New Revolution Underway? ED ‘A Big Con;’ Bernie Vs Tulsi; Taibbi-Gaza-DOGE Global Ripples; Star Parker on HUD Sec Scott Turner; Emerging Picture of Giant Shakeup of Status Quo; MHVille Analysis


There is a lot of information that follows that will include an array of evidence that spans what might be thought of as the classic left-right divide on a range of seemingly unrelated topics. ED-the federal Department of Education has been labeled by President Donald J. Trump as a “Big Con.” Longtime left-leaning or liberal reporter Matt Taibbi has testified on his shock that the Democratic Party which he voted for and supported for years has become the political party that defends and calls for censorship.  Leaders in nations are beginning to sound of on what the revelations from DOGE – the Department of Government Efficiency – specifically did in their countries, because the implications aren’t just troubling for U.S. citizens they are vexing for leaders in other nations too. Former Representative Tulsi Gabbard (HI-D) was once the vice chair for the Democratic National Committee. Per left-leaning Wikipedia: “Previously, she [Gabbard] also served as vice-chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) from 2013 to 2016 but resigned to endorse Bernie Sanders for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination. Columnist Star Parker a recently appointed HUD Secretary E. Scott Turner ally, has publicly come out with a call to disrupt the status quo at HUD. If there are common threads in all of those seemingly distinctive topics, they might be described like this. Trump 2.0 is significantly different and more ‘revolutionary’ that Trump 1.0. There appears to be a keen awareness by President Donald J. Trump (R) and his key allies that the system was rigged for Democrats, and that Democrats had cozied up to powerful special interests that manipulated much (not all) of the federal system in their own favor. Peace may be in sight in the Russia Ukraine front. War might be ready to start again over Gaza and Iranian funded regional terror groups. A trade war is underway, and tariffs are coming. What does the emerging facts and evidence reveal? What could this mean for the dramatically diminished manufactured home industry (a.k.a. MHVille)?  This article will explore several subjects in the early parts of this report with analysis. Then in Part -, the potential implications and takeaways for MHVille pros will be explored.

MHProNews programming notice. Another report on Cavco, a national report on manufactured home communities (MHCs), and several other manufactured housing industry specific subjects are among the topics that were bumped in favor of this report today. Why? Because the significance of the emerging picture in Washington, D.C. and around the world is in our editorial view more pressing for understanding what lies ahead for MHVille.

For example, for those producers who are still relying on foreign supply chains for components, particularly in Communist China or other parts of Asia, they should seriously consider domestic supply sources. Trump 2.0 moves point to an onshoring or reshoring of as much production as possible as rapidly as possible. The big picture absolutely impacts the manufactured housing industry specific picture.

In no particular order of importance are the following.

Part I POTUS Trump on ED – federal Department of Education




MHProNews notes that the logic or rationale used by Trump is similar to one used by MHProNews and MHLivingNews on housing and other topics. Meaning, for all of the federal spending, the U.S. ranks poorly in education.  Similarly, manufactured housing’s top state isn’t highly unaffordable California, it is relatively more affordable and easier to do business in Texas. The rate of home ownership in the U.S. isn’t higher in our nation, because the rate of homeownership is reportedly higher in over 40 nations around the world.






While the specific ranking of the U.S. is subject to discussion and debate, the broader point made by Trump appears to be supported by evidence.


Trump’s point seems to be to cut out the middlemen involved in federal spending. He specifically said he wants Linda McMahon to work herself out of a job. Hold that thought with respect to FEMA, USAID, and other departments and further below this report with analysis will consider the potential implication of this principle for MHVille and the manufactured housing industry.


Part II – Trump wants FEMA Duties Handled by States


Part III – Trump wants most of USAID eliminated and what’s left handled by the U.S. State Department



From the Gatestone Institute this morning is the following.

Resettling Gaza
Is it the right thing to do and can it work? Yes it can.

by Daniel Greenfield  •  February 13, 2025 at 5:00 am

  • Many, if not most, “peace plans” propose the further resettlement of hundreds of thousands of Jews living in Judea and Samaria to make way for a “Palestinian” state. Even as they object to resettling Gazan Muslims in Arab countries, they refer to Jews living in the “West Bank” as settlers, refer to their communities as “settlements,” and propose that they be resettled elsewhere.
  • The same people who insist that it’s morally wrong and impractical to resettle 2 million Muslims out of Gaza also argue that it’s morally right and practical to resettle nearly half a million Jews….
  • Despite being told it was impossible, Israelis evacuated hundreds of thousands of Gazans to make way for military operations. During the beginning of the war, around one million Gazans left the north for the south of the Gaza Strip, and the UN would later claim that as many as 1.5 million Muslim settlers in Gaza had been displaced.
  • The resettlement of large numbers of “Palestinians” has happened before in the Middle East. While the resettlement of Gaza would take place on a larger scale, it would not be that much larger than the resettlements during the war or in the aftermath of the Gulf War.
  • The objections to it [resettlement], both moral and practical, are groundless. Resettlement is feasible and moral. If the Kuwaitis and the Jordanians could resettle the “Palestinians” out of their countries on far less grounds than the atrocities of Oct 7, the Israelis certainly have the right to do it.
  • The PLO and Hamas used terrorism at every turn to press for more Israeli concessions while giving nothing in return. Their leaders have said again and again that they intend to destroy Israel.
  • After Oct 7, everyone is finally taking them at their word.

That is out of the box thinking. Whatever happens on Gaza, what is clear is that Trump is not locked into the behaviors of decades past that have demonstrably not worked.


Part IV – Investigative Reporter Matt Taibbi in testimony to Congress and Insights on Tulsi Gabbard, new Director of National Intelligence (DNI) 

Opening statement by Matt Taibbi:

“Two years ago when Michael and I first testified before your weaponization of government subcommittee, Democratic members called us so called journalists, suggested we were bought off scribes, and questioned our ethics and our loyalties. When we tried to answer, we were told to shut up, take our take off our tinfoil hats, and remember two things.”

“One, there is no digital censorship, and two, if there is digital censorship, it’s for our own good. I was shocked. I thought the whole thing had to be a mistake. There was no way the party that I gave votes to my whole life was now pro censorship. Then last year, I listened to John Kerry, whom I voted for, talked to the World Economic Forum.”

“Speaking about this information, he said, quote, our first amendment stands as a major block to our ability to, quote, hammer it out of existence. He complained that it’s really hard to govern because people self select where they go for their news, which makes it quote, much harder to build consensus.”

“Now, I defended John Kerry when people said he looks French, but Marie Antoinette would have been embarrassed by this speech. He was essentially complaining that the peasants are self selecting their own sources of media. What’s next?”

“Letting them make up their own minds? Lastly, building consensus may be a politician’s job, but it’s not mine as a citizen or as a journalist. In fact, making it hard to govern is exactly the media’s job. The failure to understand this is why we have a censorship problem. This is an Alamo moment for the First Amendment.”

“Most of America’s closest allies as both, Rupa and Michael have pointed out, have already adopted draconian speech laws. We are surrounded. The EU’s new Digital Services Act is the most comprehensive censorship law ever instituted in a Western democratic society. Ranking member Raskin, you don’t have to go as far as Russia or China to find people jailed for speech. Our allies in England now have an online safety act, which empowers the government to jail people for nebulous offenses like false communication or causing psychological harm.”

“Germany, France, Australia, Canada, and other nations have implemented similar ideas. These laws are totally incompatible with our system. Some of our own citizens have been harassed or even arrested in some of these countries, but our government has not stood up for them. Why? Because many of our bureaucrats believe in these laws.”

“Take USAID. Many Americans are now in an uproar because they they learned about over $400,000,000 going to an organization called Inner News, whose chief Jeanne Bourgeault boasted to Congress about training hundreds of thousands of people in journalism. But her views are almost identical to Carrie’s. She gave a talk once about building trust and combating misinformation in India during the pandemic. She said that after months of a really beautifully unified COVID nineteen message, vaccine enthusiasm rose to 87%.”

“But when, quote, mixed information on vaccine efficacy got out, hesitancy ensued. We’re paying this person to train journalists, and she doesn’t know that the press does not exist to promote unity or political goals like vaccine enthusiasm. That’s propaganda, not journalism. Bourdieu also once said that to fight bad content, we need to work really hard on exclusionless or inclusionless and, quote, really need to focus our ad ad dollars toward what she called the good news.”

“Again, if you don’t know the fastest way to erode trust in media is by having government sponsor exclusion lists, you shouldn’t be getting a dollar in taxpayer money, let alone 476,000,000 of it. And USAID is just a tiny piece of the censorship machine Michael and I saw across that long list of agencies.”

“Collectively, they bought up every part of the news production line, sources, think tanks, research, fact checking, anti disinformation, commercial media scoring, and when all else fails, straight up censorship. It is a giant closed messaging loop whose purpose is to transform the free press into exactly that consensus machine. There is no way to remove this rod surgically. The whole mechanism has to go.”

“Is there right wing misinformation? Hell, yes. It exists in every direction. But I grew up a Democrat and don’t remember being afraid of it. At the time, we figured we didn’t need censorship because we thought we had the better argument.” “Obviously, many of you lack the same confidence. You took billions of dollars from taxpayers and you blew it on programs whose entire purpose was to tell them they’re wrong about things they can see with their own eyes. You sold us out. And until these rather tires tiresome questions are answered, this problem is not fixed. Thank you.”



To the point made by Stanislav Petrov (above) raised in saying: “It isn’t just “conservatives”, the DC Blob uses lawfare against everyone who challenges them.” That is an insightful remark. Because Tulsi Gabbard, who has finally been confirmed by the Senate, was a Democrat for years, but she didn’t see eye-to-eye with much of their leadership on very specific issues.  Because she didn’t 100 percent tow ‘the Party’s’ line, she was turned on and cast aside, including by Senator Bernie Sanders (VT-DS), who is a self-declared Democratic Socialist.  The video below is a flashback video, but makes the point by that person’s post on X.



Still awaiting confirmation is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (a.k.a. RFK Jr.) Like Gabbard, Kennedy challenged Democratic Party orthodoxy on very specific issues, but Kennedy was until 2023 a lifelong Democrat. With those thoughts in mind, recall the statement below by left-leaning or liberal investigative reporter Glenn Greenwald.  He said it isn’t about left vs. right as much as it is about Anti-Establishment vs. Pro-Establishment.




Uploaded to MHProNews on April 20, 2023.




Part V From the WND News Center to MHProNews is this Op-Ed by Star Parker, President of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE)


Scott Turner’s turn-around job at HUD

‘It is time for something entirely new by bringing back something entirely old’

By Star Parker |

Scott Turner, former state legislator, NFL player and pastor from Plano, Texas, will take over as the new Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Given that the history of HUD is about everything that Donald Trump wants to change in Washington, Turner has a great challenge and opportunity.

That is, HUD is all about government.

Turner has many great ideas, and among these he’s thinking about changing the name of the department.

My vote would be changing the name to HCD, Housing and Community Development.
Community Development would emphasize programs to remove government barriers to investment and growth and foster market-based solutions for fighting poverty. This effort could include programs such as opportunity zones, which were in the process of getting launched in Trump’s first term, which target distressed ZIP codes for tax forgiveness to attract business investment.

Let’s recall that President Lyndon Johnson signed the legislation in September 1965 establishing the Department of Housing and Urban Development as the 11th department in the federal government.

It was part of Johnson’s Great Society and War on Poverty to make our society more just and fair by dramatically increasing the size and scope of government.

Regarding housing, did it work?

Edward Pinto of the American Enterprise Institute, in an essay on housing in “The State of Black Progress,” published by my organization CURE, reports:

In 1970, the White homeownership rate was 66% and the Black rate was 42%, with the Black rate at 64% of the White rate. Through the second quarter of 2022, the White homeownership rate was 74% and the Black rate was 45%, with the Black rate at 61% of the White rate.

Over these years we have seen vast expansion of government programs to allegedly help “minorities” afford housing and get mortgages to finance home purchases.

We see from Pinto’s data that, overall, the impact has been effectively a net zero.
But worse than not helping, in many instances, damage was done. Government programs encouraged lenders to make loans that borrowers could not afford.

According to real estate research firm Zillow, after the real estate crash in 2007, “homes in Black and Hispanic communities were 2 and 2.5 times as likely, respectively, to experience foreclosure than homes in white communities nationwide between January 2007 and December 15.”

Beyond the failure of government programs to advance home ownership in Black communities, vast damage was done through public housing and housing assistance programs, again allegedly to help minority Americans.

Howard Husock, also of the American Enterprise Institute, reports in “The State of Black Progress” the destructive history of government public housing programs.
The failure of public housing might be placed under the overall headline of what happens when government bureaucrats use their power to decide what problems exist in Black communities and then go in and “solve” them.

Husock describes, tragically, how, in the name of “slum” clearance, vibrant Black communities were destroyed – communities with homeowners, churches and businesses – and replaced by public housing, which are essentially government-run and -controlled ghettos.

Per Husock, “Even as African Americans comprise 13% of the US population, they are 48% of public and subsidized housing.” Public housing is notoriously dysfunctional and has fostered the growth of broken, poverty- and crime-ridden communities.

I think of the title of the book by The Wall Street Journal’s Jason Riley, “Please Stop Helping Us: How Liberals Make It Harder for Blacks to Succeed.”

Knowing our new Secretary of HUD Scott Turner, I’m sure he is aware of the often-quoted observation that insanity is doing the same thing but expecting different results.

For sure, with regard to housing and communities, it is time for something entirely new by bringing back something entirely old: the truths that lie in real community, private property and ownership, personal responsibility and family.


Part VI – Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary 

In no particular order of importance are the following added facts, evidence, insights, and observations.

1) MHProNews has previously observed that as troubling as the last 4 years of Vichy USA under the Biden-Harris (D) regime has been, it may have been a dark grace. Others have made similar observations which was in a sense confirmed by Trump himself. By not getting to stay in the White House after the 2020 election, by being disputably barred from a continuation of his first term 4 years ago, much of the Biden-Harris-Democratic agenda has been put on full display. Millions of people who would normally have voted for a Democrat, any Democrat, voted for Trump in 2024 instead.


2) The duplicitous among Trump 1.0 ‘supporters’ has been clarified for “45 and 47.” Trump better understands the workings of the GOP, and just how rigged the federal system has been in favor of Democrats, who in turn are routinely beholden to big corporate, big media, big tech, and big government interests. Ironically, two different Democratic candidates for President have said as much, one of them is Senator Bernie Sanders (VT-DS).






3) It is arguably the job of the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) to understand such issues and navigate them on behalf of “all segments” of the industry, which is their own stated claim and has been for years.




4) Per MHI’s ‘about us’ information on this date (2.13.2025).

As MHProNews has previously reported, that remark is arguably misleading if not deceptive. MHI apparently counts every Clayton Homes location as a ‘member’ and individual retail locations for Champion Homes (SKY) and Cavco Industries (CVCO) as an individual location. If they are misleading on the number of member companies, why is it a surprise if they are misleading on other topics? Hold that thought.


Mission Statement

MHI is the national trade organization representing all segments of the factory-built housing industry. MHI serves its membership by providing industry research, promotion, education and government relations programs, and by building and facilitating consensus within the industry.

MHI’s mission and claims have arguably been morphing. According to the prior IRS form 990 filing, required for nonprofits, they said that they wanted to level the playing field and expand the market for manufactured housing. Quoting from the prior MHI IRS form 99o filing, which is certified under penalties for perjury, was the following. Quoting MHI’s 990.

Improve the overall operating environment for the manufactured housing industry and expand the demand for manufactured homes by seeking fair and equitable treatment in the marketplace and the regulatory and legislative arenas.”


This may be one of the most important documents to federal investigators or others who are probing manufactured housing’s historic underperformance in the 21st century. Note: in several devices you can click the image above and follow the prompts to open it in a larger size for easier reading. 



Additionally, from their about us claims is this.

National Communities Council

NCC Code of Ethics

Members of MHI’s National Communities Council agree to abide by its Code of Ethics, which include engaging in conduct that promotes and enhances the public image of manufactured housing and land-lease manufactured housing communities, and promoting positive customer and resident relations.

MHProNews has reported numerous times that MHI is demonstrably not enforcing that so-called code of conduct. MHI’s members are often behaving in ways that clearly contradict their code of conduct and arguably are violating their own MHI antitrust guidelines.


JoelBrownRossHPartrichRHPPropHavenparkResidentsNewComplaintRHPPropertiesEvictDiscriminationHikesHavenparkCommunitiesManufacturedHousingInstCodeEthicalConductMastMHProNews Note: Havenpark, per a source, is no longer an MHI member, but the reason for that is unclear. If Havenpark was booted, why are others engaged in similar behavior tolerated? Or did Havenpark’s leaders, after fact checks like this one, figure out that it simply didn’t make sense to stay a member of MHI and they just left on their own?


5) MHI also misleadingly if not deceptively claims to be keeping the manufactured home industry informed on all the news that should matter to manufactured housing professionals.

On this date from their news landing page is the following claim.

What’s New

MHI News

The latest news to give you a full perspective on the manufactured housing industry. From manufacturers to land-lease communities, retail to financial services, and suppliers to installers, we help you keep abreast of what’s happening in every aspect of the industry.


Words have meaning. A “full perspective” should mean articles like this one, that looks at a broad range of subjects to better understand how the puzzle pieces fit the manufactured home industry. 3 of the 4 items shown below are about meetings and ‘education’ that are revenue generators and networking opportunities for consolidators. Only one is a ‘news’ item.




6) The statistics of the industry, compared to their IRS form 990 claim of seeking to “Improve the overall operating environment for the manufactured housing industry and expand the demand for manufactured homes…” is revealing. Production is still under 30 percent of what it was in 1998. After a nudge by this publication to MHI’s prior chairman, then president and CEO Richard “Dick” Jennison said that the industry was capable of producing 500,000 new homes a year. Clearly, they are failing as measured by their own benchmarks and claims.


Still and quote are from the video posted on this page.


7) MHI has been cozy with the Democratic Biden-Harris regime for the past four years. On the one hand, in fairness, a trade association has to make the effort of working with members of both major political parties or minor ones where that may be a factor. But on the other hand, in working with a Democratic administration, that doesn’t mean that they have to sell out to them and their string pullers.  No less a figure than former MHI chairman Tim Williams and 21st Mortgage Corporation president and CEO said that the progressive agenda is a threat to manufactured housing. If that was meant sincerely, why has MHI essentially sold out in some levels to the very progressive agenda that he said was a threat?


A slide in a presentation by Williams to MHI. It was provided by Williams to MHProNews. The opposition to the “progressive ideology,” in hindsight, is contradicted by Buffett late partner Charlie Munger’s law firm bragging about how progressive they are. Buffett and Munger share such views. This is one of several possible examples of paltering by leaders of Berkshire owned brands in their role at their own firms and/or in their role at MHI. 


8) Give sincere progressives their due. They are well aware of the threat of consolidation to the U.S. economy and its impact on smaller businesses and consumers. The Biden-White House statement on competition must be viewed through the lens of manufactured housing. Because much of our industry has been consolidating just as much of the U.S. economy has been consolidating.






9) MHI curiously for some years has been aligned with conventional housing nonprofits rather than with the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR). By aligning with conventional housing, MHI has openly revealed that they are NOT advocating for the best interests of ‘all segments’ of manufactured housing as they have arguably deceptively claimed for years. MHARR has simplified the call to action by Trump 2.0 to three issues.

a) Eliminate the pending and harmful DOE energy rule, which MHI’s own attorneys said was threatening “irreparable” harm.

b) Put into full force and routine effect the provisions of the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (HERA) Duty to Serve Manufactured Housing, along with all other federal laws that offer lending support for HUD Code manufactured homes.

c) Fully implement all of the provisions of the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 (a.k.a. MHIA, MHIA 2000, 2000 Reform Act, 2000 Reform Law). MHARR has argued if those three things occur, manufactured home production will soar. History supports their claims.


MHARR v MHI Engagement and Communications re: Incoming Trump 2.0+HUD Secretary E. Scott Turner – Authentic or Symbolic? Genuine or Posturing? Revealing Evidence-MHVille Facts-Evidence-Analysis


10) Star Parker’s article (Part IV, above) made several valid points. Not the least among her points was that the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same things the same way and expect go get a different result. Quite so.

Why is it that MHI keeps doing the same things the same way and expect a different result with HUD, with the FHFA, with the DOE, or other aspects of the federal government that they deal with?

Why does MHI keep posturing efforts, what MHARR called the “Illusion of Motion” years ago, without actually delivering on the promised result?





11) There is an obvious change in the way that the federal government is being approached in Trump 2.0. What is wasteful, inefficient, or is working contrary to the interests of the American citizens who pay much of the taxes in the U.S. is at least on paper being uprooted. How much of Trump or DOGE executive action gets supported by related action in Congress remains to be seen. But what is clear is that there is the potential for authentic change instead of postured change.

12) That is why MHARR presumably issued their ‘second chance’ message to the industry’s readers. There are good reasons to think that manufactured housing could finally get beyond the vise grip that has demonstrably kept the industry underperforming for nearly 25 years.


'ThisRepublicWasNotEstablishedByCowardsAndCowardsWillNot PreserveItElmerDavisCowardsDieManyTimesBeforeTheirActualDeathsJuliusCaesarSilentMajorityWilliamHauptIIIMHProNews


Scott Turner Confirmed Secretary of Housing and Urban Development-Official HUD+Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) News Releases; Manufactured Home Generational Wealth


13) Let’s begin to sum up and then apply the insights for MHVille. For decades, there has been a steady consolidation of power in the federal bureaucracy. As Elon Musk said in the White House recently, if the elected leaders don’t actually control the functions of the government, then we are not living in a ‘democracy’ we are living in a bureaucracy.



14) Now, set aside for a few moments that the U.S. is a Republic and not a democracy. The broad point made by Musk is quite insightful.


15) The rigged system is being exposed via the money trail for its ugly realities. Foreign powers are beginning to ask questions. They too want to understand how USAID money was used, or abused, in their nations. If they want to know, certainly American citizens ought to want to get to the bottom of these issues. And polling suggests that such is the case. Trump is more popular now than at any time in his first term.


16) That is just part of the puzzle. USAID, along with other federal agency spending, went to prop up often left-leaning media and/or the Establishment (right leaning) Wall Street Journal as well as censorship efforts.




17) MHProNews has periodically shared the notion that a big con has been perpetrated against much of the American population. Starting during the Woodrow Wilson era, the notion of government by experts – what today is the federal bureaucracy – could somehow prove good for most Americans. The regulators were supposed to regulate the big business interests that were seen then as being a threat to the interests of most Americans. But over a century of experience has demonstrated that what emerged was a government where the regulators aren’t regulating, at least, not as advertised. Who said? Among others, the late Charlie Munger, roughly 60-year partner for Warren Buffett.




PoliticiansInThisCountryWantMorePowerTheRichWantMorePowerUSAWarrenBuffettQuoteCharlieMungerRegulatorsArentRegulatingQuotesMHProNews and


TheresClassWarfareAllRightMyClassRichClassMakingWarWereWinning-WarrenBuffettQuotesBarackObamaPhotoFreedomAward and


18) The system was rigged decades ago in a way that routinely benefits the very people that the regulators were supposed to regulate.

In MHVille, MHI ironically claims to be have a 50 year “partnership” with HUD. Seriously? If so, then why is it that MHI is unable to accomplish what they claimed in that IRS form 990 was their mission? Reminder of MHI’s claim under penalties for perjury posted below.

Improve the overall operating environment for the manufactured housing industry and expand the demand for manufactured homes by seeking fair and equitable treatment in the marketplace and the regulatory and legislative arenas.”




19) Harvard and other researchers in the U.S. and England are among those who have pointed out the ways that wordplay is deployed to get people to support what sounds like a good claim or cause.  But when their behavior and results are compared to their claims, that is when the deceptive nature of their wordplay is revealed.


Uploaded to MHProNews on May 6, 2023.




20) If MHI is serious about fulfilling their claims, or simply wants to pivot while they still can, they would abandon their multiyear support of conventional housing competitors and begin to align on a routine basis with routinely reliable, transparent, and ethical MHARR.










21) It is long past time for MHI leaders to come clean and embrace a truly pro-growth industry agenda. Decades of posturing obviously didn’t get the job done.




IblameManufacturedHousingInstituteSalesCouldBeMuchBetterMHI_InsiderFingerPointsEssentialHUDusePreemptionAuthorityAffordableHousingCrisisManufacturedHousingInReportMHMarketMHProNews and






MHProNews Note: depending on your browser or device, many images in this report can be clicked to expand. For example, in some browsers/devices you click the image and select ‘open in a new window.’ After clicking that selection, you click the image in the open window to expand the image to a larger size. To return to this page, use your back key, escape or follow the prompts.
Base image is from the Cavco Industries November 2023 Investor Relations ‘pitch deck’ or presentation. Satirical “Proud Member of Machiavellian Housing Institute” (i.e.: Manufactured Housing Institute or MHI) with its modified MHI tag line: “The National Association Serving Consolidators of the Manufactured Housing Industry” was added by MHProNews, but Cavco Industries is a “proud” MHI member. Call out boxes and arrows are added by MHProNews as part of this fact check and analysis.

Rooting Out Federal-Corporate-Media Corruption; New DOE Secretary Chris Wright Outreach by Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform; plus Sunday Weekly MHVille Headlines Review

See his context and the full ‘debate’ context in the report, linked here.
True Tale of Four Attorneys Research into Manufactured Housing – What They Reveal About Why Manufactured Homes Are Underperforming During an Affordable Housing Crisis – Facts and Analysis

Multiple Cavco Industries Insiders Selling Stocks – What’s Going on w/Higher Profile Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Members Dumping their Own Shares as Trump Poised to Regain White House?

“There are many kinds of journalism, but at the heart of their constitutional responsibilities, journalists are in the business of monitoring and keeping a check on people and institutions in power.” – American Press Institute.
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Our son has grown quite a bit since this 12.2019 photo. All on Capitol Hill were welcoming and interested in our manufactured housing industry related concerns. But Congressman Al Green’s office was tremendous in their hospitality. Our son’s hand is on a package that included the Constitution of the United States, bottled water, and other goodies.

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for

Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.

For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and

This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.

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