Preface: White House Resident Joe Biden (D) and left-leaning ultra billionaire William “Bill” Gates III – the later who has deep financial interests in Berkshire Hathaway (BRK), the parent company to Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage Corporation, and Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance – are among those on record as saying that another pandemic is coming. The next pandemic, per such voices, could be worse than COVID19. There is no doubt that COVID19 seriously disrupted the American political, social, educational, and economic landscape in several measurable respects – some of which will be referenced herein. Yet, there is an odd metaphorical yawn by too many in politics and media when it comes to probing the origins of the COVID19 virus and to seek to hold those responsible for the outbreak accountable. Manufactured housing production centers rapidly sustained challenges in the wake of the declared COVID19 pandemic as did all other aspects of the manufactured home industry. In that context is the following media release, executive summary and the attached full 300-page report on the origins of COVID19.
To avoid another COVID-19 – or worse – the world needs a full-time, paid team whose entire job is to prevent pandemics. I call it GERM:
— Bill Gates (@BillGates) April 29, 2022
Speculation by “Rosy” noted and aside, Biden said what he said.
Have they got second pandemic already planned?? Joe Biden : We need more money to plan for the second pandemic. There’s gonna be another pandemic” #JoeBiden #Biden
— Rosy (@rose_k01) June 22, 2022
Before proceeding, a few thoughts on the domestic and international situation is useful. If there is a widespread ‘yawn’ or ‘meh’ response by much of the mainstream media, that’s an indictment of those outlets that fail to give this issue of the origins of COVID19 its due. Before addressing the topic of China, a few thoughts on Russia are useful. Either U.S. intelligence assessments of Russia’s capabilities were wide of the mark with respect to their potential to quickly overrun Ukraine, or key members of the federal government deliberately misinformed the American people. Russia’s economy is a fraction of the size of Communist China. As this tweet that follows reflects, three U.S. states have a bigger economy than Russia’s. But the significance of Russia is not just economic, but rather, military. Reuters reported on 3.25.2023 that: “Putin controls around 5,977 such [nuclear] warheads as of 2022, compared to 5,428 controlled by U.S.” In a stark contrast, several sources report that: “The Pentagon’s 2022 report to Congress estimated that by 2030 China’s nuclear stockpile “will have about 1,000 operational nuclear warheads, most of which will be fielded on systems capable of ranging the continental United States” (e.g.: 3.12.2023 – If those data points are accurate, China’s economy dwarfs Russia’s, but the Russia dwarfs China’s nuclear warhead count. The U.S. still leads economically, but that lead is seemingly slipping in several ways. China’s navy may not be as potent as the U.S. fleet, but they outnumber our country in ships. “As of April 2021, the U.S. Navy Register counts 298 vessels in its battle force. By contrast, a 2020 Congressional report estimated the PLA Navy counted 360 battle force ships. Counting various auxiliary and coast guard ships, the IISS think tank counted 777 PLA assets to 490 for the United States,” per 19fortyfive.
How big is Russia’s economy?
Fun facts: three U.S. states have larger economies than Russia: California ($3.1 trillion), Texas ($1.78 trillion) and New York ($1.7 trillion).
And California’s GDP is more than twice the GDP of Russia.
— Bryan William Jones (@BWJones) September 9, 2022
The takeaways are several, but could be boiled down like this. Russia is not to be ignored, but in several respects the greater challenge to the U.S. today per various sources is Communist China. Given the increased dependency our economy – and much of our industry’s supply chains – has on Communist China, it is a difficult challenge for intelligent people to ignore. With that backdrop is the following.
Part 1 of this report is the press release issued by U.S. Senator Roger “Doc” Marshall, M.D., (KS-R). Dr. Robert “Bob” Kadlec was part of the team involved in this project. Per left-leaning Wikipedia: “Robert Peter Kadlec is an American physician and career officer in the United States Air Force who served as Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services from August 2017 until January 2021. He is responsible for the creation of the COVID-19 vaccine development program Operation Warp Speed.”
Part 1 a includes excerpts from the attached downloads of the executive summary and full 300 page report, which are linked below.
Part 2 is additional related information with more MHProNews analysis and commentary in brief includes a snapshot and links to recent and previous reports about the threats from Communist China, including, but not limited to those connected to the COVID19 outbreak.
Part 3 is the Daily Business News on MHProNews macro-markets, manufactured housing connected equities and REITs, plus the time saving-insight creating left (CNN) and right (Newsmax) headlines snapshot.
Part 1
APRIL 17, 2023
Sen. Marshall Releases Bombshell COVID-19 Origins Report
(Washington, D.C., April 17, 2023) – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D, the Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Primary Health and Retirement Security on the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP), released the new bombshell COVID-19 Origins report that has been in the works for over two years. This report is published in conjunction with the Muddy Waters Group, Dr. Bob Kadlec and Dr. Bob Foster.
“This report is a crucial development in getting to the bottom of COVID-19’s true origins and exposing the deception of those that sought to conceal how this pandemic started,” Senator Marshall said. “A preponderance of evidence in this report suggests there were two separate unintentional lab leaks dating back to fall of 2019 in Wuhan, China with significant evidence supporting that COVID-19 was a lab-created and altered virus.”
“We have to understand what happened in order to make sure this never happens again,” Senator Marshall said. “China has had every opportunity to disprove all of the reports surrounding the origins of Covid-19, but they have not and will not.”
“This report also concludes that the CCP was responding to the coronavirus months before the rest of the world was even aware of its existence, yet China failed to inform the global community of the unfolding disaster,” Senator Marshall said.
“While today’s new report reaffirms much of my previously stated findings on COVID-19’s origins, we still need more transparency from the U.S. government-specifically the NIH- and China. We must also stop Gain of Function research until we can establish additional guardrails to make sure risky lethal research never leaks again,” Senator Marshall said.
This 300-page report is the cumulation of findings and research conducted for more than two years. The report has over 1500 citations to corroborate its findings. You may click HERE to read the full report. Additionally, you may click HERE to read an executive summary of the report.
In 2021, Senator Marshall released a multi-step path forward on getting to the bottom of the origins of COVID-19 and holding China accountable for its actions surrounding the earliest days of the outbreak.
Senator Marshall introduced the Chinese Communist Party Accountability Act to place sanctions on the top two Chinese health officials with early ties to the COVID-19 outbreak who obfuscated actionable information; the Viral Gain of Function Research Moratorium Act to place a moratorium on all federal research grants to universities and other organizations conducting gain-of-function research and risky research on potential pandemic pathogens; and the National BioSecurity Improvement Act to ensure federally-funded research involving potentially dangerous pathogens does not compromise national security.
You may click HERE or on the image below to read the Senator’s multi-step path forward.
The Senator introduced a resolution calling for a bipartisan Select Committee to investigate the origins of COVID-19. The Senate passed a bipartisan amendment offered by Senator Marshall [KS-R] and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) calling for a transparent investigation into the COVID-19 outbreak.
Senators Marshall and Gillibrand held the first joint bipartisan Senate briefing on the origins of COVID-19, bringing together healthcare, national security, medical, and academic experts.
In November 2021, Senators Marshall and Gillibrand joined forces with Senators Joni Ernst (R-IA) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) to introduce bipartisan legislation to create a 9/11-style commission to investigate COVID-19 origins and identify lessons learned regarding U.S. preparedness, response, and recovery to improve our ability to respond to future outbreaks.
Senator Marshall was the first U.S. Senator to demand answers from the DOD and HHS on possible COVID-19 infections of U.S. Army troops who participated in the 2019 World Military Games in Wuhan, China, from October 18-28, 2019.
In August 2021, Senator Marshall released a video walkthrough of a 3D timeline of the origins of COVID-19. Senator Marshall has been sounding the Alarm on the timeline of the Covid Origins for over 2 years.
Part 1 a)
Several details in the full report linked here and the “Muddy Waters” executive summary ought to be of interest to numbers of MHProNews readers. Among the insights provided by the new research report are ties to firms and organizations that have reported connections with Bill Gates. Gates’ sizable donations to the World Health Organization (WHO) dwarfed that of several nations, for instance. That’s not to say that Gates is ‘responsible’ for a Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) lab leak, but it is to say that it is plausible that he had advanced notice of what was about to happen well before most Americans did.
Part 2 will note the reports that MHProNews/MHLivingNews published starting in 2020 that foreshadowed much of the information that follows. Restated, our platforms were well ahead of the curve on numerous mainstream media outlets that ripped the lab origins hypothesis as mere ‘conspiracy theory.’ There was evidence for it almost immediately in foreign and domestic media sources that MHProNews/MHLivingNews cited. The screen capture below on this date from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation website indicates the financial ties between that foundation and the EcoHealth Alliance. The WHO screen capture that follows is a reminder of prior reporting by MHProNews that links the Gates Foundation to the WHO.
Excerpts from the Muddy Waters Executive Summary
SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, has caused the deaths of over 1,113,000 Americans. COVID-19 continues to cause serious illness in the U.S. and around the world. Variants of the virus can cause repeated infection in those previously infected as well as vaccinated. Three years after its emergence in Wuhan, exactly how SARS-CoV-2 first emerged as a respiratory pathogen capable of sustained human-to-human transmission remains the subject of active debate.1 Experts have put forward two dominant theories on the origins of the virus.2 The first theory is that SARS-CoV-2 is the result of a natural zoonotic spillover.3 The second theory is that the virus infected humans as the result of a research related incident.4
The information contained in this Source Reference Document reflects 18 months of extensive research and accompanying analyses of these two plausible hypotheses. This document was the product of a multi-disciplinary effort by medical, scientific, legal, political and general policy analysts to catalog open source (unclassified) information relevant to the respective theories. Both hypotheses are plausible. The natural zoonotic spillover hypothesis is weakened by the absence of key epidemiological and genetic data from the Huanan Seafood Market. However, data required to support a natural zoonotic source is dependent on information provided by China, and that is incomplete or contradictory. The preponderance of circumstantial evidence supports an unintentional research-related incident.
1. Epidemiology Favors Late October-Early November Emergence
China’s official position is that the COVID-19 outbreak began no earlier than December 8, 2019. Several data sources, however, challenge this assertion. Epidemiological and genetic models indicate that the likely earliest incidence of SARS-CoV-2 human infections occurred mid-October to early, mid November 2019.5 Multiple official, technical and media outlet reports similarly suggest a late October to mid-November emergence of the virus.
Epidemiological data supplied by China to the WHO during the China-WHO 2021 joint investigation showed an increase in adult Influenza-Like-Illness (ILI) accompanied by negative laboratory influenza tests during week 46 (November 11 to 17) 2019 from a single adult sentinel Wuhan hospital.6 This atypical finding, described as an epidemiological outlier, was noted by the WHO Scientific Advisory
Group for the Origins of Novel Pathogens (SAGO) in June 2022 as an “unexplained increase in ILI in adults from Wuhan.”7
In October 2020, epidemiologists published an analysis using China National Health Commission data showing a significant increase in ILI incidence in November 2019. The increase in reported ILI cases occurred at least one month earlier than the clinical reports of pneumonia of unknown cause by China’s conventional hospital and outpatient surveillance system.8 The number of November ILI cases was statistically significantly higher than reported in the previous 5 years (2014–2018). These same researchers recorded the peak of reported COVID-19 illnesses during Week 6 of 2020.9 The interval from the ILI outlier noted at week 46 to the peak COVID-19 incidence is approximately 13 weeks. The researchers suggested that the November ILI spike were unrecognized initial COVID-19 cases.10
Using similar data, U.S. researchers analyzed WHO global influenza surveillance data early in the COVID-19 pandemic. Their study identified similar epidemiological outliers in influenza-negative ILI incidence that served as an early indicator of COVID-19 community transmission.11 Influenza-negative ILI surveillance data from 16 of 28 countries over a four-year period (2015-2019) identified increases in influenza-negative ILI that occurred on average 13.3 weeks before the occurrence of peak COVID-19 incidence. China was not one of the 28 countries analyzed in their study.
Unpublished People’s Republic of China (PRC) Government data identified the first COVID-19 case in mid-November. A veteran South China Morning Post reporter reviewed an official China CDC document that showed a 55-year-old from Hubei province contracted the virus on November 17, 2019. It is the supposed earliest publicly confirmed case of COVID-19.25 On November 25, 2019, a 25-year-old Welsh teacher in Wuhan fell ill with flu-like symptoms. The teacher developed pneumonia on December 6, 2019 and was hospitalized.26 On January 16, 2020, the hospital informed the teacher by letter that he had been infected by the novel coronavirus.27 The timing of the initial COVID-19 cases is not by itself revealing of the origins of the virus.
A number of epidemiologists, virologists and, at first, the Chinese government have asserted that the COVID-19 pandemic originated from a natural zoonotic spillover occurring at the Huanan Seafood Market in mid- to late December 2019. They declared that this was the origin of the pandemic.34 China Government officials have subsequently asserted that SARS-CoV-2 was imported on the surface of frozen seafood, by infected people or animals or originated from a U.S. military laboratory. Support for these alternative theories is limited to government-controlled publications in China and are not credible.35 The limited epidemiological data provided by PRC officials continues to hamstring efforts to better understand the early trajectory of the virus. PRC officials continue to suppress and manipulate COVID-19 data.
As recently as January 2023, Reuters reported that “China’s COVID-19 data is not giving an accurate picture of the situation there and underrepresents the number of hospitalizations and deaths from the disease, a senior official at the World Health Organization said….”36 As stated in the WHO’s June 2022,
Scientific Advisory Group for the Origins of Novel Pathogens report: “To date, neither the virus progenitors nor the natural/intermediate hosts have been identified.”37
After the 2003 SARS outbreak, China prioritized constructing a national network of biosafety containment laboratories. It created an expert laboratory biosafety team. Laboratory biosafety laws, regulations, standards, and guidelines were drafted and published. Despite these achievements, China’s progress in biosafety advanced slower than its aspirations for and efforts in research of highly pathogenic microorganisms. Its capacity for innovation remained weak. 56 The creation of independent intellectual property rights supporting research and development of domestic biosafety techniques and equipment fell short of western countries.57 China still faced many laboratory biosafety challenges that was subject to both international and national concern.
As a result of field expeditions by 2019, the WIV had collected, at a minimum, approximately
20,000 bat and other animal virus samples from across China.71 The WIV’s formerly public database reportedly contained more than 2,000 entries consisting of sample and pathogen data, including full and partial viral genomic sequences, collected from bats and mice. The database also reportedly held an estimated 100 unpublished sequences of the beta-coronavirus subgenus to which SARS-CoV-2 belongs.72 The existence of these undisclosed sequences raises the possibility that strains may exist that are closer progenitors to SARS-CoV-2.
After collection, samples were transported back to Wuhan. These isolates routinely underwent initial evaluation in BSL-2 settings where they were first evaluated, usually by graduate students, for the presence of SARS-related beta coronaviruses. If viruses were present, researchers then attempted to isolate and sequence the virus. 73 Full length viruses were then grown in a variety of cell cultures including human cells to assess the ability to infect different cell types. Viruses that could infect human cells would then be tested for pathogenicity in humanized mice or susceptible intermediate hosts such as palm civets in BSL-3 laboratories.74 Finally, researchers evaluated the effectiveness of existing medical countermeasures against these newly discovered viruses.
In March 2018, EcoHealth Alliance with the WIV as a collaborating institute submitted a grant proposal titled “Project DEFUSE: Defusing the Threat of Bat-borne Coronaviruses” to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).79 Beside expanding the process of evaluating newly discovered spike proteins on chimeric SARS-related viruses, researchers proposed artificially inserting “human-specific” FCS to evaluate their effects on viral growth in human cells and pathogenicity in humanized mice.80 These experiments could create chimeric SARS-related viruses with FCS that had not yet been found or perhaps did not exist in nature. DARPA did not approve or fund this proposal.
On November 19, 2019, the WIV hosted a special senior leadership biosafety and security training session. The session was led by the senior CAS biosafety/biosecurity official who traveled from Beijing to relay “important oral and written instructions” (pishi) from senior PRC leadership to the WIV regarding the “complex and grave situation facing [bio]security work”.109 From the report, CCP leadership were made aware of “safety and security work” issues at the WIV.110 At the same session, the Deputy Director of the WIV’s Office of Safety and Security “pointed to the severe consequences that could result from hidden safety dangers, and stressed that the rectification of hidden safety risks must be thorough, and management standards must be maintained.”111 The November 19, 2019 senior leadership session was followed by a two and a half day remedial biosafety training course for WIV researchers and individuals from other Wuhan research institutes, including the Wuhan University.
PLA AMMS Major General Wei Chen led a second, separate, effort to develop another candidate COVID-19 vaccine. Chen collaborated with the China state-owned biopharmaceutical company SinoPharm. Chen’s vaccine experiments with humanized mice, ferrets and non-human primates occurred at the Harbin veterinary research facility BSL-4 laboratory in northern China.124 Human clinical trials began in mid-March 2020. Chen submitted a patent for her vaccine March 18, 2020.125 Based on this timeline, experts believe Chen would have had to begin her vaccine efforts no later than early December 2019. Chen’s vaccine candidate was also dependent on the availability of SARS-CoV-2’s genetic sequence that would not be published until January 11, 2020. However, unlike Zhou, there is no evidence that Chen’s vaccine efforts were associated geographically or temporally with the initial COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan.
During the same time period as experts suggest Zhou began vaccine development against a SARS related coronavirus in late fall 2019, likely at the WIV, Wuhan experienced an increased incidence of influenza-like-illness (ILI).126 The U.S. State Department and other media reporting indicated cases of COVID-19 may have occurred as of mid- to late October or early to mid-November 2019.127,128 As noted earlier, an ILI spike coincided with negative influenza reporting for week 46 of 2019 (November 11 to 17). This epidemiological outlier comports with published analysis suggesting it may be an early indicator of COVID-19 community transmission.129 This increased ILI incidence occurs approximately 13 weeks before the recorded surge of COVID-19 cases in Wuhan in early February 2020. Validation of this finding, however, is precluded by the lack of access to the underlying source data provided to the WHO from China.
The preponderance of information supports the plausibility of an unintentional research-related incident that likely resulted from failures of biosafety containment during SARS-CoV-2 vaccine-related research. The identified underlying biosafety issues increased the likelihood that such containment failures were not immediately recognized. The possibility of unrecognized biocontainment breaches combined with
SARS-CoV-2’s clinical characteristics of asymptomatic and mild clinical illness in the majority of infections, likely confounded early recognition and containment of the initial outbreak. Such initial unrecognized infections could serve as the nidus of the outbreak of COVID-19 in Wuhan and is a plausible proximate cause of the pandemic.
a. Table 1. Pros & Cons of Zoonotic Origin Hypothesis
Historical Precedent; SARS & MERS | No animal intermediate host identified: |
Bat coronavirus like RaTG-13 & Banal series with >96% similarity to SARS-CoV-2 found in nature | No animal or human serological (antibody) evidence of infection in either human or animals associated with the live animal supply chain of the Huanan animal market prior to the recognized outbreak |
Presence of susceptible (palm civets, raccoon dogs & mink) live animal markets in Wuhan | Timing: December market associated cases unlikely first cases of COVID-19 |
Wet Market animals maintained in poor conditions | Geography: Location of outbreak (Wuhan) considered negligible risk for natural bat coronavirus emergence |
Positive environmental samples from the market from the western section that traded wildlife/animal products implicating the presence of racoon dogs in proximity of environmental samples positive for SARS-CoV-2 | Lack of genetic adaptation to animal species (higher
initial affinity for human tropism & transmission SARS-CoV-2 > SARS) |
Mutations post human spillover increased viral fitness in humans | Lack of multiple emergence/introduction events found in previous zoonotic related outbreaks. |
Lack of documented infection in wet market animals or animal vendors or handlers | |
Presence of Furin Cleavage Site | |
High degree of human homology of environmental samples from the Huanan Seafood Market center around bathrooms | |
China’s competence investigating previous zoonotic outbreaks. (e.g., 2016 & 2019 Swine Acute Diarrheal
b. Table 2. Pro & Cons of Research-related Origin Hypothesis
Biosafety issues at the WIV & other laboratories | Lack of published/known precursor or backbone virus like SARS-CoV-2 at the WIV |
Required remedial biosafety training & possible corrective actions (air incinerator etc.) | Zoonotic Historical Precedent; SARS & MERS |
Documented WIV Coronavirus recombinant research | Bat coronavirus like RaTG-13 & Banal series found in nature |
Conducted in BSL-2 settings | Presence of susceptible (palm civets, raccoon dogs & mink) live animal markets in Wuhan |
Geography: Location of outbreak in Wuhan (Wuchang District) | Wet Market susceptible animals maintained in poor conditions |
Presence of Furin Cleavage Site | |
High degree of genetic homology of initial strains | |
Animal cases secondary to human exposure (mink, cats, hamsters etc.) | |
Flawed high-containment (BSL-3 & 4)laboratory design with possible documented biocontainment failures/vulnerabilities | |
Reports of WIV researchers becoming ill with symptoms and clinical findings (loss of small and ground-glass opacities on chest x-rays) |

Part 2 – Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary in Brief
As was noted at the top in the preface, much of mainstream media is agenda driven. The various corporate influences ought not be ignored, nor should the political bias be ignored. That said, there are good reasons to monitor media across the left-right spectrum without necessarily putting one’s full faith and trust in what is being reported (or not reported). Shadows of Liberty and reports before or since – such as the Twitter Files – have illustrated the influence that ‘official’ governmental sources have over mainstream media. While the cause-effect is not always entirely clear, that government and media officials often work together to shape a narrative for the public ought to be accepted at face value at this point, decades after some well publicized examples of that collusion or collaboration (take your pick) has been known and exposed.
Next, for those who follow China-experts and reports by foreign and domestic media outlets carefully enough, there is ample evidence that China has had a strategy of irregular or unconventional warfare to complement the more conventional combat strategies that many discuss. For instance the Modern Warfare Institute at West Point said: “In a recent CNA study, we found that in a future, large-scale conflict, Chinese forces will likely employ a modern and unique irregular warfare concept, focused on information and influence, tightly integrated with conventional capabilities. A return to great power competition does not portend a shift away from irregular warfare to conventional warfare, but rather an amalgamation of the two.” The Institute of World Politics cited a book that some have poo-poohed as overblown in its significance, but one others say can’t be ignored.
Here is an excerpt from Unrestricted Warfare:
“Whether it be the intrusions of hackers, a major explosion at the World Trade Center, or a bombing attack by bin Laden, all of these greatly exceed the frequency bandwidths understood by the American military…”
Surprisingly, Osama bin Laden is mentioned frequently in this book.” Newsmax has made a translation of that book available, said the Institute of World Politics.
There are scores of other sources across the media spectrum that have pointed to China’s comments and actions on irregular or ‘unconventional’ warfare. Be it an accidental lab leak or not, COVID19 is certainly in that mold. China knew the virus was spreading in their country. They ‘allowed’ it to escape to the rest of the world by not locking down travel from their country by those who were exposed to the contagion. Meaning, while the origins are worthy of discussion and debate, China’s leadership allowing the spread of the virus is difficult if not impossible for an objective party to deny.
MHProNews has periodically advised industry readers about the apparent risks of counting on Communist China for any significant supply chain item. The retort by some is that components and products from China often cost less than those made in the U.S. A manufactured home producer told MHProNews that his firm was changing sources from China but was still likely to keep some supply chains in Eastern or Southeastern Asia. A practical challenge with that strategy is if war erupts, as many predict and as China is threatening over Taiwan and possibly other issues, then trade with Asia is likely to be disrupted regardless of where in Asia products are coming from.
With that in mind, even if costs might rise, a case can be made by producers and retailers of manufactured homes that buying American will proportionately diminish the financial fuel that powers China’s military buildup. Buying American also provides a greater financial support for the U.S. military.

Much of the 20th century and all of the 21st century have possible examples of the significant influence held by America’s wealthiest and their corporate interests. It is not a left-right issue, as some mistakenly present in order to appear not to undermine capitalism, but rather is often an issue of reality vs. wishful thinking. Capitalists – businesses – made the rise of leftist (think socialist) Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany and Benito Mussolini’s fascist Italy possible. Part of the name of the Nazi party says much – National Socialists. In Italy, Mussolini was also a socialist who embraced working with big businesses (see definition of fascism as ‘corporatism’). A case can be made that a similar pattern of corporatism (fascism) is visible in the U.S., including the embrace of several corporate giants of apparently leftist causes.

The flashback report linked below to 2020 presaged several of the issues that have arisen during the Biden regime. Note that the linked reports that follow the Trevor Loudon focused report are examples from the past 3 years that indicate that MHProNews/MHLivingNews have probed for facts that often cut against the grain of official narratives. Those reports have routinely stood the test of time. Just check a few out and see for yourself. That’s the outcome of journalism that seeks accurate information regardless of some interest group’s agenda.

Summary, Takeaways, Conclusion
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is expected to formally announce his candidacy for the Democratic nomination of president in the 2024 election cycle. MHProNews has editorially disclosed numbers of times that we are political independents. That said, if we were Democrats, we would at this point favor RFK Jr. over any of the candidates – including Joe Biden, California Governor Gavin Newsome, Michelle Obama, Kamala Harris, or others that have been named as possible 2024 Democratic contenders. Without endorsing all that Kennedy has proposed in the past, and is likely to suggest once he formally announces, much of what he says is based on facts and evidence. Kennedy has been demonized by the Biden White House. That in itself is a topic worthy of further exploration. Kennedy has often pointed to problems among the ranks of Establishment Democrats and Establishment Republicans.

Kennedy, per some polls, is already at 10 percent among Democrats, and that was prior to his formal announcement. While a ‘long shot,’ his positions are more ‘traditional Democrat’ than the far-left policies that so many Democrats in public office today espouse.
The Republican presidential nomination process is heating up too. Perhaps one of the bigger weaknesses of the Trump nomination is the fact that he has not clearly slammed the manipulation of the public during the COVID19 pandemic during ‘his watch.’ The reports linked above shed light on that issue and others. The pluses for Trump are that his policies were working on a range of issues. Among the likely GOP candidates is Senator Tim Scott, see the report linked below.

Right or wrong, almost everything is political in the U.S. today. Because manufactured housing is heavily regulated and so much of the industry’s fortunes are tied up with how federal – as well as state and local – officials deal with manufactured housing, the industry should be engaged early and routinely in the emerging 2024 campaign. For related information, see the reports that follow.
Part 3 Daily Business News on MHProNews Markets Segment
The modifications of our prior Daily Business News on MHProNews format of the recap of yesterday evening’s market report are provided below. It still includes our signature left (CNN Business) and right (Newsmax) ‘market moving’ headlines. The macro market moves graphics will provide context and comparisons for those invested in or tracking manufactured housing connected equities.
In minutes a day readers can get a good sense of significant or major events while keeping up with the trends that are impacting manufactured housing connected investing.
Reminder: several of the graphics on MHProNews can be opened into a larger size. For instance: click the image and follow the prompts in your browser or device to OPEN In a New Window. Then, in several browsers/devices you can click the image and increase the size. Use the ‘x out’ (close window) escape or back key to return.
Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business – from the evening of 4.18.2023
- Fox News settles with Dominion, averting defamation trial over its 2020 election lies
- Dominion’s defamation trial against Fox News begins
- Jobs are strong, inflation is cooling — yet recession worries remain
- FTC chair Lina Khan warns AI could ‘turbocharge’ fraud and scams
- YouTube rolls out new policies for eating disorder content
- Lincoln’s new SUV will be imported from China
- Staff who are worried about bonuses should ‘leave Pity City,’ boss says
- HSBC’s top shareholder calls for breakup, expressing ‘deep concern’
- Global corporate defaults highest since the pandemic in 2020
- Today is Tax Day. Here’s what you need to know if you haven’t filed your return yet — and even if you have
- New home starts pulled back in March
- Writers strike looms after members vote to shut down film and TV production
- Universal Music Group calls AI music a ‘fraud,’ wants it banned from streaming platforms. Experts say it’s not that easy
- Apple is giving banks a run for their money
- Tim Cook opens first Apple store in India
- Dominion’s history-making defamation trial against Fox News over 2020 election lies kicks off in Delaware
- Elon Musk vows to look into reports of ‘unfair’ bonus cuts at Tesla’s Shanghai factory
- China’s economy shakes off Covid legacy to grow 4.5% in Q1
- Elon Musk warns AI could cause ‘civilization destruction’ even as he invests in it
- Fox News defamation trial will begin Tuesday, judge says, without explaining one-day delay
- Apple offers 4.15% high-yield savings to its Apple Card holders
- Speaker McCarthy lays out GOP debt limit plan in Wall Street visit
- Air France and Airbus acquitted in trial over 2009 plane crash
Notice: the graphic below can be expanded to a larger size.
See the instructions below the graphic below or click the image and follow the prompts.

Headlines from right-of-center Newsmax 4.18.2023
- Jordan Derides Scientists Who Downplayed COVID Lab Leak
- The scathing criticism comes as support grows for a long-contested theory that the deadly coronavirus emerged from a laboratory in China. [Full Story]
- Newsmax TV
- Moore: ‘Surprised’ by NYC Crime-Hearing Reaction
- Tiffany: NYC Hearing About Crime, Not Trump | video
- NYC Dem: City Returning to ‘Bad Old Days’
- Russell: ‘People Tired’ of ‘Lack of Justice’ in NYC | video
- Steube: I’m Endorsing Trump for 2024 | video
- Matt Schlapp: Republicans Can Win Budget Debate | video
- Van Drew: People Crave Safety
- Murphy: US Should Not Be Funding China | video
- Victor Davis Hanson: US Cure Worse Than Disease | video
- More Newsmax TV
- Newsfront
- CBS Poll: GOP’s Desire for Loyalty to Trump Rises
- The desire of Republicans for loyalty to former President Donald Trump has gone up since he was indicted last month, with 76% now saying it is very or somewhat important, up 11 percentage points from January, according to a CBS News poll released Tuesday…. [Full Story]
- Holocaust Survivors, Descendants Join Forces on Social Media
- Assia Gorban was 7 years old when the Germans occupied her hometown [Full Story]
- Jim Jordan Rips COVID Lab Leak Science Deniers
- Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, on Tuesday railed at the members of the [Full Story]
- Senate UFO Hearing: 7 Questions That Need Answering
- Nearly a year after the first congressional hearing on UFOs in half a [Full Story] | Platinum Article
- Watchdog: HHS Chief Becerra Violated Hatch Act
- Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra violated the Hatch [Full Story]
- Putin Visits Ukraine, Russia Presses Bakhmut Assault
- Russian President Vladimir Putin has met his commanders in two [Full Story]
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Notice: the graphic below can be expanded to a larger size.
See the instructions below the graphic below or click the image and follow the prompts.

2022 was a tough year for many stocks. Unfortunately, that pattern held true for manufactured home industry (MHVille) connected stocks too.
See the facts, linked below.
- NOTE 1: The 3rd chart above of manufactured housing connected equities includes the Canadian stock, ECN, which purchased Triad Financial Services, a manufactured home industry finance lender.
- NOTE 2: Drew changed its name and trading symbol at the end of 2016 to Lippert (LCII).
- NOTE 3: Deer Valley was largely taken private, say company insiders in a message to MHProNews on 12.15.2020, but there are still some outstanding shares of the stock from the days when it was a publicly traded firm. Thus, there is still periodic activity on DVLY.
- Note 4: some recent or related reports to the REITs, stocks, and other equities named above follow in the reports linked below.

2023 …Berkshire Hathaway is the parent company to Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage, Vanderbilt Mortgage and other factory-built housing industry suppliers.
· LCI Industries, Patrick, UFPI, and LP each are suppliers to the manufactured housing industry, among others.
· AMG, CG, and TAVFX have investments in manufactured housing related businesses. For insights from third-parties and clients about our publisher, click here.
Disclosure. MHProNews holds no positions in the stocks in this report.
· For expert manufactured housing business development or other professional services, click here.
· To sign up in seconds for our industry leading emailed headline news updates, click here.

That’s a wrap on this installment of “News Through the Lens of Manufactured Homes and Factory-Built Housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, stock, investing, data, metrics, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.
Tony earned a journalism scholarship along with numerous awards in history. There have been several awards and honors and also recognition in manufactured housing. For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.