In states and local jurisdictions from coast to coast, various private or public agencies offer programs that provide grants, low cost loans, or other assistance in obtaining repairs or even replacements for aging mobile home or older manufactured housing units.
These types of programs routinely have income and other qualifications. They are routinely a recognition that manufactured homes are an important resource in affordable housing efforts. It’s interesting to note that several of these programs use the correct industry terminology, that sadly eludes many in the mainstream media.
An example of such a program is found below, which was brought to the attention of the Daily Business News on MHProNews via a media release.

Before diving into the details of that specific program and release, savvy professionals who retail homes and want to sell more new homes should ask certain questions.
· What program(s) are available in my market(s)?
· What are the qualifications for that program(s)?
· How can a retailer – or manufactured home community – best position itself to sell a home to those who qualify?

With an estimated 2 million plus pre-HUD Code mobile homes, plus some of the mid-to-late 1970s manufactured homes, the potential market is not insignificant. A little time invested in research could yield a steady stream of additional new home business for those who learn the process.
Keep in mind that some state associations can be a resource in this, others for various reasons may not be. So be prepared to use Bing, Yahoo, and Google searches to find what’s available in your market(s). Let’s note that there are differences between the search results of those three major search engines, so if one doesn’t reveal the information you seek, use another.
Often, state housing associations will have a resource list as well.
The following is an example of one such program. “Easy doesn’t pay well,” says Sunshine Homes President John Bostick. This won’t fall in your lap, but once you learn how to navigate the hoops, it can be a benefit to those who get the home, and clearly a new profit center to those who are willing to navigate those opportunities.
We are now accepting applications for manufactured home replacement assistance!
The manufactured home replacement program assists low income, rural Oneida County residents in securing new manufactured homes.
Assistance will be issued as a grant and will cover the cost of the manufactured home replacement, and the installation of a foundation system. THIS PROGRAM IS 100% GRANT FUNDED! GET A NEW HOME AT NO COST!

Program eligibility requirements include:
• Must own the land and the existing manufactured home (no liens, mortgages or loans)
• Must meet the definition of low income, and provide documentation verifying income is below 80% of the area median income
• The property must meet the definition of substandard
• Property taxes, insurances and electric bills must be current
• Applicants must occupy the manufactured home as a primary residence
• Must demonstrate proof of ownership for both the manufactured home unit and the property on which it is situated.
• Program participants will be required to complete a Financial Education workshop offered by HOC.
For a complete list of eligibility requirements, or for more information, please contact the HomeOwnershipCenter at (315)724-4197, or visit Completed applications are accepted and reviewed on a first come, first served basis. You may submit your application via email to, fax to 315.724.1415 or direct mail to 1611 Genesee St. Utica, NY 13501. ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)
(Third party images, content are provided under fair use guidelines.)
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