Ohio Manufactured Homes Association (OMHA) Strategic Vision Complete with Transfer of
MH Community Licensing to the MH Commission
Over ten years ago, under then OMHA President Dan Rolfes, the Ohio Manufactured Homes Association (OMHA) Board of Directors outlined a Strategic Vision and Plan to consolidate all industry regulation under a yet to be formed Ohio Manufactured Homes Commission (OMHC)
The unprecedented completion of such a vision passed the Ohio General Assembly on May 23, 2012 and was signed by Governor Kasich. As part of the Governor’s Mid-Term Budget legislation, legislative language transfers all MH Community licensing and regulation to OMHC. Under the compromise crafted, OMHC will have the authority to write the Rules, license and otherwise regulate MH communities; as well as determine MH Community fees previously under the jurisdiction of local and state Departments of Health.
The Ohio Manufactured Homes Commission (OMHC) is governed by a 9 member body of which six members by law must be MH industry members recommended/nominated by OMHA. Since the Commission formation in 2004, all regulation of new and used home installations, licensing of MH Dealers, MH Consumer complaints and now the licensing and regulation of MH Communities (effective December 1, 2012) fall under the Ohio MH Commission. The MH Commission is a stand-alone state agency with full powers to regulate, write rules, levy fees, fines, conduct all inspections and enforcement actions and any and all actions otherwise granted any state agency.
This effort accomplished in less than 8 years is unprecedented for our industry anywhere in the country. While some may not always agree with Commission policies, the MH industry has established strong credibility to responsibly self-regulate and balance the interests of consumer protection, business efficiency and homeowner affordability. OMHA as well as our appointees over the last 8 years to the MH Commission deserve the gratitude of current and future generations of MH industry businesses and MH homeowners in Ohio for demonstrating the ability of our industry to self-regulate responsibly, and protect consumers while preserving the affordability of manufactured homes in Ohio.
The consolidation of MH regulations will serve the industry in unforeseen ways for decades to come. This vision of industry regulation consolidation has always been achieved in a bi-partisan political manner with the support of MH consumer interests including AMHRO, all government regulator associations, the Ohio Dept. of Health and other interested parties.
OMHA Executive Vice President, Tim Williams said, “The license fees may be lowered by as much as 20% under current draft fee schedules subject to OMHC’s continued review. Regulation for affordable manufactured home ownership in Ohio MH communities will be reasonable and balanced while maintaining homeowner safety and affordability. The full benefits of this historical effort will be seen in the coming months and years. Our OMHA Board of Directors is to be congratulated for exhibiting the leadership to achieve the vision of regulatory oversight for all aspects within the Ohio MH industry. We’d also like to thank our state legislators and Governors of both political parties who through the years overwhelmingly supported responsible MH industry regulations, cost effectiveness, consumer protections, and MH home affordability.” # #