This Saturday morning’s data points will be simple, yet profound. The Daily Business News on MHProNews begins with the current estimated totals for all U.S. Housing sales for 2018.
The total dollar volumes for the chart below uses data collected on 1.31.2019, from the sources as noted.
Regular MHProNews readers may recall our Daily Business News report that noted Jeff Bezos led Amazon Alexa Fund’s estimate last year that the total potential market for new U.S. prefab housing could be about $330 billion dollars a year. But the estimated pace for manufactured homes for all of 2018 was only $7.89 billion?
That’s opportunity in disguise. Here’s just one reason why. The next chart reflects the Census Bureau data from July, that used February 2018 figures. In an affordable housing crisis struck nation that needs over 8 million housing units, per the National Association of Realtors, only factory building can close that gap rapidly enough. The facts below are just one reason why far more buyers could be won over to modern manufactured homes.

Americans are demonstrably skeptical about manufactured homes. It is obvious that what’s being done now is not effective enough. That’s why new as well as proven ways of ‘breaking through’ the confusion with facts and evidence must be used.

Proven internal and external educational efforts are part of what’s needed. Because as useful as videos, 3D tech, pretty photos, and sharp websites are, those have been around in MHVille for years. The needle is barely moving in some states, and is going backwards in others. Facts are what they are.

What These Facts Suggest
What these data points suggest is just how immense the opportunity is for manufactured homes in 2019 and beyond. MHProNews has preached that market potential for years. It has sadly only been more recently that others have begun to corrobrate what should have be obvious.
Manufactured home sales are demonstrably underperforming. Last night’s latest job numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) demonstrate that the labor market is growing. Manufacturing in America, once deemed dead by some political leaders just two years ago, is coming back to life. Construction is growing. The economy is strong, despite some trying to talk it down for political reasons.
While much of the nation is roaring, it is manufactured housing that is snoring.

Why is the manufactured housing industry struggling so?

Will the industry turn to the so-called leaders that have led and kept the industry at this low point for well over a decade?

Day by day, we get tips from readers that often explain the troubling reasons why manufactured housing is struggling.

To understand the issues – cause and effects – more clearly, see the related reports, linked further below the by lines and notices. Some of those reports – ICYMI – are new and ‘read hot.’
That’s your rousing wake up call. Let the facts inspire you to yearn for more. That’s MH “Industry News, Tips, and Views Pros Can Use,” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)

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(Related Reports are further below. Third-party images and content are provided under fair use guidelines.)
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