“Political Necrophilia,” Tragedy in SloMo, Southern Economic Political Lessons for Looming U.S. Midterms


“...Trade Minister Moises Naim said the pages of history books are filled with people hanging on to dead ideas. Naim, who created a highly critical TV miniseries about Chavez that was banned in Venezuela, calls it “political necrophilia,” per Yahoo News in their latest in a periodic series of reports on the socialist meltdown in that once thriving South American land.


Venezuelans are doing a good job collapsing their own oil economy,” said Blood Profits author Vanessa Neumann, who spoke with Fox Business on Trump administration plans to impose new sanctions on individual Venezuelans.

Neumann explained that while specific people are being sanctioned, the U.S. government is taking pains not to do something that doesn’t make that nation’s self-implosion worse.  The Trump Administration doesn’t want to “own” what is taking place there.



The truth is that the [socialist] revolution is a nightmare,” carpenter Luis Sosa, 36, said per Yahoo.  Sosa is in a noisy backstreet workshop, refurbishing the wood of a sofa with bright pink spray paint. “In clean elections, the government would lose.”


Part of the essence of propaganda is to keep repeating a lie, over and over again. But sometimes, over time, the true nature of the lie becomes evident.

The YouTube page for the BBC video below said, “They are just some of the tens of thousands of Venezuelans who have fled their country amid hunger as hyperinflation has created a humanitarian crisis on both sides of the border,” said the BBC’s Katy Watson.  Watson spoke with some of those fleeting that desperate nation in the under 2 minute video that follows.


Why This Matters to MHVille

It is not just housing that is in crisis in an oil-rich, but economically and politically starved nation.

Almost everything is in meltdown.

For those who believe that socialism creates a utopia with saints, note that “Blood Profits author Neumann said that corruption and crime are rampant there.

Why does this matter to manufactured housing professionals and investors, living safely in the U.S.A.?

First, it is a humanitarian tragedy in our own hemisphere.  It has and will impact the U.S. in various ways.

Next, as more Millennials and other Americans embrace the theoretical notion of socialism, there is a living, breathing – or dying? – example of the reality of socialism revealed in these video glimpses into the horror there.  Millions are or have eaten their pets, vermin, or are scraping for food amidst the uncollected trash.

Third, when you see in an upcoming MHProNews special report what a leftist group active in MHVille is pushing for, remember the reality of Venezuela. Recall that they were relatively prosperous before socialists came to power.

Fourth, with the U.S. midterms only a handful of months away, discern if candidates you’re considering – are they among the open or closet socialists here?

If so, do you want to vote into power those who promise what no socialist in history has ever delivered?  Recall what MHI award-winner Marty Lavin had to say in “Not Enough Hunger.”

Industry Voices

I was born in a small mountain village in the north of Spain in 1943, so I do not remember the horrific Spanish Civil War of 1936-39 when over one million Spaniards died. But as I grew up, the family conversation frequently focused on the savagery and depravations of that era.

As we pray for the people of Venezuela, pray for an awakening among those here in the U.S. and around the world who want a falsely promised socialist paradise. As Trade Minister Moises Naim said, it is debatably an economic and “Political Necrophilia.”

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