EcoHomeMagazine reports that one of the good effects that has occurred due to the down new housing market is a push for innovation and an effort to raise customer interest through quality. Their report featured three production builders using panelized construction. These were homes built to a bronze National Green Building Standards (NGBS) standards. Betenbough Homes, based in Lubbock, Texas; Elite Homes, based in Louisville, Kentucky; and KB Home, based in Los Angeles. NGBS focus is on certified development projects that seek preservation of topography and natural resources, storm water management, greater density, and proximity to mass transit. Elite and KB Home are building to Energy Star guidelines for New Homes program. That program currently is in transition to more-stringent guidelines, known as Energy Star for Homes Version 3, which takes effect on January 1, 2012. The Betenbough homes in West Texas start around $110,000 while others in the report would start around $279,000.