The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell under the bus as the U.S. and Europe received weak job reports, and China reported a manufacturing decline. The Dow ended up 100 points below where it closed out 2011 as all three indexes lost over two percent. CNNMoney reports the Dow plunged -274.88 points, -2.22 percent, to close at 12,118.57. The Nasdaq fell -79.86 points, -2.82 percent to 2,747.48, while the S&P lost -2.46 percent, to 1,278.04. Meanwhile, the Yahoo! Finance Manufactured Housing Composite lost -0.51 percent to close at 968.7. Housing stocks we track closed mixed, some with big swings. Nobility homes gained the most of stocks we follow, adding +7.85%, +0.51, to close at 7.01. Skyline Corp. fell the most of stocks we track , -6.83%, -0.31, to end the week at 4.23. Affiliated Managers Group 97.87 -5.20 (-5.05%). Cavco Industries 45.02 +2.64 (+6.70%). Clayton Homes, Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance, as well as MH home-building, lending and other housing suppliers parent company Berkshire Hathaway 119,690 +840.00 (+0.71%). Champion, Liberty Homes, Deer Valley and Palm Harbor all remained unchanged. Drew Industries 25.99 -0.56 (-2.11%) . Equity Lifestyle Properties 64.63 -1.23 (-1.87%). Louisiana Pacific Corp. 8.92 -0.50 (-5.31%). Nobility Homes 7.01 +0.51 (+7.85%). Skyline Corp. 4.23 -0.31 (-6.83%). Sun Communities 39.89 -1.32 (-3.20%). Third Avenue Value Fund (5-31) 41.75 -0.01 (-0.02%). United Forest Products, Inc. 35.75 -1.90 (-5.05%). UMH Properties 10.14 +0.02 (+0.20%).