Passages: Reza Dormanesh, father of Soheyla Kovach

From left, Soheyla Kovach, Tamas Kovach, L.A. “Tony” Kovach. Credit 83 degrees media.

Reza Dormanesh, father of Soheyla Kovach, died today in Tehran, Iran. He was undergoing cancer treatment. He was 83.


Dormanesh was involved for most of his adult life in the building trades, after serving in the military.


He made his daughter Soheyla’s university education possible, and later assisted with her legal immigration to the United States.


Dormanesh is survived by his wife and four children, plus several grandchildren.


As the Dormanesh family is in Iran, for a variety of reasons, the Kovach’s will be unable to attend the funeral. Prayers for Reza Dormanesh, Soheyla and her family’s loss would be welcomed.


The staff of MHProNews and MHLivingNews sends its most sincere condolences to the Kovach family. ##


(Image credits are as shown above.)


Article submitted by Matthew J. Silver to Daily Business News for MHProNews.
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