“This proposed rule provides a critical solution to the regulatory uncertainty that has plagued RV manufacturers, dealers and campgrounds for decades.”
A memorandum from HUD in 2014 categorized Park Model RVs and manufactured homes (MH) together, says elkharttruth. It said attached porches on Park Model RVs should be included in the square footage, which put the structures over the 400 sq. ft. limit, which is the demarcation point between MH and RVs—RVs are below 400, MH are above 400.
Matt Wald, executive director of park model RVs at the Recreational Vehicle Industry Association, said, “If the RV went past the allowed square footage for a park model RV, then it would have been classified a manufactured home and these campgrounds could have had illegal housing on their sites.” Park Model RVS are up to 15 feet wide and 36 feet long with a peaked roof.
U. S. Representative Jackie Walorski (R-IN), who co-sponsored the Recreational Vehicle Certainty Act of 2014 in Sept., a month before the HUD memorandum that year, and which addresses the same issues proposed for current revision, said she is pleased with the government’s revisions. “This proposal will give a sense of relief to manufacturers and protect jobs for Hoosier workers,” she noted.
The new rule restores Park Model RVs to temporary housing status, and requires a seal that it meets Park Model RV standards and is intended for temporary housing. ##
(Photo credit: elkharttruth–Park Model RV)