Following up on a story from Dec. 6, 2011, Daily-Times reports from Farmington, New Mexico, the San Juan County Commissioners passed an ordinance requiring new MHC and RV developments to have their waste systems approved by the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED). Dennis McQuillan, Liquid Waste Manager with NMED, says manufactured housing communities have a history of substandard septic systems, especially in unincorporated areas. Substandard or too many septic systems “can overwhelm the ability of the earth to purify waste water,” McQuillan said. “The ability of the earth to purify waste is finite. If you exceed that capacity, you get pollution.” New Mexico studies have shown families with septic systems have higher incidences of gastrointestinal illnesses, he noted. In some instances a household has received a septic tank permit and illegally attached other homes to the system, and enforcement has been lax. According to the new ordinance in this northwest county of the state, manufactured housing communities that seek to expand will also be required to have their waste systems approved by NMED.