For years in Australia, mining and construction companies used dongas, transportable single-room aluminum buildings for workers, which have now evolved to modular housing, but few modular structures were made for residential housing in the last ten years. Ausco Modular has supplied thousands of units of modular workforce housing over its 50+ years, from its 12 manufacturing facilities across the country, but the company made only 80 modular residences in the last four years, most of which went to companies. It is now turning its sights on increasing modular homes sales. Managing director Anthony Walsh, noting that savings can amount to 20 percent or more in areas where labor is in short supply or expensive, says, “We are now confident we have a mix of products that can tackle all sectors. You have got to have enough in your range to satisfy the majority of requests.” MHProNews has learned from theaustralian that costs in major urban areas will be the same as for site-built homes, but require much less time to complete.