It bears mention that affordable housing and manufactured housing operate within the larger U.S. economy. Then right or wrong, millions look to government for ‘solutions’ to various problems, be the problem health, economic, housing, law enforcement, trade, the border, or whatever. Each of these three separate reports shed light facts that may help explain why trust in government is reportedly falling. This column will cover three distinct reports before our business daily market report segment. The first news report below will be what some have called “alarming” consumer spending data. The second in a report about concerns raised by Dr. Peter McCollough, who has a distinguished career but is nevertheless being pressed by officials over what McCollough says are data-driven findings. The third is about nearly $100 billion dollars in COVID related rip-off scams, with the Secret Service reportedly working hundreds of cases that include some arrests and recovery.
From The WND Newscenter and the Western Journal is the following provided consumer spending report to MHProNews.
New consumer spending numbers set off alarm bells
‘Momentum continues to fade’
By Jack Davis, The Western Journal
Published December 23, 2021 at 1:33pm
Consumer spending rose 0.6 percent in November, a decline from its 1.4 percent increase in October, according to the Commerce Department, which released the numbers Thursday.
Some explained that by saying consumers spent earlier in the season than usual.
“Consumers spent with less enthusiasm in November as they shifted their holiday shopping to earlier in the season and continued to contend with escalating prices and reduced product availability,” said Kathy Bostjancic, chief U.S. financial economist at Oxford Economics, according to The Washington Post.
U.S. consumer spending, adjusted for inflation, stagnated in November as the fastest price gains in nearly four decades eroded purchasing power
— Bloomberg (@business) December 23, 2021
Others were not so sure.
“We are still on track for very strong fourth-quarter consumption, but I am now seeing that that momentum continues to fade,” said Aneta Markowska, chief economist at Jefferies LLC, according to the Wall Street Journal.
The consumer spending report came in the shadow of another report outlining the jump in prices, according to ABC.
The Commerce Department said consumer prices increased 5.7 percent in the past year, the highest level seen in 39 years. The Commerce Department measure is different from the Consumer Price Index, which rose 6.8 percent.
The slump in spending could translate to a slower economy in 2022 than expected.
Not that you needed this data to confirm you’ve been paying more for just about everything, but the Commerce Dept. says U.S. consumer prices rose 5.7% this year which marks the fastest inflationary gain in 39 years. Meanwhile, consumer spending was up 0.6% last month.
— Mike Dubberly GDA (@MikeDubberlyGDA) December 23, 2021
“A flat reading on real consumer spending in November — even before omicron hit — suggests inflation may be starting to weigh on consumer resilience into year-end,” economists Yelena Shulyatyeva and Anna Wong wrote, according to Bloomberg.
Oxford Economics is now forecasting that in the first quarter of 2022, the U.S. gross domestic product will grow at a 2.5 percent annual rate. A previous estimate forecast 3.4 percent growth, according to the Journal.
“Consumers are able to purchase less because prices are rising, and that is starting to put the brakes on real spending growth,” said Andrew Hunter, senior U.S. economist at Capital Economics, according to The New York Times.
Over time, a cut in spending could slow price increases, he said, adding that “inflation is likely to remain certainly higher than the Fed wants for a while.”
President Biden’s Economy:
💸40-year record high inflation
⛽️Gas prices up 50%
🥵Home heating costs projected to rise nearly 60%
🚢Supply chain crisis
💼Labor shortage— David B. McKinley (@RepMcKinley) December 22, 2021
One expert said spending is a victim of the supply chain crisis.
“It’s not that there’s a lack of demand for goods; in fact, that’s been one of the big surprises of 2021,” said Andrew Hollenhorst, chief U.S. economist at Citigroup Inc., the Journal reported. “It goes back to the supply chain. You just cannot source these goods.”
This article appeared originally on The Western Journal. ##
From the WND NewsCenter provided to MHProNews is the following exclusive interview with Dr. Peter McCullough. Their report sheds light on the controversial nature of McCullough, who has had hundreds of peer-reviewed papers published.
Top doctor scolded by Biden for COVID ‘lies’: ‘I’m just giving Americans the data’
Dr. Peter McCullough updates WND on omicron, vaccines, treatments
By Art Moore
Published December 23, 2021 at 8:22pm
The Wikipedia entry for Dr. Peter McCullough states matter of factly in the second paragraph that the renowned cardiologist and medical scientist with 600 peer-reviewed published papers to his name has “promoted misinformation and falsehoods about COVID-19, the vaccines and treatments.”
President Biden picked up on that charge Tuesday in his introduction of measures against the new omicron variant, centered on more vaccination and exponentially expanded testing. The commander-in-chief undoubtedly was referring to McCullough and a number of the scientist’s colleagues when he charged that the “vaccine hesitancy” of an estimated 40 million Americans has been “fueled by dangerous misinformation on cable TV and social media.”
Biden called on “the purveyors of these lies and misinformation to stop it.” The president described as “immoral” their distribution of data on safe and effective early treatments along with reports of vaccine injuries from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website amid suppression of traditional scientific debate.
In a 30-minute video interview with WND on Thursday discussing the government’s response to the omicron wave along with the latest on vaccines and treatments, McCullough was asked how he reacted to Biden’s statement.
“Just like this interview today, I’m just giving Americans the data,” he replied. “These are the published papers, and I cite them. So, I’m not giving misinformation. I’m not giving information. I’m just giving data, and that’s for individuals, doctors, scientists and the public at large to interpret.”
McCullough, who said he has been vaccinated for COVID-19, told WND the way forward is to simply “drop all the rhetoric and all the angst regarding the discussion here and just constantly – like we did today – dispassionately review the published data.”
What’s really immoral, he said, is the suppression of treatments that he, many doctors around the world and studies have found to be life-savers, such as ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and monoclonal antibodies.
“I get calls every day from patients where the treatment has been suppressed,” he said.
In fact, after the interview, McCullough told WND he had received many such messages during the conversation.
“The doctors are denying them treatment for COVID-19, and they’re scrambling to find monoclonal antibodies, and they’re upset that our government is not helping them get these life-saving infusions,” he said.
People also are upset, he said, about the silence on vaccine injuries and the lack of a government treatment program for them.
He said that more than 200 million Americans have responded to the government’s call to get vaccinated, but the CDC’s database records nearly 1 million reports of vaccine injuries, which McCullough previously has estimated could be only one-fifth the true total. Other studies estimate it’s much higher.
“They feel like they have been forgotten about, that they’ve been left behind by their government,” he said.
Many of McCullough’s 600 peer-reviewed publications have appeared in top-tier journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine, Journal of the American Medical Association and The Lancet. He testified to the U.S. Senate in November 2020 against what he described as the federal government’s politicization of health care during the pandemic, curbing or blocking the availability of cheap, effective treatments. In a speech in September, he told of having been stripped of the editorship of a Swiss-based journal after having lost his position with a major health system, “with no explanation and no due process.”
Baylor University Medical Center fired him in February. And Texas A&M College of Medicine, Texas Christian University and University of North Texas Health Science Center School of Medicine have cut ties with McCullough, accusing him of spreading misinformation.
“I’ve been stripped of every title that I’ve ever had in that institution. I’ve received a threat letter from the American College of Physicians, [and] a threat letter from the American Board,” he said in September.
All because of his “lawful” participation “in a topic of public importance.”
He said there are “powerful forces at work, far more powerful than we can possibly think of, that are influencing anybody who is in a position of authority.”
McCullough is the chief medical adviser for the Truth for Health Foundation, a physician-founded charity that says it is “dedicated to following the Oath of Hippocrates to serve individual patients to the best of our ability and judgement and to uphold the highest standards of medical ethics.”
See the WND video interview:
Time to ‘step up’
McCullough has called for a “pivot” from the current policies to early treatment and “compassionate care” for those who have COVID or have been injured by vaccines, which have included myocarditis, neurological issues and blood clotting.
“Now is the time for doctors to step up. Now is not a time for rhetoric or harsh statements regarding scientific discourse,” he said.
McCullough said he and his colleagues are holding public programs that draw from 500 to 5,000 in which people are eager to learn “after being stonewalled on any information regarding early treatment and now on any information on the vaccines.”
“They are simply told to take the vaccines with no analysis of how the vaccines are doing and how they can be administered safely,” he said.
McCullough said that both President Trump and President Biden and the federal government should have supported presenting “monthly comprehensive vaccine reports to the public.”
“Instead, we’ve had nothing.”
Asked where people could find doctors who share his willingness to employ safe and effective early treatments that have been suppressed by the government, McCullough pointed to the website of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, which has a roster “about 500 or 600 doctors who are trying to treat the whole country.”
‘Preying upon the vaccinated’
The good news about the omicron variant – which the CDC said this week is 73% of new cases and more than 90% in much of the country – is that the data show hospitalizations and deaths are down significantly, McCullough noted.
The CDC estimates 79% of new cases are people who have been fully vaccinated, he pointed out, observing “it’s almost as if omicron is preying upon the vaccinated.”
“But it’s a very mild syndrome: runny nose, no pulmonary symptoms and some body aches, and individuals get over it.”
What’s clear, he said, is that “the vaccines don’t stop transmission and they pretty clearly have no impact on omicron.”
He advises people gathering for the holidays simply “to be prudent,” staying home if you have symptoms and seeking early treatment if you are over 65 and have underlying medical issues.
Studies show the virus is being spread almost entirely by people with symptoms, not the asymptomatic. And pre-symptomatic spread also is minimal.
Noting the 500 million test kits ordered by the federal government, McCullough said tests should never be done on people with no symptoms, “because it will simply generate false positives.”
He explained that the virus remains in the body for a long time, producing false positives in people who are no longer sick or infectious.
Here’s an easy way to fight COVID-19
McCullough discussed the new Pfizer and Merck oral treatments given emergency use authorization this week by the FDA and the off-label, repurposed drugs he has been administering and advocating.
He said the new drugs will be “welcome into the standard program,” but “the real question is are they better than hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin?”
“I don’t know. There’s been such a good track record with those drugs,” he said. “They’re widely used.”
But the biggest advance in treatment of COVID-19, he said, is an oral nasal treatment that long has been used by doctors to treat viral and bacterial sinusitis.
The lead agent, he said, is sold as Betadine, which is 10% povidone iodine. It can be purchased at a pharmacy or online for about $10.
A small amount of Betadine can be squirted into a shot-glass sized container – enough to cover the bottom – and the rest of the glass can be filled with water.
The solution is administered in the nose with a nasal bulb or spray syringe.
“Squirt it up the nose over the sink. Sniff it back and then spit it out,” McCullough advised. “Do that in both nostrils and then gargle with the rest, spit it out in the sink.
“I tell you, that has a tremendous effect. People should do that after their Christmas dinner, their congregant setting, [after] they’ve been around people.”
He explained that the virus takes three to five days to multiply in the nose.
“So we should actually zap it right there in the nose before it gets a head start,” he said.
A study of the nasal treatment for COVID-19 showed it knocked down the PCR positivity from 303 to less than 30 in a few days, McCullough said, and there were virtually no hospitalizations. This kind of “nasal decontamination” has been done in Bangladesh, he noted, where there is virtually no COVID.
Food-grade hydrogen peroxide would be a “second best” substitute for anyone who doesn’t tolerate Betadine.
“I want every American, instead of focusing on hand sanitizer,” to use the treatment regularly, he said.
“It’s not a hand infection,” he said of COVID-19. “It’s not even spread by the hands; it’s actually in the nose.” ##
Third of three news reports from the WND NewsCenter to MHProNews is on the billions in COVID related rip-offs.
Almost $100 billion of COVID-relief funds stolen, Secret Service says
More than 900 active criminal investigations are pending
By WND News Services
Published December 22, 2021 at 11:33am
Daily Caller News Foundation
The U.S. Secret Service announced Tuesday that criminals used fraudulent COVID-19 relief applications and other means to steal nearly $100 billion in pandemic benefits.
“The Secret Service currently has more than 900 active criminal investigations into fraud specific to pandemic-related relief funds,” Roy Dotson, the assistant special agent in charge of the national fraud investigation, said in a statement. “That’s a combination of pandemic benefits and all the other benefits programs too.”
The criminals took advantage of several pandemic relief programs established by the CARES Act, the agency said, which included the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) for small businesses and direct stimulus payments to individuals. Funds administered through statewide unemployment insurance were also stolen.
“Every state has been hit, some harder than others,” Dotson said. “The Secret Service is hitting the ground running, trying to recover everything we can, including funds stolen from both federal and state programs.”
So far, Secret Service agents have recovered $1.2 billion and secured the return of more than $2.3 billion in stolen funds through Automated Clearing House reversals, the agency said. Roughly 100 individuals involved in the fraud have been arrested.
“Can we stop fraud? Will we? No, but I think we can definitely prosecute those that need to be prosecuted and we can do our best to recover as much fraudulent pandemic funds that we can,” Dotson told the Associated Press.
States have also reported high amounts of fraud, with California saying that criminals may have stolen as much as $31 billion in unemployment benefits in 2020 alone.
This story originally was published by the Daily Caller News Foundation. ##
Next up is our business daily recap of yesterday evening’s market report, related left-right headlines, and manufactured housing connected equities.
The Business Daily Manufactured Home Industry Connected Stock Market Updates. Plus, Market Moving Left (CNN) – Right (Newsmax) Headlines Snapshot. While the layout of this daily business report has been evolving over time, several elements of the basic concepts used previously are still the same. For instance. The headlines that follow below can be reviewed at a glance to save time while providing insights across the left-right media divide. Additionally, those headlines often provide clues as to possible ‘market-moving’ news items.
Market Indicator Closing Summaries – Yahoo Finance Closing Tickers on MHProNews…

Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business – from the evening of 12.23.2021
- Surging prices
- A person shops in the meat section of a grocery store on November 11, 2021 in Los Angeles, California.
- A key inflation measure just hit a nearly four-decade high
- The world could consume more oil in 2022 than ever before
- Tesla is under federal investigation for letting drivers play video games
- Intel apologizes in China after backlash over Xinjiang statement
- Tencent is giving away $16 billion of its stake in
- ‘Backdoor’ Roth restrictions have been put on hold — for now
- Buy now, pay later is a huge hit with shoppers. Just how dangerous is it?
- Amazon’s late delivery can be terrifying for some of its drivers
- Taco Bell is adding a surprising new menu item
- The share of first-time home buyers hit historic lows
- Business leaders must step up to help people and the planet
- 2021 was a dramatic year for Indian IPOs. The hype won’t go away next year
- Texas refinery blast could help push gas prices above $4 a gallon
- The biggest tech fails of 2021
- AirTags
- The tech we couldn’t live without in 2021
- Shoppers ride an escalator at the Westfield Garden State Plaza mall on Black Friday in Paramus, New Jersey, U.S., on Friday, Nov. 26, 2021.
- What glum consumer sentiment could mean for the US economy next year
- Buyers, get ready for another crazy housing market
- The reason ‘SNL’ is so hilarious again? Less Trump
- Intel CEO: The best way to fix America’s chip shortage
- Inflation is out of control. It’s time for the Fed to raise interest rates
- Dozens of packages are lined up along a Manhattan street as a FedEx truck makes deliveries on December 06, 2021 in New York City.
- Surprise! Holiday packages are moving on time
- Zoom Santas are back and eager as ever
- Why Santas are in short supply in 2021
- America is running out of candy canes
- Video game consoles and smartphones will be harder to find this holiday season
Headlines from right-of-center Newsmax – evening of 12.23.2021
- Officer Potter Guilty of Manslaughter
- in Daunte Wright Shooting
- Officer Potter Guilty of Manslaughter in Daunte Wright Shooting
- Jurors on Thursday convicted a suburban Minneapolis police officer of two manslaughter charges in the killing of Daunte Wright, a Black motorist she shot during a traffic stop after she said she confused her gun for her Taser. [Full Story]
- Newsmax TV
- Murphy: Supreme Court Will Remove Mandate Uncertainty | video
- Fleischmann: Biden Border Policy Killing Americans With Drug Imports | video
- Tenney: Detainee’s Arrest in NY Jacket Shows Migration Dangers | video
- Mace: Biden Waited Too Long to Address Supply Chain | video
- Stephen Moore: ‘Nothing Salvageable’ About Build Back Better Bill | video
- Rick Santorum: ‘Russian Collusion Hoax’ Started ‘Rigging of 2020 Election’ | video
- LA Sheriff Alex Villanueva: ‘Hide the Kids and Hold on to Your Wallet’ | video
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Some of these firms invest in manufactured housing, or are otherwise connected, but may do other forms of investing or business activities too.
- NOTE: The chart below includes the Canadian stock, ECN, which purchased Triad Financial Services, a manufactured home industry lender
- NOTE: Drew changed its name and trading symbol at the end of 2016 to Lippert (LCII).
- NOTE: Deer Valley was largely taken private, say company insiders in a message to MHProNews on 12.15.2020, but there are still some outstanding shares of the stock from the days when it was a publicly traded firm. Thus, there is still periodic activity on DVLY.


- - As 2021 draws to a close…Berkshire Hathaway is the parent company to Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage, Vanderbilt Mortgage and other factory built housing industry suppliers.
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All on Capitol Hill were welcoming and interested in manufactured housing related issues. But Congressman Al Green’s office was tremendous in their hospitality. Our son’s hand is on a package that included a copy of the Constitution of the United States and other goodies. Tamas has grown considerably since this photo was taken. By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.
Tony earned a journalism scholarship along with numerous awards in history. There have been several awards and honors and also recognition in manufactured housing. For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.
- As 2021 draws to a close…Berkshire Hathaway is the parent company to Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage, Vanderbilt Mortgage and other factory built housing industry suppliers.