The RV/MH Hall of Fame Museum in Elkhart, Ind. still has until April 30 to reach the $150,000 contribution mark to meet the Robert “Boots” Ingram family’s challenge grant that would pay off the Hall’s bank note to 1st Source Bank. Contributions so far are just under $50,000, leaving about $100,000 still to raise to meet the goal, according to Hall president Darryl Searer. The $840,000 owed less than a year ago has been reduced to below $200,000, and a countdown clock has been added to the website so visitors may track the progress, as MHProNews has learned. Says Barry Cole, chairman of the Hall’s board of directors, “We have come a long way in less than a year to bring the Hall back to the prominence it had before where donors are worry free and proud to contribute again. Much of the credit for the turnaround must go to Darryl Searer, who volunteered on a no-compensation basis to become the Hall’s president because he believed our Hall of Fame and Museum was too important to the RV/MH industries to allow it to go away.”