Because the home is made inside and delivered in component parts, or as a single unit that needs the finishing work, weather delays are non-existent, the environment is less impacted, which knocks time off of move-in day. It may take as long to build the home as to obtain the permits and do the infrastructure and site preparation work.
Fewer laborers working fewer days saves money; and while extensive customization can add to the cost, it, too is done in the factory in advance of the home arriving at your site. MHProNews understands it is best to compare the cost of buying an existing home to having one built.
You must own the land on which to site your home, make certain it is appropriately zoned and that utilities can be attached, obtain the necessary permits and have local jurisdiction officials inspect the home and all the hook-ups. Some modular retailers will help with securing permits.
While there are options for construction loans and financing modular homes, the home will need to be paid for before it arrives. A contract will be issued for paying installments while the house is under construction. The advantage is in the interest saved by paying in advance.
Some ambitious do-it-yourselfers may purchase their home in kit form, and with the aid of competent helpers, assemble it themselves, while many people are willing to pay others to do everything from site prep to construction and the final installation. ##
(Photo credit: shutterstock–modular home being sited)