CNNMoney tells the Dow Jones Industrial Average edged up 6.51 points on news that Apple’s stock topped the 600 mark as it is poised to pay dividends on its stock. Up eight percent since the beginning of the year, the Dow gained +.05 percent to close at 13,239.13. The Nasdaq moved up 23.06 points, +0.75 percent, to close at 3,078.32, while the S&P advanced 5.58 points, +0.40%, to end the day at 1,409.75. “There is still some skepticism on the part of people who missed the rally,” said Bernard Kavanagh, vice president of portfolio management for St. Louis-based broker Stifel Nicolaus. “So despite the strong initial pop, many retail investors are not in the game yet.” The Yahoo! Finance Manufactured Housing Composite gained +0.07 percent to finish at 923.0. Tracked housing stocks closed mixed, but Nobility Homes posted the largest gain, 12.68 percent, moving up +0.99 to close at 8.44. None of the tracked stocks lost more than Cavco did at -1.11 percent. Affiliated Managers Group 113.02 +0.90 (+0.82%). Cavco Industries 47.10 -0.53 (-1.11%). Clayton Homes, Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance, as well as MH home-building, lending and other housing suppliers parent company Berkshire Hathaway 112.115 -75.00 (-0.06%). Champion, Liberty Homes, Deer Valley and Palm Harbor all remained unchanged. Drew Industries 28.23 +0.21 (+0.60%). Equity Lifestyle Properties 68.77 -0.02 (-0.03%). Louisiana Pacific 10.12 +0.19 (+1.91%). Patrick Industries 10.25 +0.65 (+6.95%). Skyline Corp. 7.96 -0.02 (-0.25%). Sun Communities 43.22 +0.11 (+0.26%). Third Avenue Value Fund (3-16) 47.10 -0.07 (-0.15%). UMH Properties 10.22 +0.33 (+3.34%). Universal Forest Products 34.95 +0.54 (+1.57%).