Prior to publishing this article, MHProNews asked officials at Clayton Homes for comment on this topic. The Daily Business News on MHProNews waited several days before publishing this report, giving the industry giant plenty of time to respond.
They have to date exercised their right to remain silent.
Now that this document – provided as a news tip – is being published below, MHProNews once more invites Clayton, Vanderbilt Mortgage, other industry lenders, or the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) the opportunity to respond, refute, confirm, or clarify the concerns noted below.
“There are several possibilities,” said an informed source to MHProNews with ties to the ‘powers that be.’ “For example, Clayton could claim that they are not taking the $1,000 off the actual down payment, but rather off the total price of the home.”
“But if so,” per that same source “that raised other questions and possible issues. For example, does that make this $1,000 credit a deceptive trade practice? Could they [Clayton] be raising the price, only to lower it? If it is a down payment, are outside lenders or federally backed lenders aware of this Clayton Homes trade practice?”
The certificate from “CMH” bears Kevin Clayton’s signature.
The document shows several Clayton retail brands on the bottom of the certificate.

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Former Manufactured Housing Institute President, Manufactured Home Owners, Urban Institute, and You –
” During my time at MHI, I was often asked the same question, “What must happen for business to return – for manufactured housing to begin growing again? ” My stock answer would usually start with ‘financing’ and end with a general comment about the need to bring ‘value’ to our customers.”