DigitalJournal reports on a recent National Association of Realtors (NAR) study that asserts that 94% of home buyers begin their housing search online. This move in consumer home buying habits has motivated some housing companies to provide a maximized Internet shopping experience, one that supports the personal service experience. “It is clear that home searchers want to scope out properties before they contact a real estate agent, so we’re going to give them what they want.” says Jeffry Evans, founder of Streamlined Realty. The desire of modern consumers for pre-sale information is insatiable, especially in areas of major expenses like homes and automobiles. Evans said “I want to give our clients the best and most information possible through our website, allowing them to contact us when they are ready to view properties they like, without being forced to contact us before they are ready.” Being heavily focused on technology and reducing overhead expense Evan’s firm will be able to focus on the most important part of realty, namely, helping clients. Evans added, “Putting all of your energy into giving your clients what they want, and seeing them through to a successful outcome, will lead to you achieving your business goals as well. It’s a win-win situation.”