Overall, loansafe tells MHProNews that housing starts were up in all four regions: The Northeast, Midwest, South and West notched respective gains of 5.3 percent, 3.5 percent, 4.2 percent and 13.9 percent.
Also in September, issuance of building permits posted a 1.5 percent increase to a SAAR of 1,018 million units: Multifamily rose 4.8 percent to 394,000 units, while single-family slipped minus 0.5 percent to 624,000 units.
As MHProNews reported in an earlier post, manufactured housing production continues to increase monthly. ##
(Editor’s note: a related topic that asks why manufactured housing isn’t selling more, among other hot leadership issues, is linked here. An MH Association executive on the same subject, linked here.)
(Photo credit: nakedphilly – house under construction in Philadelphia)