But it’s a slogan that Pamela Beck Danner, JD, could have used to promote her own prior contest, which was spotlighted in this campaign video made by her backers.
MHProNews editorially has spotlighted for some 2 years (+/-) the need to see Ms. Danner replaced as the administrator for the HUD Code manufactured home program.
That call for Danner’s replacement at HUD recently seemed to get a high visibility boost. More on that story’s update, linked below.
The Masthead
First, the readers digest version, then the details. Last week, the WVHI sent out their newsletter with a column apparently written by their co-president, George Gunnell. Gunnell is an RVP for Clayton Homes. That article and others in the same newsletter indicated that MHI wanted Pam Danner ousted from her role at HUD.
MHProNews has given Ms. Danner an opportunity to respond, which has not yet been accepted.
We believe in ‘fair and balanced’ coverage.
So when someone doesn’t speak up for themselves – as a ‘next best thing,’ posting this flashback video by Danner’s supporters, while not related whatsoever to her current role at HUD – gives readers a sense that she is personally liked by many. That includes manufactured home industry professionals, a number of whom nevertheless want to see her be replaced at HUD (see the linked article, above).
MHProNews has previously reported before her deep ties to Democratic politics, just as we did Lesli Gooch’s ties to GOP politics. “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, events, analysis, commentary.)
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