RidgefieldPatch reports a proposed affordable modular housing project in Ridgefield, Connecticut has met with stiff opposition from neighbors as well as a planning and zoning commission member. The four, 3.5-story buildings on .41 of an acre would have 11 units, 30 percent of which would be affordable housing to help the community meet its quota for low-cost housing. Parking for 25 vehicles would be included in the project. Neighbors who spoke at the hearing voiced concern over the density of the project, because it amounts to three times what is allowed in the highest density multi-family zone in town. Others noted the impervious surface of the proposed modular buildings and parking would lead to storm water runoff that could cause adjacent wetlands to flood neighboring yards. Developer Ridgefield Modular Home Corp. says the project has been reviewed by the city’s water pollution board. Civil and traffic engineers, as well as a soil scientist, also presented on behalf of the developer. MHProNews has been informed the hearing will resume Dec. 18.