Owners, managers, investors, and front-line sales professionals, that quote above is an important secret for manufactured housing (MH), or any other, career success.
Those who learn, earn, and return by serving others well don’t have to worry about who they bump into at the local Walmart, grocery story, church, place of worship, bank, credit union, or anywhere else.
The REAL ‘silver bullets’ for more success in MH are proper education, discipline, integrity, and motivation.
A Common Concern in MHVille Voiced to MHProNews by Industry Professionals
Several pros, often owners, executives, and others on the front lines of selling, have expressed concerns about the industry in general – in terms of a lack of proper sales training, for example – and certain factors regarding ‘unfair competition’ in specific.
Don’t whine or worry. The solutions are to learn more, to discover how to navigate the challenges, and thus do more.
In last week’s Monday Morning Sales Meeting 15-minute video seminar, you heard a national lender explain that he and others believe that sales skills are down among manufactured housing professionals from 15 or 20 years ago.
Shipments are down too. Coincidence? That veteran, award-winning lender didn’t think so. Experience reveals that properly motivated, and informed professionals do better than those simply waiting for someone to hand them a deposit check.
Education, ethics, and training are the answers for long term success. See examples of serious professional opportunities for learning more, linked here and here.
Don’t Let Goliath Scare You…
But another concern is that with a group of a few companies that so dominates the industry, what can the independent retailer or community do to counter the advantages that company might have?

Share as needed with others the power of third-party provided information. Here’s but one example…
The article linked above provides a wealth of information that an independent operation can point a home shopper to with confidence.
Most sales trainers say, ‘You don’t throw your competitor under the bus.’
But why not help serious shoppers – who are on the fence, trying to decide for themselves what direction they should go – by providing a link to resources let to discover the truth for themselves?
Why not allow the serious shopper to make a more informed decision, based upon third-party research? Give them the link, like the one above. Then, let them decide what may be, or may not be, in their best interest. Common sense, right?
And isn’t giving that or other linked information the moral thing to do as well? Just as ‘friends don’t let friends drive drunk,’ so too what caring business professional fails to give a sincere shopper the knowledge needed to make an informed decision?
The best resources for that are routinely third-party provided references.
Keep In Mind, Readers Are The Leaders
Remember. To properly use a video, report, or any information, you and/or your team should know that story article, video, or report — backward and forward.
There is no need to push, rather, provide and guide as needed.
The lazy sales professional, is the hungry sales pro. Zig Ziglar’s brother, Judge Ziglar said, “Timid Salesman Have Skinny Kids.” You have to know what you know, and be willing to share it, the right way, at the right time, with confidence, calm, and composure.
“When I first got into the MH sales business, the company I worked for had no formal training,” said L. A. “Tony” Kovach.
“I read every industry article I could, plus books, etc. that I could on my own to learn the business. As Zig Ziglar used to say, don’t use a loser’s limp. Don’t give yourself an excuse for failure. Do all that you can to learn more, to serve others better, and thus pave the way to your success, through their success,” Kovach said.
15 minutes a day minimum on MHLivingNews and MHProNews can prove to be priceless for any sales person, manager, executive, owner, investor or others who deal with the public, officials, media, and others.
“You can get everything you want out of life, if you help enough other people get out of life what they want.” Zig Ziglar.
“We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)
Note 1: Thanks to for those who directly and/or through social media are sharing their appreciation for our pro-Industry, pro-growth, pro-bottom line solution oriented industry coverage.
(Image credits are as shown above, and when provided by third parties, are shared under fair use guidelines.)

Related: For communication, marketing, training, and other MH Professional Services, click here.