

Vicious Cycle of Entitlement, Addiction and Keeping the Sick, Sick

What do entitlement and addiction have in common?  Why does this matter to businesses, or manufactured housing professionals? According to PsyBlog,, “From their review of over 170 studies, the researchers found that entitlement creates a vicious cycle : Entitlement creates feelings of disappointment. Disappointment leads to anger and other …

Vicious Cycle of Entitlement, Addiction and Keeping the Sick, Sick Read More


MH Pros List “ABUSES” by Pam Danner, Current HUD Manufactured Housing Program Administrator

“The current HUD manufactured housing program administrator, Pamela Danner – “parachuted” into that position on a career basis in violation of section 620(a)(1)(C) of the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000,” says Mark Weiss, JD. Addressing state associations and other interested industry parties, Weiss, President and CEO of the Manufactured …

MH Pros List “ABUSES” by Pam Danner, Current HUD Manufactured Housing Program Administrator Read More


Local Market Best Practices Sustainably Grow Sales x4, Says MH Lender, 15 Minute Seminar

In a new, exclusive new video report in our Inside MH series on MHProNews, Credit Human’s Barry Noffsinger shares a fact-packed PowerPoint presentation. Noffsinger’s themes include the best practices for manufactured home retailers and communities that want to sell more homes to cash and well qualified buyers in their local …

Local Market Best Practices Sustainably Grow Sales x4, Says MH Lender, 15 Minute Seminar Read More


CVCO, SKY Rise, LPX, LCI slide, Trump Small Business Video

If you’re hooked on our new spotlight market feature – or are ready to get the fever – our headline report is found further below. The evolving Daily Business News market report sets the manufactured home industry’s stocks in the broader context of the overall market stocks. By spotlighting the headlines – from both …

CVCO, SKY Rise, LPX, LCI slide, Trump Small Business Video Read More


Who’s More Trusted? President? Media? Congress?

Much of the mainstream media has focused on the approval rating for President Donald J. Trump and his administration since his inauguration in January. But under reported is the fact that the avalanche of negative media stories seems to have harmed the media’s own ratings. While Rasmussen reported today that …

Who’s More Trusted? President? Media? Congress? Read More


6 Months In – Housing, Markets Update

Since the election on November 8, 2016 the market has seen a relatively steady increase as one-in-four days the stock market has been open ending with record highs. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq both closed with record high’s yet again on Wednesday – with 28 record breaking days since President …

6 Months In – Housing, Markets Update Read More


Will CFPB Director Cordray Oust Himself? CFPB Legal Battles Update

It’s no secret that manufactured housing, along with others involved in finance, have been struggling for years to adapt to the new world created by Dodd-Frank and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Long awaited changes appear to be underway for the agency, including rumors spreading that Director Richard Cordray …

Will CFPB Director Cordray Oust Himself? CFPB Legal Battles Update Read More


Urgent to Reassign Pam Danner, Current HUD Code Manufactured Housing Program Administrator

Recent calls and messages to the Daily Business News from members of the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) and others outside of that body have revolved around several key topics. One of them has been the issue of Pam Danner, and her status as the current administrator at HUD over the …

Urgent to Reassign Pam Danner, Current HUD Code Manufactured Housing Program Administrator Read More


Matt Drudge Alert – Hateful Leader Warning – TANSTAFL

As a prologue to the headline topic, macro trends are often overlooked for their potential impact on our industry.  Further, polarized politics can dim the understanding of an issue. Let’s draw a bright-line distinction between those voting for ‘progressive’ causes, and their leaders. There are also leaders who may seem …

Matt Drudge Alert – Hateful Leader Warning – TANSTAFL Read More


Economist Noah Smith – Is Making Stuff In America Still Important?

“In general, modern-day economists tend to ignore old schools of economic thought,” writes Noah Smith, a Bloomberg View columnist who has served as an associate professor of economics at Stony Brook University. “For example, many economists now love to poke fun at the physiocrats,” asserts Smith. Those economists “believed that …

Economist Noah Smith – Is Making Stuff In America Still Important? Read More


White House Shake Up, President Trump’s Made in America Plan, and Manufactured Housing

Steve Hilton, who worked with Prime Minister David Cameron in Britain as a counter-establishment figure, shares his perspective that “the Establishment” is effectively trying to force President Donald J. Trump out of office, years before the next election. That commentary from today on Outnumbered, includes observations about Special Counsel Robert …

White House Shake Up, President Trump’s Made in America Plan, and Manufactured Housing Read More


Black Home Ownership Lags Almost a Decade After the Great Recession

“A decade after the housing crash destroyed the American Dream for millions of homeowners, black homeownership rates have dropped to levels not seen since the 1960s, hobbling African-Americans’ efforts to build their wealth,” says the Chicago Tribune. Only 42.2 percent of blacks in the U.S. owned homes in 2016, compared …

Black Home Ownership Lags Almost a Decade After the Great Recession Read More


Alpha’s Thomas – Will Warren Buffett Buy This Manufactured Home Community REIT? Market Movers

If you’re hooked our on new spotlight report feature, you’ll find that red hot part of our daily market report by scrolling just beyond the first three set of graphics, facts and figures. The evolving Daily Business News market report sets the industry’s stocks in the broader context of the overall market …

Alpha’s Thomas – Will Warren Buffett Buy This Manufactured Home Community REIT? Market Movers Read More


“SCANDALOUS” Harmful to Manufactured Housing Industry, Homeowners, Proposal Exposed, Rejected

The comments period for the Trump Administration’s Executive Orders numbered 13771 and 13777 to the Department of Energy (DOE) is closed, but the manufactured home industry fireworks may just now be starting. Yesterday, the Daily Business News reported on MHI’s input to the DOE’s RFI. A new set of comments, …

“SCANDALOUS” Harmful to Manufactured Housing Industry, Homeowners, Proposal Exposed, Rejected Read More


Does a 2017 Harvard Study Point to More Manufactured Home Industry Potential?

There are those Manufactured Housing Professionals who are directly engaged in the sale of new homes that already realize they’re part of a broader housing market. There are also others, who quite frankly, don’t really fully appreciate that fact. ‘But it is what it is.’ Those who ‘dial into’ the …

Does a 2017 Harvard Study Point to More Manufactured Home Industry Potential? Read More


Elon Musk, of Tesla SpaceX Fame, Provides Stark Warning to Governors About AI

Tesla and Space X chief executive Elon Musk is warning again for the proactive creation of regulations for artificial intelligence (AI) because “by the time we are reactive in AI regulation, it’s too late.” The Guardian, reports that while Musk was speaking at the National Governors Association summer meeting in …

Elon Musk, of Tesla SpaceX Fame, Provides Stark Warning to Governors About AI Read More


The REAL Truth, vs. Fake News, About Modern Manufactured Homes

There is an apparently ever-growing mountain of alleged ignorance – or agenda driven – reporting about manufactured homes. PBS NewsHour, NPR and more recently The Raleigh, NC headquartered News & Observer are just 3 of many examples of what Marty Lavin, JD has paradoxically called, “the manufactured housing industry’s other …

The REAL Truth, vs. Fake News, About Modern Manufactured Homes Read More


Bernie Sanders, Steve Forbes, Prager U – Tax Reform, Facts, Fiction, and Fake News

If you listen to Senators Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Secretary Hillary Clinton or her supporters – such as Warren Buffett – you’d think that the rich aren’t paying enough in taxes.  Their answer? Raise them. Tax the rich sounds easy, especially when there are fewer of them to vote against …

Bernie Sanders, Steve Forbes, Prager U – Tax Reform, Facts, Fiction, and Fake News Read More


Mainstream Media Hit on Manufactured Housing? What’s Their Agenda?

“Publishing hand-picked information can be worse for the impression it makes on manufactured homes and our industry than stating entirely false information.” – Brad Lovin, North Carolina Manufactured Housing Association.   “My 80 percent friend is not my 20 percent enemy.” – Ronald Reagan.   “Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a …

Mainstream Media Hit on Manufactured Housing? What’s Their Agenda? Read More

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