“A full-time minimum-wage worker can afford a one-bedroom rental in only 7% of all US counties — 218 counties out of more than 3,000 nationwide,” said left-of-center CNN Business in their article on the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) report called “Out of Reach 2021: The High Cost of Housing.” CNN noted that “The federal minimum wage is $7.25,” and added that “…the report showed that a worker would need to earn $24.90 per hour in order to afford a two-bedroom home at Fair Market Rent. And a $20.40 “housing wage” would be needed for a one-bedroom. Fair Market Rents are government estimates of what a person should expect to pay for a modest home in their area.”
The NLIHC is a left-of-center nonprofit that has several ties to organizations connected to Berkshire Hathaway, the parent company of Clayton Homes and their affiliated lenders, 21st Mortgage Corporation and Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance (VMF). There are also appears to be ties to nonprofits connect to the Warren Buffett funded nonprofits.
That noted, the NLIHC 7.14.2021 press release – which their press release and attached report should not be construed as an endorsement by MHProNews of any kind – is as shown below. It will be followed by additional information, MHProNews Analysis and Commentary in Brief.
Washington, DC – NLIHC released today its annual report, Out of Reach 2021: The High Cost of Housing, which concludes that millions of low-wage renters were struggling to afford their homes before the pandemic and will remain in an economically precarious position without significant congressional action. The report highlights the mismatch between the wages people earn and the price of decent rental housing in every state, metropolitan area, and county in the U.S. The report calculates the “Housing Wage” a full-time worker must earn to afford a rental home without spending more than 30% of their income on housing costs. This year’s national Housing Wage is $24.90 per hour for a modest two-bedroom home at fair market rent and $20.40 per hour for a modest one-bedroom rental home.
Throughout the pandemic, millions of renters were at grave risk of contracting and spreading the virus as they struggled to pay their bills and stay in their homes, and many accumulated rental debt. One reason the pandemic was also an economic catastrophe for so many households is because, even before the pandemic, they could not afford their homes.
“We all deserve the opportunity to live with security and dignity,” said HUD Secretary Marcia L. Fudge, author of the report’s preface. “The Biden-Harris administration is proud to partner with the National Low Income Housing Coalition in taking bold action to address our nation’s affordable housing crisis head on. Together, we can help put an affordable and stable home within reach for every American.”
“Housing is a basic human need and should be regarded an unconditional human right,” said NLIHC President and CEO Diane Yentel. “With the highest levels of job losses since the Great Depression and an ongoing global pandemic, low-income workers and communities of color were disproportionately harmed. The enduring problem of housing unaffordability requires bold investments in housing solutions that will ensure stability in the future. Without a significant federal intervention, housing will continue to be out of reach for millions of renters.”
Out of Reach 2021 finds that in no state, metropolitan area, or county can a full-time minimum-wage worker afford a modest two-bedroom rental home, and these workers cannot afford modest one-bedroom apartments in 93% of U.S. counties. Over 7.5 million extremely low-income renters are severely housing cost-burdened, spending more than half of their incomes on housing. Such cost burdens lead too often to housing instability and homelessness. More than 226,000 people in the U.S. experienced homelessness on sidewalks or other unsheltered locations on a given night in 2020, and another 354,000 experienced homelessness in emergency shelters, with limited ability to self-isolate. In addition, more than 2.7 million renters live in overcrowded housing conditions, making social distancing from an infected housemate all but impossible.
The report highlights that housing affordability is a racial justice issue, made clearer than ever during the pandemic. Historic and continuing racist housing policies and practices result in people of color disproportionately facing greater challenges accessing decent and affordable homes. Black and Latino workers earn less than white workers, and Black and Latino households are more likely to spend more than 30% of their incomes on housing: while 25% of white households are housing cost-burdened, 41% of Latino households and 43% of Black households are cost-burdened. Structural injustices, unequal access to housing and healthcare, and greater exposure in low-wage and frontline jobs have resulted in people of color disproportionately contracting COVID-19 and being at high risk of losing their homes. Throughout the downturn, unemployment rates have been higher for Black and Latino workers than for white workers, and the Census Household Pulse Survey has consistently shown the Black and Latino renters are more likely to have fallen behind on their rent.
Even if the economy recovers rapidly and completely from the downturn caused by the pandemic, millions of renters will continue to struggle without significant congressional action.
NLIHC and our partners throughout the country are calling on Congress to take urgent action to ensure low-wage workers and other low-income renters do not simply return to a pre-pandemic status quo. Solving the housing affordability crisis requires expanding rental assistance to all eligible renters in need and making deep, sustained investments in the national Housing Trust Fund and public housing to create, preserve, and rehabilitate affordable homes. Congress should also create a permanent National Housing Stabilization Fund to provide temporary assistance for households at risk of eviction and strengthen and enforce renters’ protections.
The full Out of Reach 2021: The High Cost of Housing report is available at:” this link here. MHProNews Note: while the NLIHC data may be routinely correct, their advocacy is often wide of the mark. Their stated goal sounds laudable. However, their proposals demonstrably have failed to achieve those goals for decades, as some analysis in brief shown below will reflect.
NLIHC self-description says the following.
About the National Low Income Housing Coalition
The National Low Income Housing Coalition is dedicated solely to achieving socially just public policy that ensures people with the lowest incomes in the United States have affordable and decent homes. NLIHC educates, organizes, and advocates to ensure decent, affordable housing for everyone.
Additional Information, Followed by More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary in Brief
The PDF of the NLIHC Out of Reach 2021 report has some 291 pages. MS WORD reports there are well over 100,000 words in that report. Out of all of those ‘words’ a search of their book-sized document using the MS WORD search tool revealed the following number of references to the following terms:
- Manufactured home – 0.
- Manufactured housing – 0.
- Mobile home – 0.
- Modular housing – 0.
- Prefab housing – 0.
- Factory built housing – 0.
One might wonder – how can a large and well funded nonprofit such as the NLIHC – one that correctly laments the lack of affordable housing in the U.S. – then fail to mention the most proven form of affordable housing found in America today?
Ponder that question and the related thoughts. For example, are they somehow ignorant of manufactured housing? Or is there something else afoot?
MHProNews has contacted and interacted with NLIHC leadership previously. From that and other evidence, this publication can assert with confidence that NLIHC are well aware of manufactured homes and factory-built housing.
As evidence, in another one of their publications, a 2017 “Advocates’ Guide” book-length coaching document, the NLIHC has section devoted specifically to manufactured housing. That document says the following.

Federal resources for affordable manufactured housing. Manufactured housing is largely financed in the private marketplace. However, there are several existing federal resources that support the development, financing, and rehabilitation of affordable manufactured housing, such as HUD- HOME, USDA Rural Development, and Weatherization funds.
Manufactured Housing “Done Right”. Once shunned by nonprofit housing developers, manufactured homes are now making inroads into affordable housing projects and mindsets. Much of this progress is attributable to a small but innovative group of advocates who challenged assumptions and convention about developing and preserving manufactured housing. Across the nation, several organizations and initiatives are utilizing manufactured homes to provide and maintain affordable housing. These efforts avoid the pitfalls of traditional dealer-based manufactured housing purchase and finance, as well as investor ownership of communities.
The HUD Code. An important factor in the designation of a manufactured home is whether the unit was built before or after June 15, 1976. This date marked the implementation of the
Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards Act (42 U.S.C. Sections 5401-5426) regulating the construction of manufactured homes and commonly referred to as the “HUD code.” HUD developed and administers the code that implements the statute. These federal standards regulate manufactured housing design and construction, strength and durability, transportability, fire resistance, and energy efficiency. The HUD code evolves over time and has undergone several major modifications since 1976.
Duty to Serve. The Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (HERA) mandates that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (the GSEs) have a “duty to serve” underserved markets; manufactured housing was identified in the Act as one of three underserved markets, along with rural areas and housing preservation. Under the Act, the GSEs are tasked with increasing mortgage investments and improving the distribution of capital available for mortgage financing in these markets. The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) recently issued a final rule on the duty to serve requirements. In a change from the initial and proposed rule, FHFA will now consider personal property or chattel loans for duty to serve credit provided adequate consumer protections are provided. Details of chattel loan protections have yet to be codified, and advocates are encouraged comment and monitor this component of the Rule to ensure that appropriate protections for consumers are in place. The Duty to Serve rule also extends credit to GSEs for activity in manufactured home communities and community preservation.
The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (PL 111-203) included several provisions that enhance consumer protections for purchasers of manufactured homes. Dodd-Frank revised the Truth in Lending Act (TILA) to establish specific protections for mortgage loans, origination activities, and high-cost lending. Dodd-Frank also directs the newly created Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (CFPB) to supervise manufactured housing finance activities.
The Uniform Manufactured Housing Act was passed by the Uniform Law Commission in 2012. This model legislation provides a more uniform system for converting manufactured homes from personal to real property. The act provides a framework for states to develop a system whereby a new manufactured home can be considered real property when located on land controlled by the homeowner.
Advocates should speak to lawmakers with the message that:
- Manufactured homeowners should be provided opportunities to obtain standard mortgage lending instead of the personal property loans often used to finance this type of housing.
- Borrowers with personal property loans should be afforded consumer protections consistent with real property or standard mortgage loans.
- Legislation should be enacted that limits predatory lending practices involving manufactured homes.
- Policies and programs should be enacted to facilitate manufactured housing community preservation, such as protection from community sales, closures, and rent increases. Residents should be properly notified, and given first right of refusal on the sale of a community.
Improved data collection for manufactured homes should be incorporated into publicly available data
- resources such as the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA), the American
Community Survey (ACS), and the American Housing Survey (AHS). Manufactured home data should indicate property status (personal property or real property) and location information indicating whether the unit is located in a manufactured home community, or on a scattered site lot. The inclusion of these updated and enhanced manufactured home data would provide a much more complete assessment of manufactured housing.
The Housing Assistance Council: 202-824-8600 www.ruralhome.org
Rural Data Portal: http://www.ruraldataportal.org/
Manufactured Homes by County (Interactive Map): http://bit.ly/1KDssyX
High Cost Manufactured Home Loans by County (Interactive Map): http://bit.ly/14QHVLk
CFED I’M HOME: 202-409-9788 http://cfed.org/programs/innovations_ manufactured_homes/
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB): http://www.consumerfinance.gov/newsroom/ cfpb-finds-majority-of-manufactured-housingborrowers-have-expensive-loans/ ROC USA: 603-856-0246 http://www.rocusa.org/
AARP: 888-687-2277
http://assets.aarp.org/rgcenter/consume/d18138_ housing.pdf
National Consumer Law Center: 202-452-6352 http://www.nclc.org/issues/manufactured-housing.
National Manufactured Home Owners Association: http://www.mhoaa.us/ ##
Note that the NLIHC link to the NMHOA is incorrect. They cited the Seattle Times report on Clayton Homes. That is an example of data or references that often slam – at times, correctly so – predatory and other problematic aspects of manufactured housing.
In fairness, there are aspects of that which the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) – ostensibly pro-growth manufactured housing industry trade group, has made some points that MHProNews has not seen made by the Clayton Homes backed MHI trade group. Specifically, NLIHC is correct in saying that certain research – which should include the U.S. Census – needs more specific and granular level data. If MHI won’t do it, why don’t they at least advocate for it as NLIHC has done?
That noted, there are no obvious references by the NLIHC in the above to sites that are strongly pro-growth, pro-white hat businesses in manufactured housing, that also believes in consumer, white hat business practices, and small business protections.
It is entirely understandable that they would not plug MHI – they take positions at variance with their own. That noted, why didn’t they reference pro-consumer and independent interests platforms such as:
- The Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR)?
- Or why didn’t they reference MHLivingNews or MHProNews?

Part of the NLIHC Takeaway?
The NLIHC cannot claim ignorance of manufactured homes specifically or factory built housing in general. But they also favor groups that have a leftist vs. centrist or center-right bent. Indeed, they have made remarks that self-identify them as a left-leaning or “progressive” group.
Among the statements in their Out of Reach 2021 is a forward by HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge. Fudge, along with the balance of their report, also failed to mention manufactured housing as part of the affordable housing solution. That’s troubling, given that Fudge heads up the agency that is the primary regulatory of affordable manufactured homes. Thus another takeaway is this. Despite MHI’s apparently playing footsy with Fudge and teeing up nearly meaningless softball questions for her, unlike former HUD Secretary Ben Carson, Fudge has not yet mentioned manufactured housing in a context apart from MHI involvement.

Despite the self-described “progressive” agenda of NLIHC leadership, their proposals rely upon programs that have proven not to work for decades upon end. The plugs by Fudge of her agencies programs likewise ironically have proven not to have meaningfully reduced the lack of affordable housing in the U.S.
There are ties between Buffett- and Berkshire-bucks and MHI housing “coalition” partners and the NLIHC. The apparent failures of MHI to stand up for their stated purpose of increasing the manufactured housing market is worse than troubling. It is arguably perjury.

There are numerous additional possible takeaways. But beyond those already noted, there are some organizations that posture the search for a solution, but when carefully examined, they in fact are locking into place advocacy that is proven not to solve anything. Who says? How about Poverty Inc? Or Warren Buffett’s son Peter Buffett in his surprisingly candid admissions, each found in their respective linked reports below.

Posturing is not the same as sincere solution-oriented advocacy.
As a former advocate involved in such programs previously told MHProNews, there is an odd dynamic at such organizations. A true solution would eventually put such a group out of business. So, instead, they posture efforts that if logically examined will never solve the problems they claim to be seeking to correct. With decades of such advocacy, the level of home ownership and the level of affordable housing in the U.S. is lower today than in 2000. That speaks volumes. Who benefits from that pattern? It is often the consolidators and market manipulators, some of whom demonstrably support such groups, directly and/or through more obscured financial channels.
To learn more, see the linked reports.

Next up is our business daily recap of yesterday evening’s market report and related left-right headlines.
The Business Daily Manufactured Home Industry Connected Stock Market Updates. Plus, Market Moving Left (CNN) – Right (Newsmax) Headlines Snapshot. While the layout of this business daily report has recently been modified, several elements of the basic concepts used previously are still the same. The headlines that follow below can be reviewed at a glance to save time while providing insights across the left-right media divide. Additionally, those headlines often provide clues as to possible ‘market moving’ items.
Market Indicator Closing Summaries – Yahoo Finance Closing Tickers on MHProNews…

Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business = evening of 7.19.2021 [Notice: the multiple typos below are in the original from CNN, in fairness, we get typos too, but then, we don’t have CNN’s billions]
- A stunning slide
- Dow tumbles 900 points as Delta variant fears hit Wall Street hard
- Investors have been brushing off growing risks, until now
- Robinhood aims for $35 billion price tag in blockbuster IPO
- Former Apollo CEO Leon Black admits to affair and ‘extremely poor judgment’ but denies abuse
- Goldman Sachs: Biden’s antitrust crackdown could slow the deal boom
- Ransomware hits law firm with dozens of major clients
- Zoom buys Five9 in $14.7 billion deal
- Toyota won’t run Olympics ads and its CEO will skip the opening ceremony
- Crowd-safety firm backed by Bill Gates and Peyton Manning debuts
- Five things that are cheaper now than before the pandemic
- Opinion: To combat cyberattacks, the US government and businesses must work more closely
- Amazon Web Services disables cloud accounts linked to NSO Group
- Fox has quietly implemented its own version of a vaccine passport while its top personalities attack them
- CNN announces CNN+, ‘most important launch for network since Ted Turner’
- A woman wearing a mask walks past closed store fronts in the Astoria neighborhood of Queens, on April 15, 2020 in New York City. – Data on statewide manufacturing from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, home to the worst coronavirus outbreak in the country, showed business activity plummeting more than ever. The Empire State Manufacturing Survey fell by 57 points to -78.2, its lowest level ever recorded. The index hit -34.3 during the global financial crisis.
- The pandemic recession was the shortest in history, lasting just two months
- Jeff Bezos, chief executive officer of Amazon.com Inc. and founder of Blue Origin LLC, smiles while speaking at the unveiling of the Blue Origin New Shepard system during the Space Symposium in Colorado Springs, Colorado, U.S., on Wednesday, April 5, 2017.
- How to watch Jeff Bezos go to space
- Employee mental health is a huge concern after such a brutal stretch
- In this June 6, 2019 file photo, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos speaks at the the Amazon re:MARS convention, in Las Vegas. Bezos will be aboard for Blue Origin's first human space flight next week.
- Jeff Bezos is flying to space. Here’s everything you need to know
- CNN speaks with Jeff Bezos ahead of space flight
- An 18-year-old is going to space with Jeff Bezos
- This 82-year-old woman is going to space
- Here’s how risky Jeff Bezos’ trip to space is
- A view of homes and apartments on June 13, 2018 in San Francisco, California.
- Minimum wage workers can’t afford rent anywhere in America
- Homeowners have another chance to refinance
- Many buyers are dropping out of the market
- Opinion: Why housing demand is about to weaken
- Ddesperate buyers are paying $1 million over asking price
Headlines from right-of-center Newsmax – evening of 7.19.2021
- COVID Class Clash: Pediatrics Group Bucks CDC, Says All Children, Staff Should Mask Up
- In this May 18 photo, fifth graders wearing face masks are seated at proper social distancing during a music class at the Milton Elementary School in Rye, N.Y. Debate is raging over whether students and staff should have to mask up again when classes resume after the summer break, particularly as infection rates creep upward again because of the Delta variant. (AP)
- Newsmax TV
- Rosendale: Dems Out to Control Voting Through Infrastructure Bill
- Fitzgerald: Immigration Will Worsen Without Title 42 |
- Va. AG Morrissey: Purdue Settlement Plan Unfair
- Dershowitz: Breyer Will Retire Next Year, Barring ‘Pressure’ |
- Mark Meadows: Trump Tales Spun to Sell Books, Not Truth |
- Blackburn: Singers for Marxism Would Be Owned by It |
- More Newsmax TV
- Newsfront
- Canada to Open Border to Vaccinated US Tourists Next Month
- Canada will start allowing fully-vaccinated U.S. citizens and permanent residents into the country on Aug. 9 for non-essential travel, Ottawa said Monday.Businesses on both sides of the border, particularly the travel and airline industries, are demanding an end to…… [Full Story]
- Texas’ Dems DC Fly-Away Will Cost Donors Combined $1.5M
- The Texas Democrats who flew to Washington, D.C., to break the state [Full Story]
- Biden Tones Down Criticism of Facebook Over Vaccine Misinformation
- President Joe Biden walked backed his criticism that social media [Full Story]
- Study: 2020 Election Polls Underestimated Support for Republicans, Trump
- Political polling ahead of the 2020 election overstated Democrat [Full Story]
- Pandemic Recession Ended in April 2020, Shortest on Record
- It hit like a derailed train, was hugely destructive but [Full Story]
- How US Navy Can Combat the ‘Woke’ Politics Sinking the Service
- A devastating review of the U.S. Navy claims its surface fleet would [Full Story] |
- Trafalgar Poll: 63% Not Confident Harris Ready to Be President
- More than 60% of likely U.S. voters are not confident Vice President [Full Story]
- Reimposed Mask Mandate Sends ‘Wrong Message’ on Vaccines
- The reinstatement of Los Angeles County’s indoor mask mandate – even [Full Story] |
- GETTR Has Trump’s Old Twitter Handle ‘in the Safe’
- The conservative-oriented social media platform GETTR has former [Full Story]
- Survey Shows a More Secular America, but Experts Say Dig Deeper
- Religious experts say the devil is in the details when it comes to a [Full Story] |
- Greenwald: Pelosi Making Millions Trading on Companies She Regulates
- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has made millions of dollars in the stock [Full Story]
- Pediatrics Group Contradicts CDC, Says All Children, Staff Should Wear Masks in School
- All children over the age of two should wear masks when returning to [Full Story]
- Related
- Fauci: Group’s New Mask Guidance for Schools ‘Reasonable’
- Taylor Swift’s Private Island Cost Her $17.75m, and This is What It Looks Like
- Definition
- Steve Cortes: The ‘New Outsiders’ Focused on Sovereignty, Economic Nationalism, and Diffusing Power
- Who are these New Outsiders? [Full Story]
- Video Shows Anti-Religious Rampage in NYC Statue Desecration
- A woman destroyed two religious statues outside a Queens church, [Full Story]
- Amazon’s Bezos Excited to See What Space ‘Is Going to Do to Me’
- Amazon founder Jeff Bezos on Monday, one day before he and his crew [Full Story]
- Poll: 88% Concerned About Rising Cost of Living
- Most Americans are concerned about the rising cost of living, [Full Story]
- Florida Man Gets 8-Month Sentence in Jan. 6 Capitol Attack
- A Florida man who breached the U.S. Senate chamber carrying a Trump [Full Story]
- CNN Launching Subscription Streaming Service in ’22
- CNN will launch a new subscription streaming service early next year, [Full Story]
- AG Garland Bars Feds From Seizing Reporters’ Records
- Justice Department and FBI investigators will be barred from seizing [Full Story]
- Fully Vaccinated GOP Florida Lawmaker Tests Positive for COVID
- Florida GOP Rep. Vern Buchanan announced Monday he’s tested positive [Full Story]
- American Children Binge-Watching ‘Peppa Pig’ Are Acting British
- Children across the U.S are acting British and speaking in English [Full Story]
- Monkeypox Case Confirmed in US
- A case of monkeypox has been confirmed in an American who had [Full Story]
- NY Times Columnist Considers Running for Oregon Governor
- New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof told an Oregon weekly [Full Story]
- 9 Killed, 50 Wounded in Weekend Chicago Shootings
- At least nine people were killed and 50 others wounded in shootings [Full Story]
- AOC Now Pushing Political Merchandise
- S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez became one of America’s [Full Story]
- Russia Reports Successful Test Launch of Hypersonic Missile
- The Russian military reported another successful test launch of a new [Full Story]
- Mixed Feelings, a Leader in Quarantine Mar UK ‘Freedom Day’
- Mixed Feelings, a Leader in Quarantine Mar UK ‘Freedom Day’
- Corks popped, beats boomed out and giddy revelers rushed onto [Full Story]
- Biden to Host Super Bowl Champ Tampa Bay Buccaneers Tuesday
- President Joe Biden will celebrate the Tampa Bay Buccaneers’ Super [Full Story]
- 5 Texas Lawmakers Who Fled State Now Have COVID
- Two more Texas lawmakers who left their state to hobble efforts to [Full Story]
- Nigel Farage Hired to Host on British News Network
- GB News, a British news channel that launched last month as a [Full Story]
- More Newsfront
- Finance
- Ackman Abandons Universal Music SPAC Deal After SEC Backlash
- Bill Ackman will buy a stake in Universal Music Group with his hedge fund rather than his blank-check company after opposition from investors and U.S. regulators. Ackman’s special purpose… [Full Story]
- Stock Selloff Deepens, Bonds Climb on Virus Spread
- Toyota Pulls Olympics TV Ads, CEO to Skip Opening Ceremony
- Israeli Firm’s Spyware Found on Phones Worldwide: Report
- Yellen Has Doubts on Results of Trump’s China Deal
- More Finance
- Health
- Your Physician’s Gender Could Affect Your Hospital Stay
- A large, new study published in JAMA Network found that your physician’s gender could affect how well you fare while in the hospital. The study followed 171,625 patients in hospitals in Canada and found that those cared for by female physicians had a lower in-hospital… [Full Story]
- Shock Therapy Safe, Effective for Tough-to-Treat Depression
- Court Blocks Lifting of COVID Restrictions on Cruise Ships
- Study: Genetic Findings Give Hope for Relief of Cluster Headaches
- FDA to Prioritize Full Approval for Pfizer COVID Vaccine

Manufactured Housing Industry Investments Connected Equities Closing Tickers
Some of these firms invest in manufactured housing, or are otherwise connected, but may do other forms of investing or business activities too.
- NOTE: The chart below includes the Canadian stock, ECN, which purchased Triad Financial Services, a manufactured home industry lender
- NOTE: Drew changed its name and trading symbol at the end of 2016 to Lippert (LCII).
- NOTE: Deer Valley was largely taken private, say company insiders in a message to MHProNews on 12.15.2020, but there are still some outstanding shares of the stock from the days when it was a publicly traded firm. Thus, there is still periodic activity on DVLY.

Spring 2021…
Berkshire Hathaway is the parent company to Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage, Vanderbilt Mortgage and other factory built housing industry suppliers.
· LCI Industries, Patrick, UFPI, and LP each are suppliers to the manufactured housing industry, among others.
· AMG, CG, and TAVFX have investments in manufactured housing related businesses. For insights from third-parties and clients about our publisher, click here.
Enjoy these ‘blast from the past’ comments.
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Disclosure. MHProNews holds no positions in the stocks in this report.

That’s a wrap on this installment of “News Through the Lens of Manufactured Homes and Factory-Built Housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, stock, investing, data, metrics, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.
Tony earned a journalism scholarship along with numerous awards in history. There have been several awards, honors and recognition in manufactured housing. For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com. This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.