One of the pioneering legends of the manufactured home industry, Curtis Olsted, passed away in Oklahoma Wed. night, July 31. During his final days in the hospital, according to Julie Dwyer, he kept wanting to leave to sell more manufactured homes. Deanna Fields, Exec. Dir. of the Manufactured Housing Association of Oklahoma, says she considered him the “godfather” of the Tulsa industry. Says Deanna, “Curtis loved telling me stories of the ‘glory days’ of wheeling/dealing that would put a grin on my face. He was instrumental in getting a lot of fine individuals in the business and got them involved in the industry’s association both politically and as a volunteer. Some of the greats he mentored were Frank McDonald and Steve Radley.” Services will he held Monday at St. Cecilia Church in Claremore, Okla. MHProNews sends its deepest condolences to the family.
(Photo credit: Manufactured Housing Association of Oklahoma)