“If we will not endure a king as a political power, we should not endure a king over the production,
transportation, and sale of any of the necessities of life.”
— John Sherman
Sherman was a mover in what today is known as the Sherman antitrust act. The act was sponsored by Senator John Sherman (1823–1900) of Ohio, as a leading anti-monopolistic leader. The quotes speaks for itself. Among the necessities we should not have a monopoly over the production of affordable manufactured housing.
The next two more contemporary quotes are more sobering. Both come from the political left.
“Antitrust law isn’t about protecting competing businesses from each other,
it’s about protecting competition itself on behalf of the public.”
– Al Franken
“This antitrust thing will blow over.”
– Bill Gates
Keep in mind that Gates’ Microsoft was the target of an antirust action. Gates and Warren Buffett are in several ways, joined at the hip. Gates, in a very specifric sense, turned out to be correct. More on those points another time.
This quote below is also from the progressive side of the aisle. All but the first and next quote are from AZ Quotes.
From a non-profit’s website: “The Open Markets Institute uses journalism to promote greater awareness of the political and economic dangers of monopolization, identifies the changes in policy and law that cleared the way for such consolidation, and fosters discussions with policymakers and citizens as to how to update America’s traditional political economic principles for our 21st century digital society.”
Let’s turn to a former and famous president.
“Beware of that profound enemy of the free enterprise system who pays lip-service to free competition, but also labels every antitrust prosecution as a persecution.”
– Franklin D. Roosevelt
Back to Franken.
“Most Americans don’t think about antitrust law when they look at their cable bill, flip channels on TV, or worry about what their favorite website knows about them. But they should.”
– Al Franken
“Changing technologies, changing marketplaces, and even changing trends in anti-competitive practices have all presented challenges to antitrust enforcement.”
– Al Franken
Then, there is Green Party candidate for president, Jill Stein. For all of these, keep in mind, wheat and chaff. You don’t have to agree on everything, to agree on specific things.
“We need to use antitrust laws. You know, we need to create real media again.”
– Jill Stein
“It’s time to use the antitrust laws and to break up this conglomerate corporate media that has now poisoned our democracy to the point that our very survival is at risk for the kinds of monstrosities that are flourishing in our corporate media dominated discussion.”
– Jill Stein
There are voices on the right that favor use of antitrust action. One of them is below.
“Vigilant and effective antitrust enforcement today is preferable to the heavy hand of government regulation of the Internet tomorrow.”
– Orrin Hatch
Here’s a surprising one, a former Democrat, who today is a member of the GOP.
“If I am elected President, I will end the special interest monopoly in Washington, D.C.”
– Donald Trump
From President Donald J. Trump, to a plank in the Democratic Party’s ‘new deal’ plan, and others in between, are calling for a break-up of several major conglomerates. From the FAANGs, to major media conglomerates, to Berkshire Hathaway and others, there is a need to restore balance to both the market and politics. Regulations can’t fix this, only a breakup – like the AT&T breakup – will do.

A useful overview of the topic of monopoly is explored in a reasonably balanced way in this video below. For example, the video explains the limited cases – such as public utilities – when a monopoly can make sense, although that too could become a dated view as various technologies emerge that could allow more competition for utilities. The video uses facts and humor as it educates, and has had hundreds of thousands of views.
Monopolies and Anti-Competitive Markets: Crash Course Economics
Those voices in MHVille that stand mute or even actively oppose a discussion of monopoly are practically defending those that are monopolizing manufactured housing. That hurts independent businesses, consumers, government – almost everyone – save for the limited numbers who are doing the monopolization.
As an independent operation that favors free enterprise, we stand foursquare against monopolistic forces, because they are corrosive of the economic and thus political system in America. See the related reports, linked below. “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)

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