That featured photo above, posted on Instagram, is mega-star Taylor Swift next to an apparent HUD Code manufactured home. Interesting.
In this past week, Swift came out against Representative Marsha Blackburn, (TN-R), favoring her Democratic opponent instead.
Following a POTUS Trump Rally, Blackburn has surged, with now polling showing her ahead of Tennessee Democrat Phil Bredesen. Blackburn was trailing Bredesen in early September.
The video discussion below tees up Swift’s statement.
Here is Swift’s tweet shot round-the-world.
It is worth noting that Fox News reported 5 hours ago that the “politically charged” American Music Awards (AMA) ceremony – that featured Swift – plummeted 29 percent.
How Important Is the Swift Endorsement?
Certainly, political endorsements are coveted prizes by politicians, and have been for generations.
That said, scores of Hollywood stars came out in 2016 to support former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (D) in her Democratic run for the White House. The world knows the result, Clinton won the popular vote because of heavy population states like New York and California, but lost the Electoral College vote to Donald J. Trump – which actually decides the election – by a wide margin.
The Swift dip in the AMA rating may be a clue too.
That endorsements matter is clear from the fact that President of the United States Donald J. Trump has endorsed Blackburn. The Tennessee representative rose, and recent polls suggest she passed the Democratic contender’s prior lead.
What’s fascinating is that the Clayton’s are, per some mainstream media sources, supporting the Democrat, Phil Bredesen. See the screen capture, below.
The Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) has previously had toe-in-the-water to modest support for Marsha Blackburn (TN-R).
The seat begin vacated is Senator Bob Corker (TN-R), who was considered by Team Trump as a possible VP candidate, but the nod went to VP and now former Indiana Governor Mike Pence. Corker has periodically taken shots at POTUS #45, and President Trump has returned those favors.
President Trump, CBS News, A Vote For Marsha Blackburn is a Vote For Me – Tennessee Rally
Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn Speaks at Trump MAGA Rally in Johnson City, TN
This will be part one of a two-part report. Watch for a surprising twist on this story. “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)
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