The stock exchange was running on gas-powered generators after a two day trading halt due to the wrath of Hurricane Sandy. However, not only is there a lull due to the coming presidential election, but many investors do not have power and transportation is limited in the Wall St. area, leading to a quiet trading day at the NYSE. CNNMoney says the Dow Jones Industrial Average edged down -0.08 percent today, -10.75 points, to close at 13,096.46. The Nasdaq dropped -0.36 percent, -10.72 points to close at 2977.23. The S&P moved up meagerly +0.02 percent, +0.22 points to close at 1,412.16. The Yahoo! Finance Manufactured Housing Composite moved up +2.20 percent to close at 1199.1. Housing stocks we track closed mixed or even. Nobility Homes gained the most of tracked stocks, +4.85% percent, +0.25, to close at 5.40. UMH fell the most of stocks we follow, -5.25%, -0.58, to end the day at 10.51. Affiliated Managers Group 126.50 +2.36 (+1.90%). Cavco Industries 45.34 +0.91 (+1.92%). Clayton Homes, Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance, as well as MH home-building, lending and other housing suppliers parent company Berkshire Hathaway 139,505 -220.00 (-0.17%). Champion, Liberty Homes, Deer Valley and Palm Harbor all remained unchanged. Drew Industries 31.67 +0.31 (+0.99%). Equity LifeStyle Properties 67.33 +0.66 (+0.99%). Louisiana Pacific Corp. 15.79 +0.25 (+1.61%).Patrick Industries 17.67 -0.16 (-1.06%). Skyline Corp 4.60 +0.15 (+3.37%). Sun Communities, Inc. 41.98 -0.03 (-0.07%). Third Avenue Value Fund (Oct.26) 48.72 -0.30 (-0.61%). United Forest Products, Inc. 38.51 +1.38 (+3.70%).