Another change to the existing ordinance requires all MH brought into the city be hooked up within 30 days of arrival, so it is not just being stored. Additionally, multi-section MH must have a permanent foundation and all single section homes have to be adequately anchored. All MH must also adhere to manufacturer’s installation requirements as well as to local and state requirements and utility hook-ups, as ruidosonews tells MHProNews.
Skirting will need to be added within 30 days, not the previous 90 days, to give the appearance of permanence. Moreover, hitches need to be removed or hidden if the MH is sited on a residential lot, although the restriction does not apply to MH in communities because they have their own rules.
A second ordinance was also approved to charge a $25 siting fee when a home moves in to cover expenses involving inspection after the homes are set up. ##
(Photo credit: gfhomesandland)