At a League of Women Voters (LWV) forum on affordable housing in Midland, Texas, it was noted the housing shortage is evidenced in the availability of only 150 homes for sale in this west-central city of over 100,000. A one bedroom apartment now costs $900/month, and the increase each time a new lease is signed averages $250/month. Some apartment complexes have waiting lists months long. MyWestTexas tells a new home can run from $125/sq ft to over $200. Habitat for Humanity homes go for $46/sq ft because of the federal Community Development Block Grants funds to purchase land, but the needs are greater than local organizations can provide, and Midland residents do not want to subsidize housing if it will raise property taxes. LWV program vice-president Mary Smith said the league suggested modular housing 30 years ago. City Councilman John James, noting the importance of planning for the future, agreed modular homes could meet the housing need quickly.