Hive Modular of Minneapolis suffered mightily during the recession, but the company has been growing in Canada, enough to have three locations: Altona in Manitoba, Toronto, and one will be set to the east in Quebec. Hive started as a “night job” in 2005 by Paul Stankey and two friends, and has produced 25 custom homes. As MHProNews reported Sept. 21, 2012, a highly energy efficient, 2,075 square foot green house with three bedrooms and 2 1/2 baths was sited in Calgary for around $160 a foot. Hive offers custom made modulars to fit lot sizes and conditions, and the modules arrive on site complete: Painted drywall, electricals, fireplace, flooring, windows and kitchen. One feature offered by Hive is Plyboo cabinets—plywood-like material but made from bamboo with exposed edges that resemble marquetry. According to the globeandmail, one customer says, “You’d start getting pictures and half your house was built.”