The Daily Business News on MHProNews were sent messages about allegations regarding Clayton Homes targeting Regional Enterprises, based in Brandon, MS.
One tip stated as follows:
“Clayton manufacturing just effectively cut off their largest independent dealer relationship in the country because he invested in a factory that took some of their people. Truly anti competitive behavior.”
“…Clayton met with Heath Jenkins of Regional enterprises and informed him they would no longer be paying him rebate (essentially cutting them off without having to repurchase) Regional purchased $40m from Clayton in 2018, making Heath their largest retailer. Why would Clayton do something like this? Because he opened a plant and hired some of their people. If they would purposely go out and rape their largest dealer, what chance do the rest of us have? Clayton has convinced hundreds of independents they are your business partner, but make no mistake, they are your largest competitor.”
The post opened with the words: “It’s not just a T-shirt to us,” an apparent reference to the meme, posted below.
That same post ended with the words, “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”
MHProNews has reached out to Clayton Homes and 21st Mortgage Corp officials for comment. We have been unable to reach Regional Enterprises’ Heath Jenkins by phone, but have left a voice message encouraging his response.
Connie at Regional Homes of Bonifay, FL was also asked to insure Jenkin’s follow up, which she assured MHProNews that she would pass on to him our message and request for comment on the allegations.
Another contact in management at Regional was also asked by MHProNews to get Jenkin’s to reply.
It should be noted that even if true, Regional Enterprises may have their own reasons for not wanting this sort of news to leak out. That’s part of the vexing nature of the purported “Moat” of Clayton, 21st, Berkshire, et al. Fear over the economic impact, embarrassment with one’s own team, concerns sparked with other suppliers, actions by other competitors, and a range of other possible motivations enter into the mix that may cause a purported ‘victim’ company from going public.
Part of a Pattern?
This is not the only time this sort of allegation against Clayton Homes, CMH – their manufacturing division – or their affiliated lenders, such as 21st Mortgage Corp have been made.
MHProNews will post a follow up report, which will include any comments provided by Clayton Homes, Berkshire Hathaway, the Monopolistic Housing Institute (err, Manufactured Housing Institute or MHI), or other relevant related brands.
Multiple sources have made this allegation to MHProNews. If true, is this part of a broader market pattern? The answers are found in the linked related reports, further below. It should be noted that there have been multiple news tips this week, some have already been reported and are included in related reports, further below.
Why are so few manufactured homes being sold? Why have the numbers of independents been contracting for years? Don’t reports like this one, and those below, help answer those questions?
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