With Paris and Mali fresh in the mainstream media, MHProNews has reached out to experts on terrorism, to get their take on the potential risk for an MH office, factory or other business location. We asked two sets of questions, the replies below are from a terror expert with government ties, who replied off-the-record.
MHProNews.com Q1) There is much talk about soft targets for terrorists. What do you think the comparative threat is for targets that are workplaces, such as a factory, vs. say a shopping center, event or restaurant?
“Any place with a a high concentration of unarmed civilians is a potential target of interest.”
MHProNews.com Q2) During the Crusader era, the then Christian West responded both militarily and with an effort to convert Muslims. Why do we hear so little discussion of that religious component today and do you think that might be useful now as then?
“I presume your second question is rhetorical. Today we have a political elite that tries blindly to ignore the religious element of this conflict. Just look at what happened to Pres Bush when he used the phrase “crusade”.”
Another expert response was to remind us that Boston, Chattanooga, Fort Hood and Garland are just some of the terror attacks on U.S. soil, and that some 6 dozen arrests have been made in 2015 of those suspected of plotting jihadi-style terror attacks in the U.S..
MHProNews will have a special report for our December issue, among next week’s Featured Articles, by a terror export who goes on the record on these questions and provides far more insights. Don’t miss it.
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(Graphic credit: The Sleuth Journal)