
Manufactured Home Community Residents Balk at Utilities Increase

The 59 percent increase in water and garbage pickup rates in New Sarepta, Alberta, Canada has some residents of the New Sarepta Mobile Home Park and the city ready to leave. A group of citizens attended the Leduc County Council meeting to request changes. Rate hikes went into effect in …

Manufactured Home Community Residents Balk at Utilities Increase Read More

Modular Homes Constructed on Tribal Land

Four much-needed modular duplex rental units have been added to the Lower Sioux Community housing stock for tribal member families in southwest Minnesota. Known as Lower Sioux Estates, construction of the three and four-bedroom, two bath units began in the fall of 2014 following the application in 2012. With funding …

Modular Homes Constructed on Tribal Land Read More

Senator Elizabeth Warren Flipped Houses

According to housingwire, the Oklahoma County Property Assessor records indicate leading progressive Democrat Elizabeth Warren allegedly took advantage of a housing market transaction that many do and have done, and one she purportedly condemns—flipping houses. She purchased a home for $30,000 in Oklahoma City in he early 1990s, and five …

Senator Elizabeth Warren Flipped Houses Read More

Tiny Homes for the Homeless

While many may think of the tiny house movement as the province of hipsters, artists and young professionals who eschew the world of McMansions and material goods, there are a number of enclaves nationwide for the chronically homeless and disabled that speak to efficiency and quality of life. Eugene, Oregon’s …

Tiny Homes for the Homeless Read More

Before you Dismantle Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Ginnie Mae………

While he supports free enterprise in the mortgage market, former Ginnie Mae President Joseph Murin, in a blog on housingwire, says without the federal guarantee offered by the Federal Housing Administration, the Department of Agriculture and Veterans Administration mortgages, the U. S. economy may have fallen farther than it did. …

Before you Dismantle Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Ginnie Mae……… Read More

Georgia Senator Introduces Measure to Harness CFPB

U. S. Senator David Perdue (R-GA) has introduced legislation to make the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) more accountable by bringing it under the Congressional appropriations process and thereby give it Congressional oversight, according to nationalmortgageprofessional. The CFPB is currently under the Federal Reserve which is beyond the each of …

Georgia Senator Introduces Measure to Harness CFPB Read More

Drew President Unloads Shares

MHProNews has learned Drew Industries, Inc. (NYSE:DW) President Scott T. Mereness sold 3,803 shares of company stock at $63.50 a share for a total value of $241,490.50, as disclosed in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). It was not immediately known how many shares Mereness continues to …

Drew President Unloads Shares Read More

Sunday Recap May 18-May 23, 2015

In this week’s News: Despite Zoning, MH would be Replaced. Modular Housing adding up. Builder Confidence Slips. Aries Mods in NC. Art’s Way Honored. Deer Valley Stock Zooms. Owning Cheaper than Renting. Good Housing Deals in Rust Belt. Rent Stabilization Extended. Mainstream Media Hinders MH Buyers with no Recourse. Correct …

Sunday Recap May 18-May 23, 2015 Read More

Interest Rates will Likely Ease Upwards this year, says Janet Yellen

Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen said that if the economy maintains the path of improvement it is on currently, it will be “appropriate” for the Fed to raise the Federal Funds Rate later this year, which will increase the interest rate for mortgages, according to housingwire. “Because of the substantial …

Interest Rates will Likely Ease Upwards this year, says Janet Yellen Read More

Drew Industries, Inc. Adds Two to Board of Directors

MHProNews has learned that the stockholders of Drew Industries, Inc. (NYSE:DW) have voted two new members to its board of directors. Frank Crespo and Kieran O’Sullivan will be joining James Gero, Jason Lippert, Leigh Abrams, Frank Hegi, David Reed, Jack Lowe and Brendan Deely. Crespo is Vice President and Chief …

Drew Industries, Inc. Adds Two to Board of Directors Read More

Residents Finally Win Right to buy Manufactured Home Community

Following a story covering some 18 years legal wrangling by the residents of Naples Estates manufactured home community (MHC) in Florida to buy their community, as MHProNews last reported Oct. 8, 2014, a state appeals court upheld the ruling of a lower court affirming the homeowners right to purchase their …

Residents Finally Win Right to buy Manufactured Home Community Read More

Brownsboro Refuses to Allow Manufactured Homes a Home

Steve Larson and his wife in Brownsboro, Texas asked the city council May 14 for an exemption that would allow them to site two manufactured homes (MH) on property they own within the city. Mayor Terry Mills replied that before he took office an ordinance was adopted prohibiting MH in …

Brownsboro Refuses to Allow Manufactured Homes a Home Read More

Will Matt Drudge, Fox or CNN Spotlight Unfair Challenges Harming Millions of Manufactured Home Owners?

  The Seattle Times/Center for Public Integrity has allegedly targeted Clayton Homes and Berkshire-Hathaway affiliated finance companies in an attempt to derail much needed reforms to Dodd-Frank which harm millions of manufactured home (MH) owners and thousands of MH businesses. Mike Baker and Daniel Wagner – writers of the Seattle …

Will Matt Drudge, Fox or CNN Spotlight Unfair Challenges Harming Millions of Manufactured Home Owners? Read More

Sunday Morning Recap May 11-May 16, 2015

ROC USA notches 113th Co-op. MHC Owners Honors Industry Members. RV/MH Chooses 2015 Class. Deer Valley Plummets. Rising Rents makes MH Living more Feasible. World Expo Modular. New MHC Approved. CDBG not for MH. England Modulars. Sen. Shelby proposes MH Access. Habitat Modular in New Jersey. Nadeen Green Honored. Aussie …

Sunday Morning Recap May 11-May 16, 2015 Read More

Tribal Member Qualifies for Mortgage on Modular Home

MHProNews has learned from rapidcityjournal in South Dakota of a Pine Ridge service geared to bringing financial independence to members of the Oglala Sioux Tribe. Mazaska Owecaso Otipi Financial, which translates from Lakota to “Lending Money for Housing,” was founded in 2004 and just qualified its first client, Dawn Holquin, …

Tribal Member Qualifies for Mortgage on Modular Home Read More

Fair Housing Attorney Honored for Children’s Housing Accessibility Book

Nadeen Green, a For Rent Media Solutions’™ (FRMS) legal counsel, is a Fair Housing attorney who has taught Fair Housing Law to the multifamily housing industry since the Fair Housing Amendments Act went into effect in 1989. She is also education director for a small non-profit called International Fund for …

Fair Housing Attorney Honored for Children’s Housing Accessibility Book Read More

Rents are Rising—Manufactured Home Living more Reasonable than Ever

A new study of homeownership, home values and income growth from 2000 to 2013 by the National Association of Realtors (NAR) indicates 90 percent of metropolitan housing markets have seen a decline in homeownership rates. Rising home values and static incomes are widening the wealth gap which is leading to …

Rents are Rising—Manufactured Home Living more Reasonable than Ever Read More

RV/MH Hall of Fame Class of 2015 Announced

The Recreational Vehicle/Manufactured Housing (RV/MH) Hall of Fame’s annual induction dinner to honor the Class of 2015 will be held at the Hall’s Northern Indiana Event Center in Elkhart, Indiana August 3, as Chairman Darryl Searer has informed MHProNews. Inductees chosen to be honored this year are: Bert V. Alanko, …

RV/MH Hall of Fame Class of 2015 Announced Read More

Manufactured Home Community Owners Group to Bestow Awards, Discuss Issues

The California Mobilehome Parkowners Alliance (CMPA) will honor seven manufactured housing industry members at its symposium May 31-June 1, 2015 in Las Vegas. Barry Cole of Manufactured Housing Insurance Services will receive top honors as recipient of The Chelu Travieso-Earhart Lifetime Achievement Award. Attorney Phil Woog will receive the Freedom …

Manufactured Home Community Owners Group to Bestow Awards, Discuss Issues Read More

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