An architect in Sydney, Australia has created what’s billed as an easy-to-assemble “IMBY” – “In My Back Yard” – prefabricated plywood kit home.
It’s delivered flat-packed and ready to put together by owners or occupants, says inventor Adriano Pupilli to Domain. “And you don’t even need an IKEA Allen key,” says its inventor Adriano Pupilli,
Pupilli leads a team of architects who’ve drawn their fair share of positive media. Domain is just the latest to spotlight his firm’s work.
“There’s no nails or glue [needed] either,” said Pupilli, “it’s just wedges that lock into each other in a Japanese-style of joinery, and you then just tap them in with a wooden mallet. You can then add extras or take them away, according to how much, or the kind of space you need.”
The report says the models kits “start at $9800 for a studio, $15,400 for a sleepout, $22,800 for a guest pavilion and $27,600 for a full bach, or basic holiday home.”
According to their website, “Adriano Pupilli Architects is a Sydney-based practice with a passion for thoughtful architecture…”
What the flat packed units don’t seem to include are the fixtures and finish needed to make walls, floors and a ceiling from a box into a livable home. Quoting, “People looking for that flexibility also provide planning authorities with the opportunity to consider the approvals required, and the necessary zonings.”
That’s because enormous confusion exists around whether such structures need planning permission. As long as they’re smaller than 20 square metres in area, under three metres in height, and are called a shed, then they probably won’t, says Mr Pupillo, director of the Manly-based Adriano Pupillo Architects.”
Domain says the “invention has been welcomed by housing affordability expert Adrian Pisarski, executive officer of National Shelter. “I think it’s helpful for a range of people to extend family living, or allowing teenagers to have some separate space.”
In Australia as in the U.S., they have their version of manufactured homes.
Unfortunately, there and here, there is a dose of stigma attached to the manufactured home type of factory built homes.
While these “IMBY” units may be lower in cost once completed than hiring a contractor, it will likely be quite a bit higher per square foot than a manufactured home. Here in the U.S., as industry professionals know, manufactured homes are rapidly made move-in ready.
As the Daily Business News reported last year, it seems that there is a search by housing hunters at home and abroad for a single section manufactured home alternative.
Are Americans Hunting for the Single Sectional Manufactured Home Alternative?
Put differently, it’s a reminder that manufactured home industry companies and professionals need to address the image issue at the local market level. “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)
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Soheyla is a managing member of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and