The club has filed to rezone the land from RU6 Transition to RE2 Private Recreation to permit the development. The Wyong Shire Council voted to prepare a proposal to amend the Wyong Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and send it to the Department of Planning and Environment.
“Council is committed to providing a range of housing types across the Local Government Area,” a spokesperson for the council said. “This includes promoting more affordable housing options on sites which are well located in terms of public transport, shops and services.”
Mayor Doug Eaton, noting more housing options are needed, said, “Our population is set to grow by 50,000 over the next 15 years and we really do need to deliver a lot more housing. Property prices on the Central Coast are definitely on the rise so we need to ensure there are more affordable options available to meet the housing needs of our diverse community.”
Amenities for the new MHC include walking/cycling tracks, a game room, indoor swimming pool and a manager’s residence and site office. ##
(Photo credit: J. Ohanson–manufactured home community in Australia)