“I’m tired of theatrics. I’m a policy person.” So said Andrew Langer, a substitute host on WMAL at about 8.28 AM on WMAL. According to the Committee to Unleash Prosperity: “The “Creators” or “Producers” of goods and services — entrepreneurs, businesses, investors—are the key driver of the economy, rather than the prevailing Neo-Keynesian emphasis on the consumer, known in the economist’s jargon as “aggregate demand.” Supply-Side economics is about empowering new or greater production, rather than consumption. All consumption, or “spending,” is the result of one’s production because one cannot consume, or spend money, without first producing (e.g. by working or investing).” From American Commitment: “We are dedicated to restoring and protecting the American Commitment to free markets, economic growth, Constitutionally-limited government, property rights, and individual freedom.”
What Langer said is understandable: “I’m tired of theatrics. I’m a policy person.” Policies do matter. That is demonstrated by the results from prior or the current administration in Washington, D.C. Speaking of Washington, D.C., there are sources deemed reliable that tell MHProNews that interest in the reports by D.C. staffers has picked up in December 2022. That is confirmed by site ‘sniffers’ that detect visits by government employees (disclosure: we do not know who is on the site, but website metrics detect .gov and other visitors). So, those who are implementing stated or de facto policies in Washington, D.C. are keen to see what MHProNews reports on their activities, or lack thereof. It has recent been noted recently that traffic and engagement have been strong on both of our platforms, with even our smaller platform’s site metrics – MHLivingNews – dwarfing the traffic and engagement of the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI), per publicly available information.
That’s a useful segue into this year in review of the top articles by month in 2022. There may be no better way to do a manufactured housing industry year in review than to see what the manufactured housing industry’s readers and other site visitors are ‘voting’ for with their time, browsers, and devices.
Among the scores of possible takeaways from the 7 Habits of Highly Successful People is the maxim: “Good! You See it Differently!”
On a Gonzo Journalistic level, MHProNews and MHLivingNews, we see it differently. We help throngs of others do so too.

The ranking from higher (most read) to lower (less read) below is according to Webalizer 2.23. While some proprietary and technical information is withheld (and the former is shown), the sequence of the top read articles for the given month per our largest cPanel is as follows. Each month there are thousands of articles accessed on MHProNews, per Webalizer. One of the reasons we have a high level of engagement is because we have a robust and dominating content that others in MHVille trade media can’t or won’t delve into. Eye candy, cheerleading, and fluffing have their limits. Meaty content that delves into serious topics appear to be satisfying a broad cross section of the manufactured housing industry and others who find the manufactured housing industry of interest. Near the top of the scale of engagement for the higher ranked reports are those that have over 100,000 hits in a month, while the bottom of the scale or reader engagement for the following are reports would be in the multiple thousands (to tens of thousands). As an example of reader engagement, a Forbes article on a Warren Buffett and ‘mobile homes’ that was quite hyped at the time had less than 18,000 views after more than a year.

Summary Period: January 2022
Generated 01-Feb-2022 06:16 CST
In no specific order of importance, the top 20 reports from over for January 2022 from over “16310 Total Referrers” are articles that fit the categories of:
- general manufactured housing industry data
- legal issues, including lawsuits
- Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway and Clayton Homes (and affiliated lenders) connected
- manufactured home community connected
- fact checks of reports or claims by others (e.g.: Dave Ramsey’s arguably errant musings on manufactured homes)
- reports like this one (a review of the headlines-links to the most read reports for a given timeframe).
- Exploring quotable quotes relevant to manufactured housing
- Association related and more
As a disclosure for new readers and a reminder for longer term readers, this review is based on the information from the largest of a dozen-plus cPanels that serve MHProNews. Up to the minute when this report was “Generated 29-Dec-2022 06:13 CST” per Webalizer 2.23, there was year to date (YTD) on that single cPanel 1,242,169 visitors and 13,392,630 total pageviews. Then daily and detail focused readers will recall that MHI’s website, which has been online for well over a decade longer than MHProNews, is totally dwarfed by the traffic of this MHProNews website.
MHI SimilarWeb
Doing the math, YTD on the data above MHProNews has enjoyed an astounding engagement rate of 10.7816488739 pageviews per visitor. ‘The math’ breaks down like this: 13,392,630 total pageviews divided by 1,242,169 visitors equals 10.7816488739 pageviews per visitor. By comparison, SimilarWeb says that MHI’s average pageview per visitor is an embarrassing is 1.52. So, engagement by readers on MHProNews, per that fact set, access some 7 times more pages per visitor than MHI gets. It appears that readers often follow those links and/or they open some images in a report in a new page to view it in a larger size.
That said, let’s move onto February 2022, again per the largest cPanel of the dozen plus for ManufacturedHomeProNews.com (MHProNews.com).
Summary Period: February 2022
Generated 01-Mar-2022 06:16 CST
Before diving into a snapshot of the above, note that among for the most read items in February 2020 is https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/ireport-news/
MHProNews values news tips, relevant documents, and feedback. While MHProNews does not guarantee that we will act on every news tip, noting that no mainstream media outlet does either, we have often broken important stories based on news tips. News tips are one of the things that absolutely sets the content on MHProNews and MHLivingNews apart from all others in MHVille trade media. It is thus noteworthy that for the month above (that info may be among the withheld for proprietary reasons in other months in this report is the access to news tips.
That said, other observations for February include the following.
- That Rollohome, Creating 60,000 Factory-Built Homes in 2 Years is a report dated June 1, 2018. It reveals from a historic perspective how many manufactured homes could be built from a large production facility from opening. In fairness, note that some producers have been skeptical of this report, which is based on information from a cited mainstream source. That said, that 60,000 housing units in two years works out to an estimated 120 units daily, based on a 500 work days in 2 years. Per Study, “A car factory is able to produce 120 cars per day.” Cars and the mobile homes of yesteryear are apples and oranges. But the concept of producing a house or a car on a volume basis in a factory is well proven. A check of aircraft production history, per Wikipedia, reveals that “In 1939, total aircraft production for the US military was less than 3,000 planes. By the end of the war, America produced 300,000 planes.” These facts reveal that it is possible, although MHProNews has not heard from anyone associated with a plant which existed over 6 decades ago. Mobile homes were simpler in many cases then than they are today.
- Legal actions and regulatory issues are among the top 20 for that month.
- Community issues are among the top 20, including so called ‘predatory’ community operators.
- General and statistical articles are among the top 20.
- Several political issues are among the top 20. So, while some eschew politics, the point made in yesterday’s report that politics are ignored at your own risk is clearly embraced by thousands of manufactured housing industry readers.
- Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway, and Clayton Homes connected topics hit the top 20.
- To the many possible takeaways from the Rollohomes report above, is the article about remarks by Cavco’s CEO William “Bill” Boor. Boor said they are turning away business. Really? Why not open new production centers? Why not extend working hours at existing production centers? The opportunities for new players to enter MHVille are illustrated by that report about remarks by Boor and Cavco’s leaders.
- MHProNews’ is perhaps the only trade publication that seriously and routinely unpacks information from publicly traded companies. This is a HUGE miss by our wanna be rivals.
The next month in review is March 2022. Again, per Webalizer 2.23:
“Usage Statistics for manufacturedhomepronews.com
Summary Period: March 2022
Generated 01-Apr-2022 07:15 CDT”
Again, in no particular order of importance, observations on the above ‘readers’ choice award’ for the most-read reports in that month reveals the following.
- Publicly traded firm connected reports, which beyond industry pros, means that investors and others researching manufactured housing and looking for expert insights have found these reports of value and interest.
- COVID19 may not seem like an industry topic to some, but for over a year, MHI had COVID19 front and center on their homepage. But MHI regurgitated federal or other talking points. MHProNews took the traditional role of media seriously by questioning public officials and exploring other views on what the data meant. Because all of the publicly traded companies agreed that COVID19 was a significant impact on manufactured housing.
- Legal and regulatory issues are among the top topics.
- A fact check on one of our MHVille trade media rivals made the top 20. It is an example of how that publication missed in their own report what was arguably the actual takeaway from their problematic report.
- Note that fact checks on mainstream reports by MHProNews hit the top 20.
- Flashback report on Nathan Smith suddenly surged. Apparently, something occurred at around that time which caused people to search for information on Flagship Communities co-founder Smith which lifted that report into the top 20.
- An MHI insider sounded off, ripping members of the association that professional is engaged in.
- Political and economic topics are among the top 20.
- Note that none of the top 20 headlines that month were connected to Buffett, Berkshire, Clayton, or their lenders.
- Mainstream housing news which provides comparisons of data for manufactured housing professionals was among the top 20.
The next month in review is April 2022. Again, per Webalizer 2.23:
“Usage Statistics for manufacturedhomepronews.com
Summary Period: April 2022
Generated 01-May-2022 07:04 CDT
Among the topics worth noting in the above in this monthly top headlines year in review are the following.
- Rollohome again surged into the top 20. Note that MHProNews recently reported an industry insider’s remarks that 5 to 6 former producers are poised to return should manufactured housing production begin to approach the 200,000 units a year production level.
- A Tim Connor “Words of Wisdom” article made the top 20. Industry pros do want a varied diet. Connors’ has long been a popular read on That this topic hit the top 20 underscores that MHProNews offers perhaps the widest ‘diet’ of any known American manufactured housing relevant content produced anywhere in the world.
- MHARR articles and references to MHARR are commonplace in many of our reports, but in April, the MHARR slam of the Biden White House ‘task force’ on manufactured housing made the top 20. Note that some proprietary items may also be connected to MHARR.
- The references to MHARR in one of our satirical articles reflects several things. One, MHARR connected items are popular reading. Two, the satirical articles are often quite popular. MHProNews editorially believes that it is useful to change up the pitch, just as occurs in baseball.
- The breadth of topics in the top 20 is noteworthy. Health, politics, ‘rigged system’ connected, economics, and others made the most read headlines.
- Publicly traded firms are in the top 20.
- Several Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway and Clayton Homes connected report are in the top 20.
- Community connected reports, notably those that are bringing bad news or ‘black eye’ attention to manufactured housing are in the top 20.
- Elon Musk, media, and big tech hit the top 20.
- Legal and regulatory topics were in the top 20, including the article on Tom Hodges, general counsel for Clayton Homes, who has also served as MHI’s chairman.
- The FeganScott legal action against ELS once more hit the top 20. Some reports stay ‘hot’ for months. Furthermore, as the Rollohome and other reports cited in this report reflect, there are articles published years before that may surge back to the top 20, due to some apparent blip that causes searches to drive traffic to a given topic.
The next month in review is May 2022. Again, per Webalizer 2.23:
Usage Statistics for manufacturedhomepronews.com
Summary Period: May 2022
Generated 01-Jun-2022 07:11 CDT
Among the observations for the above are the following. Again, these observations are in no particular order of importance.
- Just for fun, MHProNews has again left an iReportMHNewsTips@mhmsm.com access ranking in the top twenty. It reflects the interest of readers to consider sharing tips that have at times led to significant revelations about a company, organization, individual, etc. that becomes the focus of an MHProNews report.
- An article published about Buffett ties to the Epstein-Ghislaine Maxwell and racism drama published onJuly 23, 2020 suddenly surged.
- The “never let a good crisis go to waste” headline topic surged back into the top 20.
- One of numbers of articles that underscore the importance of providing a different perspective than others offer is found in the debate is not a four letter word that hit the top 20.
- Triad (ECN) connected report hit the top 20.
- Several publicly traded firms had their quarterly and other reports unpacked that hit the top 20 out of the thousands of posts and items accessed for the month.
- The top read is a comparison and fact check sparked by a mainstream news report that compared conventional housing performance to manufactured housing.
- MHARR’s Amicus Brief to the U.S. Supreme Court was a top 20 read. Note that among the issues that MHProNews has led the charge on in industry trade publishers is the arguably disgraceful way that MHI has ignored deploying the legal option for years to accomplish what they claim is a goal. The comparisons between MHI and MHARR made by MHProNews are routinely hot items in terms of reader engagement.
- MHI connected brands that are bringing bad news or poor image to the industry were among the top 20. That has occurred in other months too, as this report reveals.
- The Masthead on an exclusive about Donald Trump Jr.’s comments on the importance of antitrust is one of the top 20. That perspective is perhaps one of the most important items for manufactured housing professionals, investors, advocates and others to grasp – the need for antitrust and RICO types of legal action to probe and litigate the issues that arguably artificially limit manufactured housing.
The next month in review is June 2022. Again, per Webalizer 2.23:
Usage Statistics for manufacturedhomepronews.com
Summary Period: June 2022
Generated 01-Jul-2022 07:06 CDT
The back half of the year in review – July through December 2022 – are coming up. Watch for it.
Daily Business News on MHProNews Markets Segment
The modifications of our prior Daily Business News on MHProNews format of the recap of yesterday evening’s market report are provided below. It still includes our signature left (CNN Business) and right (Newsmax) ‘market moving’ headlines. The macro market moves graphics will provide context and comparisons for those invested in or tracking manufactured housing connected equities.
In minutes a day readers can get a good sense of significant or major events while keeping up with the trends that are impacting manufactured housing connected investing.
Reminder: several of the graphics on MHProNews can be opened into a larger size. For instance: click the image and follow the prompts in your browser or device to OPEN In a New Window. Then, in several browsers/devices you can click the image and increase the size. Use the ‘x out’ (close window) escape or back key to return.
Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business – from the evening of 12.29.2022
- Tesla’s turbulance
- SANTA MONICA, CA – SEPTEMBER 22: A Tesla vehicle is plugged into a Tesla charging station in a parking lot on September 22, 2022 in Santa Monica, California. Tesla is recalling over 1 million vehicles in the U.S. because the windows can pinch a persons fingers while being rolled up.
- Shares of the automaker are down 70% for the year, as Morgan Stanley cuts price target
- The New York Stock Exchange, Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2022, in New York.
- Wall Street’s biggest winners and losers in 2022
- Homes near Jackson, Wyoming, US, on Friday, Dec. 16, 2022.
- Mortgage rates rose this week after falling for six straight weeks
- A man walks in front of an exchange office with an electronic panel displaying currency exchange rates for US dollar and euro against Russian ruble in Moscow, Russia, 22 December 2022. At the opening of trading on the Moscow Exchange, the exchange rate reached 71 rubles for one US Dollar and 76 rubles for one Euro, after which the ruble began to strengthen. In early December, the ruble was depreciating against the backdrop of a price ceiling imposed by Western countries on Russian oil supplies. The weakening of the national currency was also facilitated by the approval by the European Union of the ninth package of anti-Russian sanctions.
- Ruble fell to a record low amid the aggravation of the situation around Ukraine, Moscow, Russian Federation – 22 Dec 2022
- Ruble hits 8-month low against dollar, as falling oil prices and sanctions bite
- REFILE – QUALITY REPEAT U.S. financier Jeffrey Epstein appears in a photograph taken for the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services’ sex offender registry March 28, 2017 and obtained by Reuters July 10, 2019. New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services/Handout via REUTERS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. THIS IMAGE WAS PROCESSED BY REUTERS TO ENHANCE QUALITY, AN UNPROCESSED VERSION HAS BEEN PROVIDED SEPARATELY.
- Virgin Islands attorney general sues JPMorgan Chase over banking services for Jeffrey Epstein
- FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried leaves Manhattan Federal Court after his arraignment and bail hearings on December 22, 2022 in New York City. Bankman-Fried, who was indicted on December 9th and arrested 3 days later by Bahamas law enforcement at the request of U.S. prosecutors, consented to extradition to the U.S. where he is facing eight criminal counts of fraud, conspiracy and money-laundering offenses which includes making illegal political contributions. He is potentially facing life in prison if convicted. He was released on $250 million bond with the bail package requiring him to stay with his parents in California.
- Sam Bankman-Fried borrowed $546 million from his hedge fund to buy Robinhood stake
- An electric vehicle is seen charging in Manhattan, New York, U.S., December 7, 2021.
- Tax credit confusion could create a rush for electric vehicles in early 2023
- An electric vehicle is plugged into a charger in Los Angeles, Thursday, Aug. 25, 2022.
- Electric vehicle sales hit a tipping point in 2022
- Gas prices had a wild ride this year, making 2023 tough to predict
- 01 Dr Pepper feature RESTRICTED
- The soda market is flat, but not for Dr Pepper
- Southwest Airlines planes at Baltimore Washington International Airport (BWI) after Southwest Airlines cancelled another 3,000 flights for the day in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 28 December 2022. The airline has canceled nearly 11,000 flights since a winter storm barreled through the US on 22 December. Southwest blames the ongoing issue on its IT software, which it called ‘vastly outdated.’
- Southwest Airlines schedule meltdown continues, Baltimore, USA – 28 Dec 2022
- Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock
- Why Southwest is still melting down
- Share your story: Are you stranded in an airport because of Southwest?
- How Southwest failed the holidays: Four charts explaining the cancellations
- Here’s what could tip the global economy into recession in 2023
- Consumers kept the economy hot in 2022. Now they’re losing steam
- Weekly jobless claims tick up again
- Why that ‘free’ Starbucks drink is about to cost you more
- United and American Airlines place price caps on some cities to help Southwest customers get home
- IRS delays rule change for people who get paid on Venmo, Etsy, Airbnb and other apps
- Wall Street’s dirty secret: It’s terrible at forecasting stocks
- Why eggs have been so expensive this year
- US House bans TikTok from official devices
- Russian sausage magnate dies after hotel fall in India
- McDonald’s tests system that could change the fast food industry
- Business partners turn on Sam Bankman-Fried
- Elon Musk’s Twitter obsession isn’t the core reason for Tesla stock’s plunge
- How personal injury lawyers took over your TV
- Brexit has cracked Britain’s economic foundations
- The tech we couldn’t live without in 2022

Headlines from right-of-center Newsmax 12.29.2022
- Fred Fleitz to Newsmax: China Jet Near-Miss Due to ‘American Weakness’
- A J-11B fighter aircraft from the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force performs at the Dafangshen airport in Changchun, China’s Jilin province. (STR/AFP via Getty Images)
- Fred Fleitz to Newsmax: China Jet Near-Miss Due to ‘American Weakness’
- Fred Fleitz, former chief of staff for the National Security Council, characterized the newly revealed near miss, where a Chinese jet flew “within 20 feet” of a U.S. military aircraft, as “very troubling.” [Full Story]
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- NOTE 1: The 3rd chart above of manufactured housing connected equities includes the Canadian stock, ECN, which purchased Triad Financial Services, a manufactured home industry finance lender.
- NOTE 2: Drew changed its name and trading symbol at the end of 2016 to Lippert (LCII).
- NOTE 3: Deer Valley was largely taken private, say company insiders in a message to MHProNews on 12.15.2020, but there are still some outstanding shares of the stock from the days when it was a publicly traded firm. Thus, there is still periodic activity on DVLY.
- Note 4: some recent or related reports to the REITs, stocks, and other equities named above follow in the reports linked below.

2022 …Berkshire Hathaway is the parent company to Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage, Vanderbilt Mortgage and other factory-built housing industry suppliers.
· LCI Industries, Patrick, UFPI, and LP each are suppliers to the manufactured housing industry, among others.
· AMG, CG, and TAVFX have investments in manufactured housing related businesses. For insights from third-parties and clients about our publisher, click here.
Disclosure. MHProNews holds no positions in the stocks in this report.
· For expert manufactured housing business development or other professional services, click here.
· To sign up in seconds for our industry leading emailed headline news updates, click here.

That’s a wrap on this installment of “News Through the Lens of Manufactured Homes and Factory-Built Housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, stock, investing, data, metrics, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.
Tony earned a journalism scholarship along with numerous awards in history. There have been several awards and honors and also recognition in manufactured housing. For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com. This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.