.
America could be far more prosperous than it is. You could be far more prosperous than you are. Much of the notion of Constitutionally limited government was based on the belief that people could manage their own affairs, they didn’t need someone to dictate to them and give or deny permission to do a range of behaviors.
The founders who signed the Declaration of Independence said in part: “Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
Like millions of others who believe there is a need for peaceful change in the U.S.A., MHProNews is not suggesting “a revolution” or violence in citing the Declaration or other ‘founding’ documents. What we are suggesting is that we have reached ‘a favorable crisis‘ as founding Roger Sherman said, and as Tupper Saussy referenced in his Miracle.
The case can be made that more ought to think and act daily in ways that advance the cause of Constitutionally-protected and God given rights. Even if most, as this writer did, ignore Saussy’s specific advice, several of his general points and several of his legal and historical references are intellectually useful.
“We the People” must learn or re-learn how to think in terms of how America is supposed to operate under Constitutional law. The federal debt being piled up may never be repaid. Some state debt may never be repaid. To avoid an economic collapse, or the imposition of CBDCs or other mechanisms, we ought to understand how the monetary system is supposed to work.
So, for those with the gumption to read Saussy’s book and are willing to look beyond its weaknesses to see its insights, enjoy the read. Because since Saussy wrote it, and even since he died on March 16, 2007, the challenges facing America are arguably worse. Had more people read his book – and then turned to the notions linked above, here, and below – they may not feel so powerless. As one more reminder of our rights as citizens, don’t forget to dive into your powers as a juror.
Starting at page 136 of Saussy’s book is a copy of the U.S. Constitution. It is well worth reading and getting to know.
Our research into what are the hottest articles reveals that historic topics in or beyond MHVille are often of keen interest to MHProNews readers. MHProNews plans to continue to publish insights into such issues without losing the focus of the important role that inherently affordable manufactured housing ought to be playing in our society. Because there is a parallel case that can be made that examples of public officials essentially ignoring laws that were intended to benefit manufactured housing are already in place is simply another aspect of the loss of constitutional restraints.
The oath of office to become a public official ought to be mean something. To his credit, Saussy made that point.
The links and quotes that follow are illustrations to support the several of the remarks shared above.

A new poll says that some 75 percent of Americans rate the economic conditions as “poor.” Inflation, wittingly or not, is one factor. The House Ways and Means Committee said: “Biden-Flation isn’t just robbing workers’ paychecks – it’s wiped away roughly $34,000 from the average Americans’ retirement account.” The Miami Herald said last month that: “Under Biden, employees’ hours have been getting cut back, and prices have risen 15.9%.” The House Budget Committee reported that: “The average sales price of a home has also gotten more expensive during the Biden Administration, increasing from $403,900 to $516,500.” And despite all of the talk about how many times manufactured housing was mentioned in the Biden housing plan, manufactured housing sales have plunged – not risen. Keep in mind that MHProNews warned readers several times in advance of thes trends. It didn’t take a crystal ball. It only required a knowledge of history and the nature of the fiat money system.
The effects of a government that has too often pushed beyond its constitutional moorings and has too often been subject to various forms of corruption, is another. When the problems and their underlying causes are understood, then the solutions become clearer. Understanding is where it all starts. That’s why “understanding” not only what the news says, but what the news implies and reveals are useful.

PS: MHARR, the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB), the Job Creators Network and their affiliates, and AMAC.us are among the organizations that individuals and/or businesses can be part of to fight government overreach. Regrettably, MHI has proven itself to be part of the problem, rather than part of the solution.

Part II. Daily Business News on MHProNews Markets and Headline News Segment
Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business – from the evening of 8.3.2023
- Mortgage rates climb
- New homes line a street in Eagleville, Pa., Friday, April 28, 2023.
- Matt Rourke/AP
- Rates edge toward 7% after America’s credit rating was downgraded
- Papa Johns’ prices are driving some customers away
- Taylor Swift gives ‘life-changing’ $100,000 bonuses to Eras Tour truck drivers
- Saudi Arabia extends oil production cut even as US gas prices hit nine-month highs
- Hyundai and Kia warn drivers of 90,000 vehicles to park outside due to fire risk
- ‘Bitcoin Bonnie and Clyde’ plead guilty to money laundering
- India’s recent rice ban sent people into a panic. Here’s what’s going on now
- Threads user count falls to new lows, highlighting retention challenges
- The US was just downgraded, but the jobs report will likely be strong
- Warner Bros. Discovery trims costs and losses but misses forecasts
- Bank of England raises interest rates for the 14th time
- Amazon Fresh grocery chain has struggled. See its stores of the future
- Warren Buffett isn’t worried about Fitch’s downgrade
- Bud Light controversy cost parent company about $395 million in lost US sales
- Woman sues drug makers of Ozempic and Mounjaro over severe gastrointestinal issues
- Vince McMahon subpoenaed in sexual misconduct investigation
- 12,000 jobs at risk as UK discount chain teeters on brink of collapse
- US investors are searching overseas for opportunities
- Rampant DC dysfunction made America’s credit downgrade inevitable
- Yeezy stock sales improve outlook for Adidas
- ‘Zelda’ sales breakout juices Nintendo’s aging Switch
- China wants to limit minors to no more than two hours a day on their phones
- She reported a scientist was under FBI investigation. Now a judge is ordering her to reveal her source
Notice: the graphic below can be expanded to a larger size.

Headlines from right-of-center Newsmax 8.3.2023
- Trump Arrives in DC Area to Face Charges He Tried to Subvert 2020 Election
- Former President Donald Trump arrives at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport in Virginia on Thursday, as he heads to Washington to face a judge on federal conspiracy charges alleging Trump conspired to subvert the 2020 election. (AP)
- New Trump Indictment
- Trump Lawyer: ‘One of Biggest Cases’ Ever, May Take a Year
- David Schoen: DOJ Case ‘Outrageous Stuff,’ Lacks ‘Integrity’ | video
- Archer Testimony: Hunter Used Father, Name as ‘the Brand’
- Dean Cain: Third Trump Indictment ‘Attack on Free Speech’ | video
- Trump Urges ‘Federal Takeover’ of D.C., Change of Venue | video
- Huckabee: SCOTUS Will Decide Trump’s D.C. Case | video
- Trump Hits Back at Pence: ‘No Crowds, Enthusiasm, or Loyalty’
- Pelosi: Trump Indictment ‘Heartbreaking’ for Country
- Do Prosecutors Seek Fast Trial by Not Naming Co-defendants?
- Pence: ‘Crackpot Lawyers’ Fed Trump Answers He Wanted | video
- Hakes: Trump ‘Had to Decide Who to Rely On’ | video
- Alina Habba: Latest Indictment Is No Lost Cause | video
- Newsmax TV
- Graham: Left ‘Scared to Death’ of Trump
- Stitt: Dems ‘Refusing to Secure Our Borders’ | video
- Lankford: Guard ‘Force Multiplier’ at Border | video
- Ben Carson: US Becoming ‘Totalitarian’ | video
- Kirk Cameron: 268 Libraries Welcome Event Saturday | video
- Chris Christie: ‘Feel Very Good Where I Am’ in Race | video
- Huckabee: Archer Interview Shows Biden Was Involved | video
- Chip Roy: Fitch Shows Bidenomics Failing | video
- Newsfront
- 2 Sailors Face Charges Tied to US Security, China
- Two U.S. Navy sailors have been arrested and accused of providing sensitive military information to China – including details on wartime exercises, Naval operations, and critical technical material, federal officials said Thursday…. [Full Story]
- Facebook Owner Meta, Google Move to Block News in Canada
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- Newsmax’s surge in the cable TV ratings continued through July, as [Full Story] | video
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