Modular housing builder Northstar Systembuilt will be relocating its assembly line to an existing 53,000 square foot building in Redwood Falls, Minn. in the southwest part of the state from its current facility in Marshall, Minn., according to redwoodfallsgazette. It had received a tax abatement to construct a 36,000 square foot plant, but the existing warehouse already has a crane to move the modules around, as well as insulation pumps and blowers. The current plan calls for eleven stations along a U-shaped assembly line, as MHProNews has been informed, with space to expand. Rick Zitzmann, director of Northstar Systembuilt, says the company will begin moving June 17, and noted the change in their business plan which requires more space: “We’re going to be targeting the hospitality industry rather than single dwellings. We’ve just finished building a 154-room motel in North Dakota, and are currently building a 216 unit building.”