The Minnesota Valley Action Council (MVAC) and city of Mankato officials met with mobile home owners, community owners and management, plus representatives of the United Community Action Partnership to discuss the initiative second phase of a project to replace older mobile homes there.
MVAC and Mankato hope to replace at least five more “run-down mobile homes” over the next 18 months using $110,000 in federal and state dollars, per the Free Press.
The program provides forgivable loans for eligible homeowners to purchase a newer HUD Code manufactured home.
“We should not have people living in substandard housing,” said Judd Schultz, housing services director for MVAC. “This program is a small step but it’s doing a good job getting people into a better house, which is stabilizing their lives and making them healthier.”
Another goal of the program, aid the Free Press, is to “remove blight in the mobile home parks. The vacated homes are demolished.”
“It all comes down to building a better quality of life in these mobile home parks,” said Mankato Department of Public Safety Cmdr. Dan Schisel.
A pilot program in 2017 replaced four homes in three communities. Five of the six manufactured home communities in the city signed on to participate in phase two. Discussions are underway to expand the plan in other parts of their county.

Some in manufactured housing have expressed a desire to push this type of project more broadly. There are variations of this concept in different parts of the U.S. That’s MH “Industry News, Tips, and Views Pros Can Use,” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)

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