One of the items that Kevin Clayton – among others in business – has touted is how their open office spaces are. Egalitarian. Team building. Lots of nomenclature has been tossed about to make it sound, hip, cool, and the way to go.
Not so fast, says a new study. It may be ‘cheaper,’ but it may not be better.
CBS News’ Sunday Morning has done another discussion and recap of this subject, reviewing the latest research. But they aren’t alone, and in one sense, these reports have been ongoing for some time.
They find that people put on their head-sets, and are less in tune with their neighbors than those in other office designs.
You can see full reports on the topic in the videos posted above, and below.
The bottom lines from the latest research?
Workplace happiness: neither open-plan offices or shorter work weeks help.
Just because a big company says something is good, that doesn’t automatically make it so. All that said, you can hear Kevin Clayton praising this plan in the video in the related report, that follows the byline and disclosures, further below. “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)
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